Inez Palange

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Apr 09, 1932
Chicago, au temps de la prohibition. Un petit malfrat, l'ambitieux Tony Camonte, tue son patron et devient le garde du corps de Lovo, chef du gang rival. Amoureux de Poppy, la petite amie de Lovo, il veille jalousement sur sa soeur Cesca, lui interdisant toute liaison sentimentale. Avec son complice Guido Rinaldo, Tony prend peu à peu le pouvoir au sein du gang de Lovo.
Tumak, fils de la jungle
Après avoir rencontré Loana, la fille du chef d'une tribu civilisée, Tumak, un jeune homme des cavernes, s'efforce de civiliser la tribu brutale à laquelle il appartient, et de l'unir à celle de Loana. Des animaux gigantesques sont un danger permanent...
Jeunesse perdue

Jeunesse perdue

Sep 23, 1936
Samuel Dodsworth, parti de rien, a bâti une société automobile puissante. Il est un pilier de la ville de Zenith, Indiana. Arrivé dans la vie, il décide de vendre sa société pour prendre sa retraite et partir visiter l'Europe avec son épouse Frances Dodsworth. Ce voyage vers ce continent encore inconnu va révéler le fossé qui les sépare. Sam ne désire que découvrir les beautés et la culture du vieux continent alors que son épouse Fran ne rêve que de mondanités où elle pourra rencontrer l'élite européenne. Fran désire par-dessus tout retenir sa jeunesse qu'elle sent lui échapper et flirte outrageusement avec des hommes plus jeunes qu'elle. De son côté, Sam rencontre Edith Cortright, une américaine qui vit en Italie...
Monster from the Ocean Floor
Julie, an American on vacation in Mexico, spots a giant, one-eyed amoeba rising from the ocean, but when she tries to tell the authorities, no one believes her. She finally teams up with a marine biologist in an attempt to destroy it.
Science Fiction


Jan 27, 1934
Séduisant mais dissipé, Bob Brown arrive une fois de plus en retard à son poste de technicien radiologue. Caroline Grant, sa collègue infirmière, est follement éprise de lui. Elle lui offre ses 1500 dollars d'économie et lui propose de les faire fructifier en terminant ses études de médecine, qu'il a abandonnées. Incorrigible, Brown préfère les dépenser au jeu. Pour se tirer d'affaire, il extorque à un ancien médecin déchu, dépendant de la morphine, son nom et son brillant diplôme. Devenu J. Herbert Martell, Bob s'installe en grandes pompes à New York, engage un attaché de presse, Sam Sparks, un brillant second, le docteur Wiley, et, sans jamais examiner un patient, devient une sommité médicale...
The Black Doll

The Black Doll

Jan 31, 1938
Nicholas Rood, dishonest mine owner, finds a Black Doll on his desk and knows that vengeance is about to overtake him for murdering his former partner. He is knifed as he talks to his daughter Marian. She summons her fiancé Nick Halstead, a private detective. He finds that six people had a motive for the murder; Rood's sister Mrs. Laura Leland; her son Rex; Rood's associates Mallison and Walling; Esteban, a servant and Dr. Giddings. Sheriff Renick and his deputy Red get the clues all mixed up, but Nick finally narrows the search down to one suspect...
Étais-je une aventurière
Se faisant passer la comtesse fabuleusement glamour Tanya Vronsky, une pauvre jeune danseuse de ballet (Vera Zorina) et ses deux complices (Peter Lorre, Erich von Stroheim) sont vraiment une équipe d'artistes qualifiés con! Ils se mêlent à la haute société de l'Europe, toujours à la recherche de la prochaine victime riche d'escroquer leur escroquerie de faux bijoux ... Alors Tanya rencontre le jeune Paul Vernay fringant (Richard Greene). Au début, elle veut le voler. Puis elle décide qu'elle veut l'épouser et de laisser son passé criminel derrière elle. Ses complices sont d'accord, mais seulement si elle va les rejoindre dans une dernière grande supercherie ...
Song of the City

Song of the City

Apr 02, 1937
A carefree San Francisco bachelor rediscovers life's values when he's rescued from the sea by an Italian fisherman with a wise and earthy family.
Ebb Tide

Ebb Tide

Nov 17, 1937
In 1890, two British expatriates, Robert Herrick and Huish, and German Captain Jakob Thorbecke, are commissioned to sail a Yankee schooner called The Golden State , whose captain and crew have died of smallpox. From Tehua in the South Seas to Australia, they are to deliver a cargo of champagne. Thorbecke decides to head for Peru, however, so he can sell the merchandise and pocket the money. While sailing, Faith Wishart, daughter of the deceased captain, comes out of her hiding place on board and, by briefly holding Thorbecke at gunpoint, demands he make the delivery.
You Can't Have Everything
Starving playwright Judith Wells meets playboy writer of musicals, George Macrae, over a plate of stolen spaghetti. He persuades producer Sam Gordon to buy her ridiculous play "North Winds" just to improve his romantic chances, and even persuades her to sing in the sort of show she pretends to despise. But just when their romance is going well, Gordon's former flame Lulu reveals the ace up her sleeve...
Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act

