Everett Creach

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La Route de l'ouest

La Route de l'ouest

May 24, 1967
1843. Un sénateur entreprenant et énergique, William J Tadlock, déçu par la vie politique et affecté par le suicide de sa femme, met sur pied une caravane de pionniers du Missouri pour rejoindre l'Ouest. Parmi les volontaires, il y a la famille Evans. Le convoi, guidé par un éclaireur chevronné, Dick Summers, va subir de nombreuses tribulations, dont une attaque d'indiens, avant d'arriver dans les plaines fertiles de l'Oregon.
Prophecy : Le Monstre

Prophecy : Le Monstre

Sep 14, 1979
Le docteur Robert Verne, qui exerce sa profession de médecin dans un quartier pauvre de Washington, est engagé par l'Agence de Protection Gouvernementale pour enquêter sur d'éventuelles conséquences écologiques d'une usine de pâtes et papier sur une forêt située près d'Androscoggin dans le Maine. Dès son arrivée, avec sa femme Maggie, il perçoit la tension existant entre les employés de l'usine et les Indiens de la région, qui accusent l'industrie d'empoisonner la forêt. Dans leur village, naissent occasionnellement des enfants avec des malformations congénitales. Robert Verne s'aperçoit bientôt qu'il y a du mercure dans l'eau de la rivière qui alimente l'usine. C'est lui qui sert d'agent mutagène à l'origine des malformations congénitales des nouveau-nés. De plus, Verne et les autres doivent tout à coup affronter un énorme ours mutant, surnommé Kathadin par les Indiens, qui hante la forêt et y sème la mort et la terreur.
Big Jake

Big Jake

May 26, 1971
Big Jake, un pionnier de l'Ouest qui a quitté sa femme depuis dix-huit ans, entame une traque intense contre les kidnappeurs de son petit-fils.
Nuits de cauchemar

Nuits de cauchemar

Aug 14, 1980
Les propriétaires d'un motel et d'une entreprise de charcuterie artisanale fabriquent des viandes fumées reputées pour leur saveur. En réalité ce sont les clients du motel, enterrés jusqu'à la tete et gavés comme des oies qui fournissent la matière première a la charcuterie familiale. Un jour, les proprios recueillent une jeune femme victime d'un "acident" de la route. Celle-ci bénéficie d'un traitement de faveur puisqu'elle vit en toute ignorance des agissements de ses sauveurs, étrangement acceptée comme un des membres de leur famille...
Secret Agent 00 Soul

Secret Agent 00 Soul

Feb 01, 1990
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
C'était demain

C'était demain

Sep 28, 1979
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.


Jun 08, 1978
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Young Guns

Young Guns

Feb 17, 1988
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
La Charge héroïque

La Charge héroïque

Oct 22, 1949
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Soldat Bleu

Soldat Bleu

Aug 12, 1970
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
La Tour infernale

La Tour infernale

Dec 14, 1974
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Double Jeu

Double Jeu

Apr 06, 1990
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.


Oct 17, 1968
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
747 en péril

747 en péril

Oct 18, 1974
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Magnum Force

Magnum Force

Dec 13, 1973
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
L'inspecteur Harry

L'inspecteur Harry

Dec 23, 1971
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
La Conquête de l'Ouest
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
L'Ultime Randonnée

L'Ultime Randonnée

Oct 21, 1970
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Aux frontières de l'aube
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Rio Grande

Rio Grande

Nov 15, 1950
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Le Clan des irréductibles
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Soldat Bleu

Soldat Bleu

Aug 12, 1970
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
The Wiz

The Wiz

Oct 24, 1978
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Aux frontières de l'aube
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Un été fou, fou, fou
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Arizona Dream

Arizona Dream

Jan 06, 1993
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Howard… une nouvelle race de héros
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Black Sunday

Black Sunday

Apr 01, 1977
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
La Caravane de feu

La Caravane de feu

May 26, 1967
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Mon démon bien-aimé

Mon démon bien-aimé

Apr 24, 1987
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Cours après moi Shérif 3
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Les Cavaliers

Les Cavaliers

Jun 11, 1959
James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
Matt Helm

Matt Helm

Jan 03, 1976
Les aventures d'un ancien agent secret reconverti dans le privé où il officie en tant que détective à Los Angeles.