Joshua Bednarsky

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Zero Day

Zero Day

Sep 03, 2003
Deux jeunes lycéens, Andre Kriegman et Cal Gabriel, se sentant rejetés par la société dans laquelle ils vivent, décident d'en finir. Ils veulent quitter ce monde dans un bain de sang final en éliminant tous ceux qui les ont empêchés de vivre leur vraie vie.
Being the Ricardos

Being the Ricardos

Dec 10, 2021
Lucille Ball et Desi Arnaz sont menacés par des accusations personnelles choquantes, une diffamation politique et des tabous culturels dans le film Being the Ricardos, du scénariste et réalisateur Aaron Sorkin, lauréat d'un Oscar. Une immersion au cœur de la relation romantique et professionnelle du couple. Le film invite les spectateurs dans la salle des auteurs, sur plusieurs plateaux de tournage et dans les coulisses d'une semaine critique de la production du sitcom « I Love Lucy ».


Mar 10, 2012
A young Vietnamese American teenager dreams of breaking free from her oppressive household to pursue her personal desires and forbidden love. Balancing life on the edge of two opposite worlds, will Viette ever follow her heart, or will the consequences be too overwhelming?
The Eugenist

The Eugenist

May 09, 2013
A group of college students stumble upon an abandoned school. The students decide to explore the school just for kicks, but once inside, they find out that the school is not so abandoned. Unbeknownst to them, the school was targeted for a eugenics population control experiment. But, this experiment went terribly wrong. They tried to make better humans. But, they only made monsters. Now these once happy college kids will be hunted down… one by one. But are they being hunted by something less than human… or more? Be careful what you kind of medicine your practice. Some cures will kill you.
The Eugenist

The Eugenist

May 09, 2013
A group of college students stumble upon an abandoned school. The students decide to explore the school just for kicks, but once inside, they find out that the school is not so abandoned. Unbeknownst to them, the school was targeted for a eugenics population control experiment. But, this experiment went terribly wrong. They tried to make better humans. But, they only made monsters. Now these once happy college kids will be hunted down… one by one. But are they being hunted by something less than human… or more? Be careful what you kind of medicine your practice. Some cures will kill you.