The story of two sisters who grew up on the fractious Irish border. When one of them, who has been missing, finally returns home, the intense bond with her sister is re-ignited. Together they unearth their mother's past but uncovered secrets and resentments which have been buried deep, threaten to overwhelm them.
Driving across the isolated Moor will take another hour before they reach their destination. Mike, Frank and Graham are off to a music festival. Mike's great idea of a short cut across the isolated Yorkshire moors in a cheap car was not a good decision when the car breaks down.
'Thou shall not suffer a witch to live', screams hanging judge John Stearne as he leads Petonel Haxley to the gallows. This is England in the year 1640. Terror is unleashed on the un-suspecting students 370 years later. A common link with the past evokes retribution from hell.