Charles Pathé

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Paris 1900

Paris 1900

Feb 25, 1948
Chronique de la vie a Paris entre 1900 et 1914 realisee a l'aide de documents d'epoque et d'extraits de plus de sept cents films. Ce film est considere comme un modele de montage. Alain Resnais y travailla comme assistant. Prix Louis Delluc 1947.
Autour de la roue

Autour de la roue

Oct 14, 1923
Blaise Cendrars' AUTOUR DE LA ROUE (1923), a behind-the-scenes short documenting the production.
Les débuts de Max au cinéma
Recommandé par un ami du théâtre de l'Ambigu, Max muni de sa lettre est reçu dans la maison Pathé. Présenté au directeur, il fait ensuite des essais devant le réalisateur de la maison. Une semaine plus tard, il est convoqué aux studios de Joinville. Il doit jouer un mari qui rentre tard chez lui. Il est défenestré par sa femme et sa fille, recevant sur sa tête lit, matelas armoire... Une bagarre s'ensuit, roulant sur le macadam, il est arrosé copieusement par un agent municipal. Il doit néanmoins sourire devant la caméra et désabusé, il s'en prend pour finir au réalisateur.
Ceux de chez-nous

Ceux de chez-nous

Nov 22, 1915
« Je rêvais d'une encyclopédie nouvelle... ». Sacha Guitry a réuni, « selon ses goûts » les plus grandes personnalités de son temps. Il les filme « dans leurs attitudes les plus familières, c'est-à-dire au travail, chaque fois que cela fut possible ». On y voit André Antoine, Sarah Bernhardt, Edgar Degas, Anatole France, Lucien Guitry, Octave Mirbeau, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir avec à ses côtés son jeune fils Claude Renoir, Henri-Robert, Auguste Rodin, Edmond Rostand, Camille Saint-Saëns. La version muette de 1915 durait 22 minutes. Elle était destinée à être projetée accompagnée d'une « causerie familiale faite par l'auteur, avec le concours de Charlotte Lysès ».
Le Roi du bagne

Le Roi du bagne

Jan 01, 1913
Fernand Pradier (Gabriel Signoret) is an honest merchant and a simple person at heart who tries to make her daughter Germaine (Gabrielle Robinne) happy. She is engaged to a rich banker St-Bris (René Alexandre). However, the fiance once belonged to a criminal organization and, despite his efforts of rehabilitation, one of his ancient accomplices makes their engagement impossible. Eventually imprisoned, she escapes with the help of a beautiful typist (Stacia Napierkowska)...
Les hôtes de l'air

Les hôtes de l'air

Apr 30, 1910
Native British birds, from common gulls and cuckoos to the rare Richardson's Skua, are filmed in their natural habitat.
Spirochoeta pallida (de la syphilis)
Jean Comandon, pioneer of microcinematography, recorded this time-lapse film in c. 1910, using a ultramicroscope. The film show living spiral shaped syphilis bacteria moving among red blood cells of frog. Notice the back-and-forth movement, characterizing the disease-causing form. (Wikipedia)
La chenille de la carotte
The carrot caterpillar hides among and feeds on the leafy foliage in carrot fields. A man demonstrates how difficult it is to detect and remove them from the carrot plants. They propel themselves with their six feet and twelve suction cups. To ward off enemies, they display two horns which secrete a malodorous liquid. Before the chrysalis stage of their development, they attach themselves to a surface and two days later burst from their shell. After spending the winter as a chrysalis, they emerge as swallowtail butterflies. Once they have bathed their wings in dew and dried off, they are ready to fly. (Library of Congress)


Apr 25, 1919
Attractive travelogue filmed in and around Delhi's Qutb complex.
La Roue

La Roue

Feb 17, 1923
A documentary film on crocodile fishing
Brûleuses d'herbes

Brûleuses d'herbes

Dec 13, 1899
A couple of women stand in a field, using pitch forks to separate burning grass. Men run away from the event. Meanwhile, a third woman stands to the right, drinking what I would guess is water from a pitcher, instead of using it to put out the fire.
Mass Meeting of Suffragettes
This two-shot newsreel fragment surveys the scene at a Votes for Women protest on Trafalgar Square in the summer of 1910, when suffragists of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies presented petitions signed by supportive menfolk of Britain's towns and cities. (Edward Anderson, Make More Noise! Suffragettes in Silent Film)
Les Bords De La Tamise d'Oxford À Windsor
The Thames, although insignificant compared to the rivers of the continent, has its own charm that painters and poets like Turner, Bonington, Eugène Delacroix, Whistler and Seymour have tried to render on paper or on canvas. In this film no grandiose scenes, just a river of silver flowing placidly between low banks, covered with trees. Here and there we pass through delightful little towns until we get to Windsor and dock in the shade of its famous castle.
The Hidden Hand

The Hidden Hand

Nov 23, 1917
15 chapter adventure serial starring Doris Kenyon. Episode titles: 1. The Gauntlet of Death 2. Counterfeit Faces 3. The Island of Dread 4. The False Locket 5. The Air-Lock 6. The Flower of Death 7. The Fire Trap 8. Slide for Life 9. Jets of Flame 10. Cogs of Death 11. Trapped by Treachery 12. Eyes in the Wall 13. Jaws of the Tiger 14. The Unmasking 15. The Girl of the Prophecy.
Clair de lune espagnol
Two lovers perform a fandango dance. A jealous quarrel follows and the heart-broken swain decides to end it all. He throws himself from the window of his room, but instead of falling to his death, the anchor of a passing balloon intercepts his flight and he is taken high into the clouds. Laughing at his plight, the moon arouses the anger of the desperate lover and a battle between the two ensues.