Alessandro D'Alatri

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Le Jardin des Finzi-Contini
Italie, 1938. Ayant entrepris depuis peu de se convertir à l'antisémitisme, le régime fasciste multiplie les mesures vexatoires contre les Juifs italiens. Mais la famille Finzi-Contini, pilier de l'aristocratie de Ferrare depuis des générations, ne croit pas à l'imminence de la menace. Les deux enfants adultes, Micól et Alberto, aiment bien donner des parties et jouer au tennis dans l'immense parc qui entoure le palazzo familial. Comme les clubs sportifs viennent d'être interdits aux Juifs, des jeunes gens de milieux plus modestes sont désormais invités à jouer dans le jardin des Finzi-Contini. C'est ainsi que Giorgio a l'occasion de rencontrer la lointaine Micól et tombe peu à peu amoureux d'elle, qui lui en préfère un autre, cependant qu'hors des murs, le pire se prépare...


Apr 30, 2002
Tommaso meets Stefania. They like each other, they fall in love, they get married. A child is also born. It all started very well, it evolved well, then discreetly, little by little until the crisis. It seemed impossible, yet the love, which seemed really solid, perhaps fell apart, even turning into hatred. Who knows if there is still time to do so. Volo, ex Jena, tries to be a real actor. An appeal test is required.


Apr 30, 2002
Tommaso meets Stefania. They like each other, they fall in love, they get married. A child is also born. It all started very well, it evolved well, then discreetly, little by little until the crisis. It seemed impossible, yet the love, which seemed really solid, perhaps fell apart, even turning into hatred. Who knows if there is still time to do so. Volo, ex Jena, tries to be a real actor. An appeal test is required.
Senza pelle - Écorché vif
Tommaso meets Stefania. They like each other, they fall in love, they get married. A child is also born. It all started very well, it evolved well, then discreetly, little by little until the crisis. It seemed impossible, yet the love, which seemed really solid, perhaps fell apart, even turning into hatred. Who knows if there is still time to do so. Volo, ex Jena, tries to be a real actor. An appeal test is required.
Quelqu'un de bien

Quelqu'un de bien

Mar 25, 2005
Tommaso meets Stefania. They like each other, they fall in love, they get married. A child is also born. It all started very well, it evolved well, then discreetly, little by little until the crisis. It seemed impossible, yet the love, which seemed really solid, perhaps fell apart, even turning into hatred. Who knows if there is still time to do so. Volo, ex Jena, tries to be a real actor. An appeal test is required.
I giardini dell'Eden

I giardini dell'Eden

Sep 25, 1998
Alessandro D'Alatri directed this Italian drama about Jesus Christ, covering his childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, an 18-year span not chronicled in the Bible. The film uses names of the period instead of names given in the Bible. The adult Jeoshua (Kim Rossi Stuart) reflects on past events -- his journey into the desert, baptism, acceptance into the Essenes' community, Jewish life in Galilee, his yeshiva studies, education from his father Josef (Omar Chenbod), and his spiritual growth. After seeing slavery, crucifixions, the stoning of an adulteress, and brutal Roman soldiers, Jeoshua turns to God for answers, leaves the village, and is betrayed by his friend Aziz (Said Taghmaoui), who leaves him to die in the desert. Issues such as carnality bring Jeoshua in conflict with the Essenes, yet he speaks out on behalf of the Essene David (popular Italian singer Lorenzo Cherubini).

Mar 21, 2023

Les enquêtes du commissaire Riccardi sous l'Italie faciste

Dec 21, 2023


Dec 21, 2023