Jan 17, 1941
On the day of his daughter's wedding, a good-natured construction worker (Henry Armetta) is suspected by his wife of being involved with another woman, wrongly implicates his company's boss as a racketeer, and is arrested by police for running a shakedown operation. Comedy.
Robin Hood of El Dorado
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
Life Begins at Eight-Thirty
Kathy lives in a cramped New York flat with her father Madden Thomas, a celebrated actor brought down by drink. Lame from an early age and feeling trapped with her father in her small world, Kathy is delighted to meet fellow tenant Robert. When Madden is offered the lead in a new King Lear and Robert lands a composing job in Hollywood, better times seem for a while to beckon.
Seuls les anges ont des ailes
Au cours d'une escale à Barranca, un petit port bananier d'Amérique du Sud, Bonnie Lee, une danseuse de music-hall, rencontre Joe Souther et Les Peters, deux pilotes d'une compagnie assurant le transport du courrier. Joe doit accomplir une mission. Mais durant son vol, le temps s'aggrave et ce dernier refuse de revenir à la base.
Chicken Wagon Family

Chicken Wagon Family

Aug 10, 1939
Addie Fippany, her father Jean Paul Batiste Fippany, her mother Josephine and her sister Cecile roam the country-side in a mule-drawn wagon, trading trinkets to farmers for chickens which they sell in the cities. Addie and her father love the care-free life, but Mrs. Fippany and Cecile want to settle down in New York City. As soon as the "chicken wagon family" reaches New York, Addie gets into mischief and a policeman, Matt Hibbard, helps her and falls in love with Cecile. He helps the family settle into a deserted firehouse which is up for public sale.


Nov 21, 1931
Le jeune savant Henry Frankenstein parvient, à partir de restes humains assemblés, à donner vie à une créature.
Portia on Trial

Portia on Trial

Nov 08, 1937
Lady lawyer Portia Merryman (Frieda Inescourt) defends woebegone Elizabeth Manners (Heather Angel), who is on trial for shooting her lover Earle Condon (Neil Hamilton). Ironically, Portia herself had once had a relationship with Earle Condon, but Earle's father, powerful publisher John Condon (Clarence Kolb), forced them apart. She has a pretty good idea of what is going on in Elizabeth's head, since she herself was on the verge of killing Earle Condon when his father ruthlessly took custody of her illegitimate son. As Portia toils and strains to free her client, she carries on a romance with Dan Foster (Walter Abel) -- the attorney for the prosecution. LA Law and The Practice have nothing on this one!
Viva Cisco Kid

Viva Cisco Kid

Apr 12, 1940
Cisco saves a stagecoach from being robbed and takes a shine to one of the passengers whose father is in cahoots with a vicious criminal who plans to murder him.
Les Raisins de la colère
Un jeune homme rentre à la ferme familiale en Oklahoma, après avoir purgé une peine de quatre ans de prison pour homicide involontaire. La Grande Dépression sévit alors et comme beaucoup d’autres fermiers, sa famille est chassée de son exploitation. Ensemble, ils partent à travers le pays dans l’espoir de trouver, un jour, du travail en Californie. C’est le début d’un périple éprouvant, de camps de réfugiés en bidonvilles de fortunes, dans une Amérique en proie à la misère et à l’oppression…
Une fine mouche

Une fine mouche

Oct 09, 1936
Rédacteur en chef d'un journal à scandales, Warren laisse publier, par erreur, un article infamant sur Connie Allenbury, une richissime héritière qui demande aussitôt réparation. Une affaire embarrassante, qui contraint Warren à ajourner à nouveau son union, avec sa fiancée Gladys. Pour sortir de l'impasse, Warren fait appel à Bill, un ancien collaborateur, et le charge de compromettre Connie.
Once a Doctor

Once a Doctor

Jan 23, 1937
Dr. Frank Brace (Joe King) is an important doctor with son Jerry (Gordon Oliver) as well as foster son Steven (Donald Woods). The sons are both interns at Frank's hospital. Steven is the better doctor who takes blame for Jerry's mistakes.Steven has his license revoked when he is blamed for two deaths. Steven goes through years of hell trying to redeem himself.
Behind the News

Behind the News

Dec 20, 1940
As suggested by its title, Behind the News was a "stop the presses!" yarn set in a big-city newsroom. Lloyd Nolan is top-billed as a cynical reporter with a penchant for sticking his neck out too far. Frank Albertson costars as a cub reporter fresh out of journalism school, whose presence is resented by Nolan and his fellow workers. But it is Albertson who, after running afoul of the law, is instrumental in breaking up a ring of racketeers. Behind the News was remade by Republic as Headline Hunters (55).
Under Fiesta Stars

Under Fiesta Stars

Aug 25, 1941
Rodeo champ Gene Autry inherits half interest in both a ranch and a mine that provides steady employment for the surrounding rancheros. Unfortunately, the other half goes to Easterner Barbara Erwin (Carol Hughes), who is only interested in monetary remuneration. To convince Gene to buy her share, Barbara enters into an unholy alliance with unscrupulous attorneys Arnold (Ivan Miller) and Fry (Sam Flint), who, without their client's consent, hire a gang of thugs headed by Tommick (John Merton). When a ranchero (Elias Gamboa) is mortally wounded in the ensuing gun battle, Barbara sees the error of her way and switches sides.


