Asta Baukutė

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Valentinas už 2rų

Valentinas už 2rų

Feb 07, 2014
This adventurous romantic comedy with a light hint of eroticism tells the story of Valentine’s night miracles – it is a night, when everyone should stop lying to themselves – and to others.


Jun 08, 2006
In 1942, in Vilna, the Nazi annihilate 55,000 Jews and squeeze the 15,000 survivors in a seven blocks ghetto. The twenty-two year old sadistic commander Kittel is assigned to administrate the ghetto in the capital of Lithuania, becoming the master of life or death. When he finds the gorgeous Hayyah sneaking with one kilo of beam stolen from the German army, he sentences her to death; but when he is informed that she was a former successful singer, he decides to activate the old theater and promote shows in the ghetto. The Jew Chief of Police Gens uses the theater and a sewing factory to save as much lives as he can; in his ambiguous position, he kills Jews to save lives of others.
Rojuje irgi sninga

Rojuje irgi sninga

Oct 15, 1994
A talented blues player borrows some money to produce his first record. Not being able to return the money, the saxophonist decides to run away. The pawnbroker fraudulently coaxes his saxophone from him. The saxophonist meets a young woman under unusual circumstances.
Nuomos sutartis

Nuomos sutartis

Aug 31, 2002
A woman in her forties tries to find her own place in life, having experienced many personal trials.
Bruto ir Neto

Bruto ir Neto

Jan 25, 2018
Pasirodo, prieš trisdešimt metų, likimas Praną buvo nubloškęs net į Tolimuosius Rytus. Sunkiai sužeistą jį išgelbėjo vietinis turtuolis, kurio dukra įsimylį jauną ir žavingą svetimšalį. Kas nutiko jų meilės istorijai? Neto, nepasitaręs su Bruto, nusprendžia įstoti į universitetą ir tapti pradinukų mokytoju. Tačiau šiam kilniam tikslui sutrukdo netikėta žinia: pasak medikų, Neto serga nepagydoma liga. Kaip šią žinią priims Neto ir kokių veiksmų imsis jo bičiulis Bruto? Pranas nieko negaili savo augintiniui – paršeliui Raimundėliui: net valgyti kasdien pats ruošia! Tiesą sakant, jam šis augintinis daug mielesnis už jo žmoną. Tačiau ilgai šiuo abipusiu ryšiu Pranui netenka džiaugtis: netikėta pažintis su jaunaisiais hispteriais baigiasi Prano automobilio ir paršelio vagyste. Kaip hipsteriams ketina atkeršyti Pranas?
Moterys meluoja geriau
Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.