Ana Maria Quintana

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Le Terminal

Le Terminal

Jun 17, 2004
Viktor Navorski est l’un de ces milliers de touristes, venus des quatre coins du monde, qui débarquent chaque jour à l’Aéroport JFK de New York. Mais, à quelques heures de son arrivée, voilà qu’un coup d’État bouleverse sa petite république d’Europe Centrale, mettant celle‐ci au ban des nations et faisant de Viktor… un apatride. Les portes de l’Amérique se ferment devant lui, alors même que se bouclent les frontières de son pays: Viktor est bel et bien coincé…
Dangerous Days : Making Blade Runner
Le documentaire définitif de 3½ heures sur la création troublée et l'héritage durable du classique de science-fiction "Blade Runner", élaboré à partir de 80 interviews et de plusieurs heures d'extraits inédits et de séquences perdues.
Arrête-moi si tu peux
Dans les années soixante, le jeune Frank Abagnale Jr. est passé maître dans l’art de l’escroquerie, allant jusqu’à détourner 2,5 millions de dollars et à figurer sur les listes du FBI comme l’un des dix individus les plus recherchés des États‐Unis. Véritable caméléon, Frank revêt des identités aussi diverses que celles de pilote de ligne, de médecin, de professeur d’université ou encore d’assistant du procureur. Carl Hanratty, agent du FBI à l’apparence stricte, fait de la traque de Frank Abagnale Jr. sa mission prioritaire, mais ce dernier reste pendant longtemps insaisissable…
Minority Report

Minority Report

Jun 20, 2002
Washington, 2054. Plus aucun meurtre ne se produit grâce au « pré-crime », l’unité policière dirigée par John Anderton. Cette unité dispose d'un système lui permettant de visualiser les meurtres avant qu'ils ne se produisent. Mais quand John découvre qu'il est lui-même accusé d'un meurtre à venir, il n'a que 36 heures pour comprendre le véritable fonctionnement de ce système.
Science Fiction
Les envoûtés

Les envoûtés

Jun 09, 1987
Cal Jamison, psychiatre pour la police de profession, est muté à New York après le décès de sa femme. Là, il doit enquêter sur l'immolation de deux jeunes adolescents. Pour mener à bien son enquête, il décide d'infiltrer une secte qu'il croit à l'origine de ses actes barbares.
La Guerre des mondes

La Guerre des mondes

Jun 13, 2005
Ray Ferrier est un docker divorcé et un père rien moins que parfait, qui n’entretient plus que des relations épisodiques avec son fils Robbie, 17 ans, et sa fille Rachel, 11 ans. Quelques minutes après que son ex‐femme et l’époux de cette dernière lui ont confié la garde des enfants, un puissant orage éclate. Ray assiste alors à un spectacle qui bouleversera à jamais sa vie…
Indiana Jones et le royaume du crâne de cristal
La nouvelle aventure d’Indiana Jones débute dans un désert du sud‐ouest des États‐Unis. Nous sommes en 1957, en pleine guerre froide. Indy et son copain Mac viennent tout juste d’échapper à une bande d’agents soviétiques à la recherche d’une mystérieuse relique surgie du fond des temps. De retour au Marshall College, le Professeur Jones apprend une très mauvaise nouvelle : ses récentes activités l’ont rendu suspect aux yeux du gouvernement américain. Le doyen Stanforth, qui est aussi un proche ami, se voit contraint de le licencier. À la sortie de la ville, Indiana fait la connaissance d’un jeune motard rebelle, Mutt, qui lui fait une proposition inattendue.
Presque Célèbre