May 11, 1935
A mother sends her young son to military school so he won't find out she's been sentenced to a prison term on a framed fraud charge.
Cœurs brisés

Cœurs brisés

May 31, 1935
Constance, jeune musicienne, tombe éperdument amoureuse d'un chef d'orchestre très célèbre : Frantz Roberti. Il la demande en mariage et lui jure un amour absolu. Lorsqu'elle comprend que cet amour idéal n'existe pas, elle le quitte, souffre à s'en rendre malade puis pour l'oublier, s'étourdit dans une vie mondaine qu'elle ne connaissait pas avec Johnny, le meilleur ami de son mari. Frantz se rend compte après l'avoir perdue, que la perte de cet amour le plonge dans l'abîme. Mais Johnny avoue à constance son amour et la demande en mariage. Elle comprend alors qu'elle n'a jamais cessé d'aimer Frantz.
Speed to Burn

Speed to Burn

Jun 07, 1938
Horse racing provides the framework of this crime drama that centers on an orphan who has been raising a promising horse.
Winner Take All

Winner Take All

Mar 29, 1939
When a waiter makes a lucky hit and wins a benefit prizefight, gamblers rig some fights for him; but a reporter arranges for a real boxer to put him in his place.
Vol de nuit

Vol de nuit

Oct 06, 1933
L’histoire se déroule au moment où l’Aéropostale met en place les vols de nuit en Amérique latine. John Barrymore incarne le personnage de Rivière, responsable intransigeant du réseau aéropostal. Clark Gable joue le pilote Fabien qui affronte la mort chaque fois qu’il achemine le courrier et Helen Hayes son épouse. Le pilote est marié depuis six semaines. Mais chaque seconde l’éloigne un peu plus de son épouse, de sa voix, de son sourire. Aux commandes de son avion, Fabien apporte le courrier de Patagonie à Buenos Aires. Une tornade sévit sur la Cordillère des Andes lorsque le contact radio est rompu….
Flight from Destiny

Flight from Destiny

Feb 08, 1941
After his doctor informs him he will die in six months, Professor Henry Todhunter decides to spend his last days killing someone who contributes nothing but harm to society. When Henry learns that his friend Betty's husband, Michael, has been painting forgeries of ancient paintings for gallery owner Ketti Moret, he investigates the fraudulent dealer's life. Judging that Ketti is truly evil, Henry prepares to murder her.
Pour que sonne la cloche
En Italie, au lendemain de la seconde Guerre mondiale, le major américain Joppolo, nommé administrateur du petit village d'Adano, tente d'améliorer le sort des habitants et de les mettre en confiance. L'existence du major se complique quand il tombe amoureux d'une jeune et belle villageoise.
Le Harpon rouge

Le Harpon rouge

Sep 24, 1932
Mike Mascarenhas est un pêcheur de San Diego, parmi les plus réputés. Avec son ami Pipes Boley, auquel il a autrefois sauvé la vie, il dirige un bateau et fait le commerce du thon. Un jour, un des marins, Manuel Silva, meurt durant la campagne. Au retour, Mike se rend chez sa fille, Quita, pour lui annoncer la nouvelle. Il tombe sous le charme de cette dernière et décide de l'épouser...
Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette

Aug 26, 1938
Les rapports difficiles entre le roi Louis XVI et la reine Marie-Antoinette et la liaison amoureuse de cette dernière avec de Fersen.
Alibi Racket

Alibi Racket

Sep 14, 1935
How police interrogation cracks the "airtight" alibi of a criminal.
Little Miss Roughneck

Little Miss Roughneck

Jan 23, 1938
Sad-eyed, uniquely talented child actress Edith Fellows was Columbia's "answer" to Shirley Temple, Jane Withers and Deanna Durbin. In Little Miss Roughneck, Fellows is cast as Foxine LaRue, a tomboyish sort who is being prodded into a show-biz career by her stage mother Gert (Margaret Irving). Young Mr. Partridge (Scott Colton) becomes Foxine's agent, principally because he's sweet on the girl's older sister Mary (Jacqueline Wells). Blackballed from Hollywood because of her mother's pushiness, Foxine tries to help out Partridge and her own family by cooking up a bizarre publicity stunt, enlisting the aid of easy-going Mexican "papacita" Pascual (Leo Carrillo).
The Melody Lingers on

The Melody Lingers on

Jul 11, 1935
A piano virtuoso has a child out of wedlock; the father, her fiancé, is killed trying to save her life. Their son is brought up by foster parents and becomes a musician.