Valentin Novopolskij

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Mar 03, 2023
Miglė, who married when she was very young, has for 26 years been divorced from her ex-husband who one day calls her and asks for a favour. He has found that it would be a good time to get married again after the death of his mother. But there is a small problem: their divorce is valid only in the eyes of the law, because a Catholic marriage cannot be divorced. It can, however, be annulled. All that needs to be done is to complete an application and give the “Catholic court” a good reason. But she does not know in what kind of absurd situations she is about to find herself in.


Oct 15, 2021
It’s November and “the planets realigned a week ago,” says a police inspector in complete astrological earnestness. A desperate woman has turned to the police asking for help to find her daughter, Anna. She is 21 years old, is getting good grades at the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University and has been missing for three days. On the same day, a man arrives at the police station because he has found a phone in the forest while walking his dog. It turns out that the smartphone with the Instagram account “Muha_v_komnate” belongs to the missing girl. The stories that Anna’s family members, friends and those close to her tell clash, leading the chief investigator to question whether anyone ever really knew the girl.


Oct 24, 2023
The USSR, 1946. The main character, Mikhail Krasnitsky, travels to different cities across the country. When he arrives, he commits cold-blooded murders, for reasons that are not yet evident. The Secret Service manages to connect all of these crimes and figure out that all of the victims were former death camp inmates. However, the murderer’s motive still remains unclear.
Devintas žingsnis

Devintas žingsnis

Nov 14, 2022
A father, who unexpectedly gets custody of his teenage daughter, has a second chance to gain back her trust and rebuild their relationship.
Purpurinis rūkas

Purpurinis rūkas

Feb 06, 2019
'Purple Smoke' tells the complex story of Lithuanian Jew Jozef, partisan commander Vlad and their two beloved Janes.
Pod szarym niebem

Pod szarym niebem

Jun 07, 2024
Based on true events, a Belarusian journalist is arrested after covertly livestreaming brutal government crackdowns on peaceful demonstrators following rigged elections. Her husband, refusing to leave her, also faces recriminations from a regime determined to break them both.
Les Insurgés

Les Insurgés

Dec 31, 2008
En 1941, les armées d'Hitler envahissent l'Europe. Leur implacable progression coûte la vie à des millions de juifs. Pour trois hommes, cette tragédie marque le début d'une guerre dans la guerre. Lorsque leur petit village d'Europe de l'Est est envahi, les frères Bielski se réfugient dans une profonde forêt qu'ils connaissent depuis leur enfance. Ils se contentent d'abord de survivre mais la rumeur de leur exploit se répand et d'autres les rejoignent, hommes et femmes, jeunes et moins jeunes, prêts à tout risquer pour rester vivants et libres. Peu à peu, les trois frères vont recueillir des centaines de pourchassés et contrecarrer les plans de leurs redoutables attaquants. Face à l'adversité, au nom de ceux qu'ils ont perdu, ils vont sauver plus d'un millier de vies...


Mar 17, 2018
Film is based on the novel „History From The Cloud” by Marius Ivaškevičius. It is a story about a man called Marius and his meetings with various different people. The goal is to make a bargain: people can buy a character in Marius’s novel. However, all these bargains are the cover of his secret.
Pelėdų kalnas

Pelėdų kalnas

Feb 16, 2018
Radio Free Europe, BBC, and Voice of America can only rarely get through the Iron Curtain and Soviet mufflers to Lithuania, a country torn by a war between the local resistance movement and the Soviet regime that is forced onto Lithuanian people by bayonets of the Russian army. Everybody who tries to resist the Soviet rule is either terrorized or executed or exiled to Siberia. He is one of the local high-school students who witness the local armed resistance to the Soviet occupation and ultimately decide to join it by taking a gun into their hands. He collects documents and all possible kinds of evidence that prove daunting crimes of the Kremlin. He soon becomes a legend among his peers. To girls, he is John Wayne the Hollywood Icon. Guys see him as an insurmountable obstacle and an invincible rival in matters of love.
Winter Thaw

Winter Thaw

Nov 24, 2016
In late nineteenth-century Russia, Martin Avdeitch is a humble shoemaker whose life has been characterized by grief. Martin must find the courage to look outside himself and trust in the goodness of God. This BYUtv original holiday special is based on Leo Tolstoy's short story, "Martin the Cobbler," and stars John Rhys-Davies.
Nesamasis laikas

Nesamasis laikas

Feb 28, 2014
A young man's confusion in present times. The protagonist is looking for answers to questions that are relevant to many of his peers, coming of age in between a nostalgic socialist childhood and ideas pushed by a young democracy, relentlessly rushing forward.