Presque Célèbre

Sep 15, 2000
Dans les années 70, William Miller, un adolescent de quinze ans, ne vit que pour la musique rock. Ce qu'il souhaite le plus au monde, c'est écrire des articles sur cette musique qu'il aime tant.Il envoie un essai au magazine Rolling Stone dans l'espoir de devenir journaliste. Son talent n'est pas passé inaperçu : on est prêt à l'envoyer suivre le groupe Stillwater en tournée afin qu'il fasse un reportage sur eux.Le rêve devient réalité ; malgré les objections d'Elaine, sa mère, William s'engage dans cette folle aventure.Il n'est toutefois pas facile de gagner la confiance des musiciens, surtout lorsqu'on est journaliste. William prouve rapidement aux membres de Stillwater qu'il est avant tout un admirateur inconditionnel de leur musique. Au cours de leur tournée, il abandonne peu à peu la passivité de son rôle d'observateur pour participer à la vie du groupe.
Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky

Dec 14, 2001
David Aames est un jeune et brillant éditeur new-yorkais qui a tout pour lui : l'argent, la réussite professionnelle et les femmes. Son ami Pelayo commet l'erreur de lui présenter Sofia, sa nouvelle compagne. Au premier regard, David succombe au charme de celle-ci. Tous les deux filent bientôt le parfait amour. Alors que David se dispute en voiture avec Julie, une ex folle de jalousie, la jeune femme accélère et c'est l'accident. Julie décède. Atrocement défiguré, David est transporté d'urgence à l'hôpital où les médecins ne peuvent réaliser de miracle. Sa vie bascule. Les gens ont dorénavant peur de lui et Sofia l'évite. Mais un matin, David se fait gentiment réveiller par celle-ci, qui lui déclare son amour. Les médecins lui annoncent même qu'il pourra retrouver son ancien visage. Réalité ou hallucination ?
Science Fiction
Ant-Man et la Guêpe

Ant-Man et la Guêpe

Jul 04, 2018
Après les événements survenus dans Captain America : Civil War, Scott Lang a bien du mal à concilier sa vie de super-héros et ses responsabilités de père. Mais ses réflexions sur les conséquences de ses choix tournent court lorsque Hope van Dyne et le Dr Hank Pym lui confient une nouvelle mission urgente... Scott va devoir renfiler son costume et apprendre à se battre aux côtés de La Guêpe afin de faire la lumière sur des secrets enfouis de longue date...


Mar 01, 1976
A Romanian aristocrat retreats to a desert isle with his wife and servants on the eve of World War II.


Dec 25, 1996
A Romanian aristocrat retreats to a desert isle with his wife and servants on the eve of World War II.


Jun 01, 1977
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.


May 26, 1995
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Les envoûtés

Les envoûtés

Jun 09, 1987
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

Jun 11, 1993
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
La Guerre des mondes

La Guerre des mondes

Jun 13, 2005
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Hunger Games : L'Embrasement
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Rendez-vous avec le destin
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Arrête-moi si tu peux
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
American Beauty

American Beauty

Sep 15, 1999
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Le Terminal

Le Terminal

Jun 17, 2004
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky

Dec 14, 2001
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Science Fiction
Hunger Games : La Révolte - Partie 2
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Minority Report

Minority Report

Jun 20, 2002
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Science Fiction
Au-Delà des Lois

Au-Delà des Lois

Jan 12, 1996
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
A.I. Intelligence artificielle
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Les nanas jouent et gagnent
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Le monde perdu : Jurassic Park
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
8 millions de façons de mourir
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.


Dec 21, 2016
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Le Jeu du faucon

Le Jeu du faucon

Jan 25, 1985
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.


Jul 28, 1995
Scott, John and Suzie quit their boring jobs and depart L.A. for Alaska to pursue their dream of their own salmon fishing business. They soon find that life in Alaska is more difficult than expected as they are forced to abandon their plans and make desperate choices just to survive.
Revenge of the Cheerleaders
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!
Blade Runner

Blade Runner

Jun 25, 1982
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!
Science Fiction


Dec 15, 2009
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!
Les dents d'acier

Les dents d'acier

Apr 07, 1977
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!
La Bande des quatre

La Bande des quatre

May 24, 1979
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!
La Mule

La Mule

Dec 14, 2018
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!
Freddy : Les Griffes de la nuit
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!
Le Meilleur

Le Meilleur

May 11, 1984
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!