Julianne Dowler

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The Bunnyman Massacre

The Bunnyman Massacre

Apr 18, 2014
L'aventure de Joe et Bunnyman se poursuit dans une ville fantôme rurale. La soif de sang de Bunnyman ne connaît pas de limites, car il massacre sans discernement tout ce qui croise son chemin. Joe n'est que trop heureux d'encourager son comportement, vendant les victimes mortes comme du boeuf séché dans son magasin local. En plus du problème d'élimination du corps de Joe, le shérif local devient méfiant avec la disparition de quelques-uns de ses adjoints. Son enquête croise le chemin de deux sœurs persistantes, qui refusent de mourir aux mains de Joe et Bunnyman. Certains vivront, et certains mourront, mais tous seront endommagés
1000 Ways to Lie

1000 Ways to Lie

Mar 03, 2010
Everybody lies, and everybody gets lied to...We lie to get ahead, we lie to get the girl, and to keep our secrets. Whether motivated by greed, ego, or criminal intent, just when you think you've heard it all, there are 1000 WAYS TO LIE.
12 Hour Shift

12 Hour Shift

Oct 02, 2020
Mandy, une infirmière toxicomane de l'Arkansas, est complice de trafic d'organes. Durant une tournée de travail de 12 heures, Mandy confie à sa cousine un rein à livrer, celle ci le perd et tente par tous les moyens de trouver un rein de remplacement.
The Before Time

The Before Time

Dec 15, 2014
When two rival crews head into the desert to shoot a reality show based on a buried Navajo treasure, they discover that truth is not only stranger than fiction, it's more dangerous. Something wants them from digging deeper and from escaping the desert alive.


Jul 17, 2017
Armed with an electric mixer, a Mysterious Woman gives Naked Man the battering of his life, but the sexy interrogation brings up feelings that are hard to swallow. Can she have her cake and eat it too? Or will love turn her batter bitter?


Jul 17, 2017
Armed with an electric mixer, a Mysterious Woman gives Naked Man the battering of his life, but the sexy interrogation brings up feelings that are hard to swallow. Can she have her cake and eat it too? Or will love turn her batter bitter?