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May 18, 2000
A Kyushu, au sud-ouest de l'archipel japonais, un matin de chaleur estivale... Une sanglante prise d'otages dans un bus municipal épargne le chauffeur Makoto, une écolière, Kozue, et son frère aîné, Naoki. Traumatisé, Makoto disparaît. Les deux enfants s'enferment dans le silence. Deux ans plus tard, leur mère divorce, leur père meurt au volant de sa voiture. Les voilà seuls dans la maison familiale. Makoto réapparaît soudain et décide de s'installer chez eux, rejoint bientôt par le cousin des adolescents, Akihiko, un étudiant en vacances. Le corps d'une femme est retrouvé sur la berge d'une rivière et la police soupçonne Makoto. Peu de temps après, celui-ci achète un bus d'occasion, l'aménage en camping-car et invite Kozue, Naoki et leur cousin à partir en voyage.


Jul 13, 1990
This work further strengthens the neo-chimpira line of Toei V-Cinema which has a reputation for being more powerful than the movie.


Oct 12, 1990
The second popular explosion! The man who aims at the top of the organization with indomitable fighting spirit has transformed into a ferocious beast! A powerful hero that shines like a comet!


Jan 04, 1997
At the end of the Heian period, Musashibo Benkei, a warrior monk who hated the Heike clan, was humiliated by his fellow monks and left the mountain monastery. Soon, Benkei competes with the Heike warriors on the Gojo Bridge in Kyoto and takes away their swords. One night he tried to stop a young man who had a beautiful sword on his belt and fought him, but he could not win. Knowing that this young man Ushiwakamaru (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) is looking for an opportunity to overthrow the Heike clan, Benkei asks him to let him join him.


Nov 07, 1998
Rica and Kengo have been living together for the past four years. It's been a very happy time for Rica; the only dark spot being an accident she caused during a shoot for a commercial in which Kengo's good friend, Shibata, nearly lost his life. The memory of this event weighs heavily on Rica's conscience. One night Kengo tells Rica that he has fallen in love with a charming but inscrutable woman named Hanako.


May 16, 1990
A Salaryman in Hokkaido heads to Tokyo for his daughters wedding, but the fun is just beginning,,,


Mar 09, 2001
The year 1864: The Shinsengumi, the shogun’s armed force in Kyoto ripped the city apart, with blades in hand, searching for pockets of resistance, slaughtering the samurai who sought to bring down the shogunate and restore Japan’s emperor to power. By chance, Murao Mayumi and his sister Shiho, meet samurai Kurata. Murao, seeking his fortune with his sword-arm, will join Shinsengumi, never suspecting his friend Kurata is secretly Kurama Tengu, who hides his face in a black hood, and who will tear a bloody swath through Shinsengumi’s massed blades, to aid the samurai who had taken up the emperor’s cause. Will friend kill friend in a time of war?


Feb 15, 1992
Set in Sapporo during the oil crisis of the early '70s, the film centers on the Hokkaitei soba stand run by a stoic patriarch and his perky wife. One New Year's day, a haggard-looking mother and her two adorable moppets poke their heads into the restaurant and ask for a single bowl of kakesoba. Noticing that the trio is looking a little low in the heels, she puts in an extra scoop of noodles. The youngest boy declares that the soba is delicious. The next year, the same threesome appears again asking for one bowl of kakesoba. This time the old man dumps in two helpings. He is struck by how much the youngest looks like their own son who was hit by a truck three years previous. The following year, the three return and this time the mother tells her story...
One Week Friends