Sep 04, 2009
The film is based on the novel by Romualdas Granauskas, winner of the Lithuanian National Cultural and Arts Award, and is the chronicle of a young man’s shifting relationships as he adjusts rather dramatically to the unfamiliarity of freedom. The film will be shown in Lithuanian with English subtitles. Duburys won the Silver Crane Award in Lithuania. It has been selected as Lithuania’s entry for this year’s Oscar nomination in the foreign language film category. Duburys was entered in the Montreal World Film Festival, Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival and has been invited to Cairo International Film Festival and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Čia buvo Saša

Čia buvo Saša

Nov 22, 2019
It's a feature-length narrative film about a middle-class couple, that wants to adopt the perfect little girl, but they end up being offered a rebellious 12-year-old boy.


Oct 04, 2019
Oleg quitte la Lettonie pour Bruxelles, où il espère travailler contre un salaire décent. Trahi par un collègue, son expérience tourne court. Oleg est alors recueilli par un criminel polonais, avant de tomber sous son emprise mafieuse...


Oct 06, 2020


23 août 1939. L'Europe craint une guerre imminente. Hitler et Staline signe le pacte germano-soviétique (de non-agression). Parallèlement, un agent estonien est assassiné. Des sources russes prétendent qu'il y a un traîte dans les rangs. Feliks Kangur, un espion estonien, est chargé de découvrir l'identité de l'agent double.


Nov 21, 2024
A ship explodes. A man dies. A man disappears without a trace. Is it an accident or a cover-up for something darker?
Krimināllieta iesācējam
On May 4th 1994, the 4th anniversary of Latvia’s splintering from the Soviet Union, rookie police investigator Aldis Karklins is tasked with solving the murder of Natalia Nolle, an influental behind-the-scenes political figure. The trail leads the 23-year-old Aldis in to the underbelly of organized crime and KGB conspiracies that outlive the Soviot Union. A miniseries in seven episodes, based on the novel "Don't Call Me, Don't Look for me! Life of Soviet Secret Agent" (Meklējiet sievieti) by acclaimed Latvian crime fiction writer Andris Kolbergs.
Padomju džinsi

Padomju džinsi

Feb 26, 2024
In the late 1970s – at a time when the fiercest propaganda against Western culture was being waged throughout the USSR – an ardent rock and roll fan sets up a successful and illegal underground jeans factory in a Latvian psychiatric hospital.
Savo akimis

Savo akimis

Mar 22, 2023
A large family reside in different Ukrainian cities. Mother and Father live in the Kiev suburbs, the oldest daughter in Mariupol, the second of the three in Vinnitsa, and the youngest in Chernigov. The son went on a work trip to Donetsk. Exactly in these cities on 24 February, they were caught by the war. All, by one way or another, find themselves in a bunker or shelter. The only means of communication is phone and video calls.
Génération War

Génération War

Mar 20, 2013
Elle raconte, du point de vue allemand, le destin de cinq amis âgés de 20 ans en 1941 pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : Wilhelm et son jeune frère Friedhelm, qui vont partir sur le Front de l'Est avec la Wehrmacht, tout comme Charlotte qui va devenir infirmière militaire, alors que Greta rêve d'une carrière de chanteuse et que son amant Viktor est le fils de tailleurs juifs et doit sauver sa peau. Les personnages sont à la fois victimes et bourreaux au milieu des horreurs du conflit mondial. Le téléfilm couvre une période de quatre ans et s'achève en 1945 dans l'Allemagne en ruine.
War & Politics
Trolių ferma

Trolių ferma

Feb 12, 2023
After being wrongly fired from Melta Cosmetics, an international beauty brand, Ana is determined to clear out her name. While chicken raising works as a cover, Ana runs underground business - Troll Farm, made to destroy shady corporations with a fake personality - Judith. The Farm sucks all Ana’s savings and time, so her beloved daughter keeps facing an empty chair at dance competitions. Throughout the season, Ana will get dirt under her nails - blinded by desire for revenge, she is turning into the same manipulative beast she’s fighting.