Henri Lévêque

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Sous le casque de cuir
Set in Rumania, the film focuses on a female secret agent who intends to use an airplane to fly behind enemy lines. While she awaits her flight to destiny, the girl spends several days with a French flying squadron. Her sexy presence causes the pilots to begin fighting among themselves, resulting in disaster for all concerned.
Coups de roulis

Coups de roulis

May 20, 1932
Surprised by the fog, the ship Fraternité suffered significant damage. Therefore, an investigation must be carried out in order to determine the conditions under which the incident occurred. It falls to deputy Puy-Pradal who has just been appointed high commissioner of the navy: the latter, after his meeting with an actor, gradually forgets the mission entrusted to him.
La roche aux mouettes

La roche aux mouettes

Jun 09, 1933
To restore health to their little boy, the Henry couple decided to live in Brittany. The child has a cult of the sea. One day, he follows a band of little Bretons to the high seas and the children would all be drowned if their fathers had not arrived in time.
La voix du métal

La voix du métal

Jan 01, 1933
La comtesse Viana s'éprent d'un ouvrier métallurgiste et devient sa maîtresse pour une nuit. Quelques temps après, l'ouvrier se retrouve atteint de cécité. il désire, une dernière fois, toucher de ses mains les machines sur lesquelles il ne pourra plus travailler.
Vive la compagnie

Vive la compagnie

Mar 16, 1934
Thanks to an understanding and sympathetic regimental comrade, a shy young man, very passionate about astronomy, gradually becomes more confident and manages to tell his love to his beloved.
Adémaï aviateur

Adémaï aviateur

Oct 11, 1934
Adémaï est contraint de se fiancer à la fille du fermier. Il s'enfuit dans un avion avec son copain Michelet qu'il croit instructeur.


Feb 13, 1931
Une grande vedette déchue chante à Singapour dans un café-concert. Elle tombe amoureuse d'un jeune commissaire, pour qui elle se sacrifie au bonheur d'une rivale plus jeune dans le but de l'éloigner de son amant.


Dec 31, 1930
In the French consulate in China, Claude Varville declares his love to the consul's wife.