One Week Friends

Feb 18, 2017
Kaori Fujimiya était autrefois une jeune lycéenne très populaire qui avait beaucoup d'amis, avant qu'elle ne soit victime d'un accident de voiture qui, depuis, a déclenché chez elle des pertes de mémoires épisodiques : elle oublie tous ses souvenirs personnels d'une semaine à l'autre, et donc tous ses amis ! Depuis, elle s'est repliée sur elle-même et, pour se préserver, a décidé de ne plus lier connaissance avec personne. Yuki Hase, un camarade de classe, très intriguée par Kaori, décide de l'approcher et de mieux la connaître. Mis au courant de sa pathologie, il va alors tout essayer de faire pour l'aider, à la fois dans ses études mais aussi dans sa vie sociale et privée… au risque, peut-être, de perdre l'affection qu'il a pour elle et qui, jour après jour, se transforme et grandit !
Kairoutei Satsujin Jiken
Eriko Kiryu est victime d'un accident. Elle est brûlée et se fait refaire le visage, prenant celui d'une autre personne. Elle se fait passer pour morte et vit avec ce nouveau visage pour venger la mort de son petit ami, Jiro. En réalité, son "accident" n'est autre qu'une tentative meurtre.
Restaurant owner Kenji Nagata has been stabbed to death. When the police begin an investigation, a bag of human bones is discovered in Nagata's car and Detective Kajikawa asks anthropologist Kumiko Misaki to perform an examination. She discovers that the deceased was a man in his mid-twenties and that he died more than 15 years ago. Meanwhile, suspicion for Nagata's murder falls on his apprentice chef Ryohei Miyamura due to the murder weapon being a kitchen knife. Afterwards, Miyamura breaks into Kumiko's lab, but manages to escape...
Nami, the young madam of a well-established hot spring hotel in Kotohira, is reunited with her childhood friend Kana who has come to participate in an art auction. However, when people with links to the auction start getting killed one after another, Nami sets out to find the criminal with her detective husband Ryohei.


Nov 16, 2013
Chaejin works as a tour guide in Shin-Okubo while nurturing showbiz dreams. Meanwhile, talent agent Utako tries to think of ways to promote idols Gun Woo and JunQ, new arrivals from South Korea.
西村京太郎トラベルミステリー68 山形・陸羽西線に消えた女
Inspector Totsugawa of the First Investigation Division goes to Tsuruoka in Yamagata to attend the wedding of the son of Inspector Mukai, his former colleague who now works for the Yamagata Prefectural Police. While sightseeing at Mt. Haguro after the ceremony, he notices a young woman drawing him in her sketchbook. She introduces herself as Yuka Shiraishi and says she came to draw the Dewa Sanzan. Signing the drawing of Totsugawa next to the five-story pagoda with her initial, a 'Y' in the corner, she gives it to him as a present. The next morning, the corpse of a young woman who has been stabbed is discovered in a forest in Tsuruoka. When Totsugawa, on his way back, hears that a sketchbook signed with a 'Y' was found at the scene, he follows Mukai there. However, the body is not Yuka, the woman Totsugawa had met, and while no items pointing to her identity are found, the sketchbook is the same one Yuka had the day before.
西村京太郎スペシャル 日本一周「旅号」殺人事件
Hiroshi Hamano, a professor at a medical university, is found dead. Going by the results of the autopsy, it appears he committed suicide by jumping off a roof, but going by eyewitness testimony and physical evidence at the scene, Detective Kamei suspects murder. A ticket for a train trip around Japan is found in the professor's pocket. However, nobody then could have known the shocking truth hidden behind the tour the dead man was supposed to attend...


Aug 01, 2005
Chinatsu is a 28-year-old office worker who lives life on auto-pilot, until a mysterious boy appears to her. He tells her that if she answers five riddles, he will make her dreams come true.
京都迷宮案内 スペシャル
Twenty-five years after Tajima, an unfairly treated office worker, filed a lawsuit for the company's collusion, he won the Supreme Court in reverse. Sugiura, who learned this from TV news, celebrates by himself. Twenty-five years ago, Sugiura, who was still a national newspaper reporter, had the history of interviewing Tajima and his wife Midori first and writing an article.


Oct 29, 2007
In 1908, a ruined businessman is forced to sell his daughter, Hisano, to a brothel in Yoshiwara, the largest red-light district in Tokyo. The owners of the brothel have hopes to make her a great new addition which will attract the richest of customers. But after several months of training, she tries to flee Yoshiwara when the time has come for her to take her first customer.
Jikou Keisatsu

Jikou Keisatsu

Dec 06, 2019
Kiriyama est un officier de police travaillant dans un département de gestion de la prescription. Alors qu'il archive quotidiennement des informations sur des crimes non résolus qui ont été abandonnés par la loi et la police en raison de l'expiration du délai de prescription, il trouve soudain une nouvelle idée. "Oui, j'ai trouvé mon nouveau passe-temps personnel ! Menez des enquêtes sur ces cas oubliés !"
Sakaino Hitomi is an honest lady from a well-to-do family. She is envied by everyone for being engaged with Akashi Keigo, a man with a good appearance, high income, high education, and kindness. Hitomi is about to get married but suddenly got attracted to a man, Manabu whom she met at a construction site.


