Deux couples s'en vont dans la forêt de Zellwood pour passer du temps une dernière fois ensemble. Ce qui devait être un week-end de plaisir va se transformer en enfer.
Guy Marks is retiring from the police force and we are following him on his last day on the job patrolling with his partner, Mike. They respond to various situations of drug dealing, a school incident and arrests. We realize that Guy cannot adjust to his new life as a civilian and is compelled to continue patrolling with the belief that he is protecting others. He takes justice into his own hands with a dramatic conclusion.
When Shawn Dickerson is accused of killing Brenda Sawyer, an overzealous Assistant D.A. named Ballard is willing to do whatever she has to do to become District Attorney, even if it means bending the rules.
Elevée dans la jungle depuis la mort de ses parents, Sheena a développé d'étranges pouvoirs lui permettant de se transformer à volonté, comme les Barbapapas, en n'importe quel animal. Ainsi elle peut se fondre dans la jungle et la défendre contre les nombreux individus qui veulent la détruire.