Milton J. Fahrney

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Racing Romance

Racing Romance

Aug 01, 1927
Racing Romance is a 1927 Action film. According to a brief article in the St. Petersburg, FL Evening Independent newspaper, the film was centered in the world of automobile racing. The article also noted that racing sequences in the film were shot at the "world famous Culver City Race track," which referred to the Culver City Speedway, a popular racing venue that opened in mid-Jun 1924 and was located adjacent to Washington Blvd., close to M-G-M and other movie studios. Apparently it's a lost film.


Nov 23, 1929
Ben Murchinson, un prospecteur, répond à l'appel de son vieil ami, Hank Dowling. Il le retrouve dans un bar miteux, dans la moiteur tropicale de la côte de Zoro. A peine les deux hommes se sont-ils attablés que Hank est assassiné par un aventurier, qui voulait lui acheter sa fille, la délicieuse et délurée Bingo. Avant de mourir, Hank confie à Ben la tutelle de Bingo et la localisation d'un prodigieux gisement pétrolifère. En quelques mois, Ben et son associé Howard ont fait prospérer la découverte de Hank. Bingo, devenue richissime, s'embarque pour New York. Sur le navire, elle tombe en arrêt devant l'élégant et amusant Andy McAllister, un play-boy désargenté...
White Cloud's Secret

White Cloud's Secret

Feb 07, 1912
A short Western. An Indian is rescued and cared for by the son of the cowboy, who was once robbed by the father of the Indian. Out of guilt, the Indian leaves behind the gold he has stolen, for his saviour.
His Only Son

His Only Son

Oct 09, 1912
Bob Madden returns home slightly intoxicated and his father angrily commands him to leave the place and shift for himself. The next morning he goes, leaving his father a note: "Dear Dad, I am going out West and try to make a man of myself. I hope some day you will be proud of me. Your son. Bob."
Big Noise Hank

Big Noise Hank

Nov 01, 1911
Hank Rouser, "Big Noise Hank," as a daring stranger had called him, was mad clear through. Julius Jones had faithfully promised to return that $500 after thirty days, and now it was long past due, and not even a line from Mr. Jones. So after a little friendly persuasion, in which Hank's six-shooter was brought into prominence, the bar was effectively cleared of its patrons, despite the protests of the barkeeper, and the bully sat down to dispatch a few terse sentences to his tardy friend, upon the receipt of which, Julius, with the aid of Caleb, his old family servant, quickly packed his traveling bag and started on a little journey, which he wrote to H. Rouser, would surely keep him away several months. (Moving Picture World)
Her Indian Hero

Her Indian Hero

Apr 16, 1912
The Chief's son, Silver Water, returns from college and is met at the station by the tribe. The Indians make merry to celebrate his homecoming. Hal Benton, an easterner, rides on to ask his way to the hotel, where he is stopping with some friends, among them his fiancée, Veda Mead, and her father. Knowing that the Indian ceremonies will interest his friends, Hal obtains permission to come the next day and bring his friends. The Chief calls Morning Star, an Indian maiden, telling his son that she is to be his squaw. Silver Water is pleased with her. The next day Hal Benton and his friends arrive. While the others inspect the camp, Veda Mead amuses herself with Silver Water and ere long is thoroughly infatuated with him, while the Indian's vanity is touched by the attentions of the society coquette, and he promises to meet her the next day. Their little tete-a-tete is cut short by the entrance of Morning Star.
Jerry and the Outlaws

Jerry and the Outlaws

Jan 25, 1917
Jerry from the top of a tree is making love to his girl at the window opposite. A policeman interferes and is put to sleep when Jerry falls on him. Jerry appropriates his clothes and enters his girl's home, arrests her father, who has been peppering him with a gun, and has him sent to the police station. Jerry gets his autoped and starts with the daughter for a ride. In the country they are discovered by Bad Bill and his outlaws. They take Jerry and the girl to a cabin where a fight ensues as to who shall have possession of the girl. It is finally decided that the bandits shall draw cards. Jerry objects and is locked in the attic. He escapes by climbing down the wall. Entering the cabin, he crawls along the floor, frisks the bandits' guns from their holsters and makes the bandits back against the door. Meanwhile the policeman has recovered consciousness and with his brother officers starts on Jerry's trail. They arrive at the cabin as Jerry is about to flee.
Holding His Own

Holding His Own

Jan 11, 1922
Jerry, a hobo, is chased by a pair of policemen after accidentally interrupting their dice game and later woos a farm girl to get breakfast.