Gabriel Julien-Laferrière

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J'ai pas sommeil

J'ai pas sommeil

May 18, 1994
C'est au petit matin que Daïga débarque à Paris au volant de sa vieille voiture avec pour tout bagage un peu d'argent, deux numéros de téléphone et beaucoup de cigarettes. Elle a fait d'une traite la route de Vilnius à Paris, elle est comédienne et un metteur en scène de passage à Vilnius lui a promis de l'aider.
Mr. X

Mr. X

Jan 20, 2014
L'image d'un cinéaste maudit, mystérieux, solitaire, fuyant aussi bien les médias que le public, colle au personnage de Léos Carax.... En France, aux Etats-Unis ou en Asie, on parle plutôt de ses films et il y est considéré comme l'une des icônes du cinéma mondial. "Mr. X" plonge dans l'univers poétique et visionnaire d'un artiste devenu culte dès son premier film. Documentaire ponctué d'interviews et d'images exclusives, le film se veut avant tout une exploration sensible de l'univers poétique et visionnaire de Léos Carax, alias "Mr. X".


Aug 20, 2014




Aug 20, 2014


Un tour de manège

Un tour de manège

Mar 28, 1989
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?
Neuilly sa mère, sa mère !
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?
J'ai pas sommeil

J'ai pas sommeil

May 18, 1994
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?
C'est quoi cette mamie ?!
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?
C'est quoi cette mamie ?!
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?
Un divan à New York

Un divan à New York

Feb 21, 1996
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?
C'est quoi ce papy ?!

C'est quoi ce papy ?!

Aug 11, 2021
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?
C'est quoi ce papy ?!

C'est quoi ce papy ?!

Aug 11, 2021
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?

Jan 29, 2015

Qu’on se le dise : la vraie vie n’est pas un conte de fées ! En tout cas, pas pour tout le monde. Noémie, Angèle et Julia l’ont bien compris. Alors forcément, Charlotte, belle-soeur d’Angèle et Madame Parfaite, a le don de les énerver ! Qu’à cela ne tienne, pour nos trois copines, être une femme d’aujourd’hui est un défi qu’elles ont choisi de relever avec humour... et pas mal de ratés ! Déboires amoureux ou maris débonnaires, problèmes de cellulite ou de libido, soucis au travail et enfants ingérables, bienvenue dans un quotidien pas forcément glamour mais toujours drôle, qui nous rappelle que l’herbe n’est pas plus verte ailleurs.

Jan 10, 2025

Fraîchement muté au SRPJ de Strasbourg, le capitaine de police César Wagner prend ses marques au sein de sa nouvelle équipe. César Wagner n’est pas toujours en contrôle de sa vie. Et pour cause : trois femmes l’occupent et le préoccupent : sa mère, sa collègue légiste, et sa boss.