Stewart Preston

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Carla's Song

Carla's Song

Oct 30, 1996
Glasgow 1987. George, chauffeur de bus, est amoureux de Carla, jeune refugiée nicaraguayenne qui a fui la guerre dans son pays, après avoir été témoin d'évènements dont elle ne veut pas parler. Un jour il la sauve d'une tentative de suicide. Il décide alors de se rendre avec elle au Nicaragua sur les traces de son passé.
Crimes Maquillés

Crimes Maquillés

Aug 23, 2000
Dorothy et Pétula se rendent compte qu’elles ont toutes les deux un petit ami violent. Un soir, Dorothy est témoin d’une scène de ménage entre Pétula et son petit copain Brian. Dorothy tire à bout portant sur Brian et le tue malencontreusement. Les deux amies sont alors contraintes d’élaborer un plan afin que l’on ne découvre pas l’incident. Elles se mettent dans l’idée de masquer le crime par un kidnapping pour recevoir une rançon.
Off Peak

Off Peak

Jan 01, 1985
Because of her cheating husband, Elizabeth elicits patronizing "pity" from her so-called friends, but they (and he) don't suspect her plans.
Gregory's Two Girls

Gregory's Two Girls

Oct 15, 1999
Twenty years after his teenage crush on a football-mad schoolgirl, Gregory is back at his old school, teaching English. When two of his pupils uncover evil practices at a local factory they want their teacher to help them expose the wrong-doer, who happens to be Greg's old schoolfriend.
Murder: The Third Voice
When Rafe Carey’s body is washed up by the River Tweed, it looks like he’s drowned in a tragic accident on a day of extreme weather. He and his brother-in-law Leo Durridge were swept away when the section of riverbank they were fishing from collapsed. Leo fought his way to the shallows and is in hospital with cuts and bruises - Rafe wasn’t so lucky. But when detective Corinne Evans investigates, she finds the cause of Rafe’s death isn’t drowning at all - he’s been stabbed through the heart, and Leo is the prime suspect. While he claims that he and Rafe were the only ones by the river on that stormy day, but a witness says he heard three voices, and forensic examination of the scene reveals three sets of bootprints.
Acid House

Acid House

Dec 31, 1998
Le premier acte de cette comedie surrealiste raconte l'histoire de Boab. Ce dernier a un travail, une petite amie et joue dans une equipe de football. Cependant, a la suite d'une pietre performance lors d'un match, sa vie bascule. Il est vire de son club, sa copine le plaque et son patron le licencie. Dans le pub ou il trouve refuge, il fait la connaissance d'un homme qui dit etre Dieu. Le second acte evoque les errances de Coco Bryce au travers du foot, des raves et du LSD.
The Good Time Girls

The Good Time Girls

Apr 07, 1981
The oil rigs provide rich pickings for those who work on them, but for wives isolated from husbands affluence is not enough.
The 39 Steps

The 39 Steps

Dec 28, 2008
Richard Hannay, a mining engineer on holiday from the African colonies, finds London socialite life terribly dull. Yet it's more than he bargained for when a secret agent bursts into his room and entrusts him with a coded notebook, concerning the impending start of World War I. In no time both German agents and the British law are chasing him, ruthlessly coveting the Roman numerals code, which Hannay believes he must personally crack.
Make Me Up

Make Me Up

Oct 12, 2018
Siri wakes to find herself trapped inside a brutalist candy-coloured dreamhouse. Despite the cutesy decor, the place is far from benign, and she and her inmates are encouraged to compete for survival while being watched over by surveillance cameras, 24/7. Presiding over the group is an authoritarian diva who speaks entirely with the voice of Kenneth Clark from the 1960s BBC series Civilisation. As she forces the women to go head-to-head in a series of demeaning tasks, Siri, with the help of fellow inmate Alexa, starts subverting the rules and soon reveals the sinister truth that underpins their world.
Science Fiction
The Star

The Star

Aug 18, 1996
A young boy who has recently lost his mother finds new meaning when a shooting star lands in his garden.
The Sweeney

The Sweeney

Dec 28, 1978
Jack Regan, an unethical officer of the Flying Squad, uses unorthodox methods to pursue criminals with the help of his partner, George Carter.
Action & Adventure