Ridas Žirgulis

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Sep 04, 2009
The film is based on the novel by Romualdas Granauskas, winner of the Lithuanian National Cultural and Arts Award, and is the chronicle of a young man’s shifting relationships as he adjusts rather dramatically to the unfamiliarity of freedom. The film will be shown in Lithuanian with English subtitles. Duburys won the Silver Crane Award in Lithuania. It has been selected as Lithuania’s entry for this year’s Oscar nomination in the foreign language film category. Duburys was entered in the Montreal World Film Festival, Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival and has been invited to Cairo International Film Festival and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
We Will Riot

We Will Riot

Apr 05, 2013
Luke is an up-and-coming DJ from an affluent New York family with a Lithuanian father and an African-American mother. When Luke hears from an estranged grandmother in Lithuania, he defies his parents and decides to visit this far-away country, flying straight to the capital city Vilnius. He falls in love with the city, a rebellious girl called Marta, and the local music scene - the beatmakers - promoted by an aggressive gay manager, Andy. Luke's grandma's connections get him a deal with the municipality to become the manager of a new nightclub, and he takes up the challenge... but the deal turns out to be poisoned, forcing Luke to rebel in ways he never imagined.
Moterys meluoja geriau
Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.
Bruto ir Neto

Bruto ir Neto

Jan 25, 2018
Pasirodo, prieš trisdešimt metų, likimas Praną buvo nubloškęs net į Tolimuosius Rytus. Sunkiai sužeistą jį išgelbėjo vietinis turtuolis, kurio dukra įsimylį jauną ir žavingą svetimšalį. Kas nutiko jų meilės istorijai? Neto, nepasitaręs su Bruto, nusprendžia įstoti į universitetą ir tapti pradinukų mokytoju. Tačiau šiam kilniam tikslui sutrukdo netikėta žinia: pasak medikų, Neto serga nepagydoma liga. Kaip šią žinią priims Neto ir kokių veiksmų imsis jo bičiulis Bruto? Pranas nieko negaili savo augintiniui – paršeliui Raimundėliui: net valgyti kasdien pats ruošia! Tiesą sakant, jam šis augintinis daug mielesnis už jo žmoną. Tačiau ilgai šiuo abipusiu ryšiu Pranui netenka džiaugtis: netikėta pažintis su jaunaisiais hispteriais baigiasi Prano automobilio ir paršelio vagyste. Kaip hipsteriams ketina atkeršyti Pranas?
Gaujų karai

Gaujų karai

Oct 22, 2024
The beginning of the 90's. Lithuania just became independent, so there is a lot of chaos in political, ecnomical and criminal structures. The every day life more or less is being controlled by the criminal gangs, who feel indestructible by the fear of citizens and the helplessness of government.
Gaujų karai. Karveliai
„Wild nineties“ touched almost all Lithuanian cities. Biržai was no exception. This rather powerful criminal group controlled the marketplaces, racketeed local businessmen and farmers, and tried to implement all the illegal enrichment schemes popular at the time