Jolanta Dapkūnaitė

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Apr 08, 2022
Indre and Paulius haven't kept in touch lately; but as his foot is in a cast, she agrees to drive him out to a small town near the airport, where his brother and her boyfriend died.
Atsisveikinimas (laimingo žmogaus istorija)
The sailor Audrius comes ashore for the last time in his life. The story unfolds through Audrius’ journey and his many encounters over the weekend as autumn turns to winter. He is driven by a severe lack of time. Inadequate actions and reactions make sense when we find out his secret: he’s dying of Leukemia. During his grandmother’s birthday in her countryside village, surrounded by his family and after reassuring his son, he makes a final attempt to find resolve and peace. Farewell is a moving universal tale, uplifting and heart warming, verbally laconic and visually rich. It is a clear-cut story of the human spirit, which is both relentless and immortal.
Les Insurgés

Les Insurgés

Dec 31, 2008
En 1941, les armées d'Hitler envahissent l'Europe. Leur implacable progression coûte la vie à des millions de juifs. Pour trois hommes, cette tragédie marque le début d'une guerre dans la guerre. Lorsque leur petit village d'Europe de l'Est est envahi, les frères Bielski se réfugient dans une profonde forêt qu'ils connaissent depuis leur enfance. Ils se contentent d'abord de survivre mais la rumeur de leur exploit se répand et d'autres les rejoignent, hommes et femmes, jeunes et moins jeunes, prêts à tout risquer pour rester vivants et libres. Peu à peu, les trois frères vont recueillir des centaines de pourchassés et contrecarrer les plans de leurs redoutables attaquants. Face à l'adversité, au nom de ceux qu'ils ont perdu, ils vont sauver plus d'un millier de vies...
Žmonės, kuriuos pažįstam
Vilnius, four hot summer days. Goda is learning anew to have a relationship while dealing with past trauma. Juste always had a safe life, planned for her by others, as she finally realizes she wants to decide for herself. After twenty years of marriage Vytas leaves his family, unable to admit his true reasons. The voice of Anatolijus joins all of these stories and experiences into one breathless state, which every character is trying to escape on their way to finding freedom in a constantly changing society that keeps on developing new standards.


Jan 16, 2025
After a breakup, thirty-year-old Mykolas moves back in with his parents and rushes to rent out the apartment he once shared with his girlfriend. As he navigates the complexities of family life, new tenants arrive with stirring memories of what once was.


Jan 16, 2025
A daughter tries to organise her deceased mother’s funeral during the pandemic. Despite her efforts to stick to the tradition as much as possible in order to avoid malicious gossip from the relatives, the wake spirals into chaos.


Apr 09, 2020
This is a story about a girl. which. inherited an ancient manor from her stepmother. turns into love. a whirlwind of intrigue and mystery. In the center of the series - Saulė Meilutė. good hearted. brave. stubborn girl. coming to his native mansion with the sole purpose of settling inheritance issues peacefully with a family living illegally on his land and doing business. Each step of her is accompanied by new secrets of the town from the past. which will either help love triumph. or will eventually destroy it.