Dec 20, 2021
Seiichi Habu is a member of the mysterious outlaw group Avalanche. The group exists at a time when moral hazards run rampant among politicians, bureaucrats, businesses, and even among ordinary people.
Iryu Sosa

Iryu Sosa

Sep 15, 2022
Satoshi Itomura est méticuleux sur les scènes de crime pour appréhender les auteurs de crimes. Il cherche la solution au travers des biens de la victime. Il es mal vu par ses collègues de la première division car il mène des enquêtes sans autorisation et en dehors de toute hiérarchie. Miyuki Oda, enquêteuse débutante, va découvrir par le détective scientifique une autre manière de résoudre des crimes.


Oct 01, 1994
The drama about the youngest of four sisters, all raised solely by their father, who wants to write children's books.
Inspired by American TV movies like "Hitchcock Theater" and "The Twilight Zone," the show features multiple works with Tamori as the storyteller and actors as the main characters. While horror and supernatural themes are predominant, a variety of genres like comedy and drama are also produced. Most episodes, however, have a bad ending.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy


Jun 27, 2005
Jiro est un passionné de F1, et pour réaliser son rêve de devenir un pilote de F1 il part en Italie, malgré les objections de son père. En Italie, tout ne se passe pas comme prévue, en effet bien que Jiro ait du talent, sa façon de conduire (qui est suicidaire) et son sale caractère lui valent de se faire renvoyer par son écurie. 5 ans après son départ, il revient au Japon. Jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse trouver un nouveau job en tant que coureur automobile, ce dernier décide de retourner vivre chez son père. Lorsque ce dernier rentre chez lui, et qu'il retrouve son père et sa sœur, il découvre que son père a transformé leur maison en orphelinat. Ce qui est loin de l'enchanter car ce dernier déteste les enfants. Il se retrouve donc à côtoyer 12 gamins paumés, une institutrice passionnée et un instituteur prétentieux. Toutefois, peu à peu une relation bien particulière va s'installer entre ces enfants et Jirô, qui est une bouffée d'air frais dans cette pension. Mais les problèmes ne font que commencer...
Koi no Kamisama

Koi no Kamisama

Mar 17, 2000
Malgré une relation de six ans depuis l'université, Ibuki n'a pas pu discuter du mariage avec son petit ami, Koushin, car ses ambitions de célébrité l'ont empêché de trouver un emploi régulier. Le besoin de sécurité d'Ibuki commence à se heurter à son désir de réaliser son rêve. Sa popularité croissante après avoir été découvert lors d'un concours de talents ne fait qu'empirer les choses.
Utsubokazura no Yume

Utsubokazura no Yume

Sep 23, 2017
Mifuyu est une lycéenne. Sa mère souffre d'une grave maladie, ce qui l'oblige à passer la plupart de son temps à s'occuper d'elle et à faire le ménage. Elle ne pense pas à son avenir après le lycée. Lorsque sa mère décède, son père fait venir sa petite amie chez eux et met Mifuyu à la porte. Elle se rend alors dans la maison où vit le cousin de sa mère, dans un quartier résidentiel huppé de Tokyo.
アイラブユーからはじめよう Let's Start With I Love You
TBS calls it a " Route 246 splendid love story set on National Route 246 , etc. along Futakotamagawa , Shibuya , Aoyama, Akasaka ," and it is a love drama that unfolds between celebrity men and women and college students in . The setting is Aoyama Dori (National Route 246). A love story between two beautiful mother-daughter couples whose mothers are related to each other and a playboy's second architectural designer. a nationally beautiful girl Kumiko Goto, It received a lot of attention because it starred . In addition, he had just entered high school at the time, and it was his return work from the summer of the previous year, when he took a break to take the high school entrance exams.


Oct 04, 2019
Ozawa Hiromi, a second-year high school student, lives with her strict grandmother Takako who deprives her of all freedoms. One day, Hiromi faints and wakens to a new personality named Yumi who is the opposite of Hiromi in all ways. Can Hiromi stop Yumi?


Dec 21, 2007
The hero, Mamiya Shinjuro, earned his embalmer's license in the United States, but for reasons that will probably be easier to understand once the series starts, he is working in a Tokyo hospital as a janitor. In the premiere episode, a friend of one of the nurse's is killed in an accident. The woman had just been made the principal soloist in a ballet company and was about to get married to the man of her dreams. The woman's fiancee, hearing of Mamiya's special skills, asks him to restore her corpse to the way she looked when she was alive.