Ирина Соколова

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Dec 31, 1990
Old, rich Jew Mendel Krik falls in love with the beautiful Marusya. But their sons Levka and Bena don't share their dreams... Revolution has come.


Oct 15, 2009
Veselchaki is a movie centered on a Moscow nightclub owned by Rosa; he performs as part of the drag revue in the club. The movie starts with five cross-dressing men sharing their stories with a reporter.
Дневник его жены
A tragic story of love and loneliness - this is the unknown life of the great Russian writer Ivan Bunin. The confused love story that involved Bunin, his wife Vera, the young poet Galina Plotnikova, opera singer Marga Kovtun and literary man Leonid Gurov. A work of great honesty and piercing psychology.
Le Jour de l'éclipse

Le Jour de l'éclipse

Dec 01, 1988
Un village perdu au fond du désert asiatique. Dima, un jeune médecin a quitté sa ville natale, rompu avec son passé, pour s’installer là. Il vit seul, dans la précarité matérielle : il soigne les bébés et tente d’initier les mères à des principes élémentaires d’hygiène. Mais désabusé, il fait son travail avec une certaine désinvolture : il consacre son temps à écrire, sur une vieille machine, une étude sur les enfants hypertoniques, constamment interrompu par la sonnerie du téléphone…


Oct 24, 2002
This is a remarkably subtle film–a character study that focuses on Mitya’s attempts to cope with each new startling phase of discovery. At first he mourns for his dead wife, but then he discovers that he didn’t really know her.


Jan 01, 2016
Where does true love begin? At a glance? With mutual sympathy? A random gesture at a trolleybus stop? Or, perhaps, with ordinary stupidity? Polina and Sasha met on an ordinary autumn morning. It was a good morning to meet: she had a bag of lollipops in her hands, and he had a pen and a notebook to write that she was very beautiful. And so it has been since then: he wrote, and she read. Until suddenly it turned out that you can talk without a piece of paper.
В последний путь
This is a story about an elderly woman, Nina Andreevna Cherkasskaya. She has devoted her whole life to training dogs in the circus and has been living alone for many years. On the eve of the anniversary, Nina comes to the city to perform at a creative evening. On the day of the performance, it turns out that her name is not on the guest list.
Les Pirates de l'Edelweiss
L'histoire se déroule à Cologne-Ehrenfeld en novembre 1944. Karl et Peter Ripke sont deux frères membres d'un groupe anti-nazi se nommant « Pirates Edelweiss». D'autres jeunes allemands font aussi partie de ce groupe révolté contre la Gestapo. Ils sont également aidés par un prisonnier rescapé, Hans Steinbrück, qui est littéralement opposé aux nazis. Un jour, la Gestapo arrête les opposants des nazis, et le groupe de Karl et Peter est menacé. Quand ils sont arrêtés, Karl est déchiré entre la volonté de survivre, le sens des responsabilités, l'amour pour son frère et la fidélité au groupe de l'Edelweiss. Il se retrouve donc confronté à la situation suivante : survivre et sauver son frère des mains de la Gestapo en trahissant son groupe ou mourir en faisant honneur à l'Edelweiss ? Cette guerre a changé la vision du monde des jeunes allemands comme on ne l'aurait jamais imaginé, et ce film le démontre très bien.


Dec 26, 1994
Closely based on Franz Kafka's book "Das Schloß", the movie shares the same action on a land surveyor who is called to a village to do a job that no one seems to have ordered. Once there, he takes up the struggle against bureaucracy emanating from the castle.
Танцующие призраки
Choreographic school, young talents are collected here. Behind eight years of study - three months remain before the final performance. And finally, “Giselle” is appointed, roles are distributed, girls are worried - they are afraid of the wording “professionally unsuitable”, but Yulya’s thoughts are different. She fell in love for the first time. And she has to choose between her beloved and the stage.


Oct 15, 2009
Veselchaki is a movie centered on a Moscow nightclub owned by Rosa; he performs as part of the drag revue in the club. The movie starts with five cross-dressing men sharing their stories with a reporter.


Feb 01, 1999
Printemps 1942. À Berchtesgaden, le nid d'aigle d'Hitler vibre d'une agitation contenue. Le Führer est là en compagnie de sa maîtresse Eva Braun. De hauts dignitaires du parti nazi les rejoignent depuis Berlin. Il y a là le docteur Goebbels, ministre de la Propagande du Reich, et Martin Bormann, qui dirige le parti. La rivalité des deux hommes est intense : chacun passe son temps à tenter de séduire Hitler par des bons mots ou des plaisanteries. Seul tabou : on ne parle pas du tout de la guerre qui exerce ses ravages tout autour. Seule Eva Braun ose remettre en question les obsessions, tics et manies du Führer…
Конец века

Конец века

Sep 01, 2001
"The Institute of Conscious Dreams" - the so-called clinic is a mysterious place. True miracles happen here. It is here, during psychedelic sessions, that a door opens into a different reality, into the depths of a person's consciousness and his genetic memory.
Science Fiction


Mar 14, 2002
During the bloody war in Chechnya, a British couple and two Russian soldiers are taken hostage by Chechen rebels. Two of the hostages are then released to bring the money for the British woman who is forced to wait for the ransom.
Заячий заповедник
Negligent, but the enterprising workers of a forest area "Rabbit reserve" unexpectedly wiped out all the rabbits. Now it remains only to wait for a scolding. But suddenly, in the possession of the hapless crooks right from the ground begins to beat the fountain of mineral water. This "gift of nature" is an urgent need to learn to their advantage. And it's so handy, there is a person spouting ideas on the edge of common sense! However, the genius nugget does not suspect that he was in the reserve of scams, where even a hare will teach fox tricks.
Дорога на Рюбецаль
The German anti-fascist Max in 1939 emigrated to the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, he fought in the Soviet partisan detachment and died, performing a responsible mission. After many years, her companion in guerrilla warfare, Lyudmila, was able to realize their common dream — to climb to the top of Mount Rübezahl.
Безобразная Эльза
The professor's widow Vivi Cassel has three daughters: pretty Irma and Paula and unattractive, but smart, sharp-tongued Elsa, who is humiliated by the condescending attitude of her sisters and mother. She decides to prove that being a woman is much easier than being a person. After visiting a beauty salon, she makes not only her sisters' suitors fall in love with her, but also the mother's fiancé.
Клоун - это я!
The story of three great actresses applying for one role in the play, each of whom once had an affair with the artistic director of the theater. In the enchanting atmosphere of the backstage, it is highlighted: what roles were played on the stage, and what in life, who is to blame for this and how to forgive? After all, life is the same theater, only without rehearsals and repetitions. But the sworn diva girlfriends have yet to face the trials of the new reality. Legends of the theater, artists of a wonderful, but passing century, will meet contemporary art “not for everyone” and will try to figure out what to do for all of us, the rest. Who will win: loyalty to the old theater or the modern "version of the theater" - formalism from a young shocking amateur director, on whose side his father is an official.