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Nozomi, who has a younger sister with a mental disability, has not revealed her sister's existence to her lover Takashi - who is confused when he discovers her existence. From there, he faces the concerns peculiar to families with disabilities, one after the other, and despairs in his own life, which is far from "normal" life, while Nozomi tries to give up his marriage to Takashi.
Over your Dead Body

Over your Dead Body

Aug 23, 2014
Deux comédiens qui jouent une histoire de fantômes au théâtre vont commencer à perdre pied avec la réalité au fur et à mesure qu’ils s’imprègnent de leurs rôles respectifs...
惑う After the Rain

惑う After the Rain

Jan 21, 2017
“I never got to feel the warmth of a loving family.” That is what Seishiro notes down in 1948, who was adopted as a child by the idealistic Eichiro. In 1980, Izumi works at a bank and she lives with her mother Ito. Twenty-two years later, in the evening on a winter night and the day before Izumi is to marry, her mother tells Izumi about her late father's dream, Seishiro. Her father's dream was of Izumi's marriage. Izumi reminisces about her loving father. What happened in the meantime? In reversed chronological order this movie tells a story about a man who had much to give and what he got in return.


Jan 27, 2018
Une femme silencieuse reçoit une demande sur les réseaux sociaux d'un ami du collège, dont elle ne se souvient pas avec émotion. Les deux se rencontrent au restaurant d'un hôtel où ils trouvent une chambre numérotée 666 contenant Rokuroku, une femme au long cou portant un kimono rouge.
Kamikaze, le dernier assaut
Kentaro, un jeune étudiant et sa soeur aînée Keiko se décident à faire des recherches sur leur grand-père Kyuzo Miyabe, tué alors qu’il était dans les Forces Spéciales lors de la seconde guerre mondiale. Leur grand-père Kyuzo Miyabe était terrifié par la mort et obsédé par la vie. Pourquoi a-t-il rejoint les forces spéciales ? Selon ses compatriotes, des soldats marines, Kyuzo Miyabe était un génie et aussi un lâche. Kentaro et Keiko découvrent alors la vérité choquante qui est restée scellée pendant 60 ans.


Aug 04, 2018
In the early days of the Showa era in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture a newborn baby is abandoned with a doll under the eaves of a merchant house along the pilgrimage route in Shikoku. It seems to be a pilgrim struggling to make a living. This baby girl is named Haruko and brought by Tomita Shizuko and Katsuji as the younger sister of their son Ryosuke who is three years apart. When the war begins, 16-year old Ryosuke qualifies for the naval academy and crosses the Seto Inland Sea. After some consideration, Shizuko tells Haruko the truth that they are not real siblings for the first time. Haruko who has had a secret crush on her brother ever since he said that he would protect her, is innocently overjoyed and heads to Hiroshima to convey this to him. The next day, an atomic bomb explodes in the sky…


Jun 16, 2012
The Eternal Founntain was broadcast as the Saturday Drama Special on NHK. Laywer Akio Yamauchi takes over the court-appointed attorney for Yoji Kuramoto who confesses to murdering his wife. While following Kuramoto's action in Yamanaka and being sure of his innocence, Yamauchi remembers his wife who passed away 12 years earlier.


Sep 20, 2019
Alumni of Ibaraki High School learn that one of their classmates is killed in an accident on the tenth anniversary of their graduation, necessitating an unexpected reunion and “on-campus funeral”. They spend a strange night together, during which the secrets of his life are revealed and they rededicate themselves to his memory, with a new outlook on life.
Shiori Higuchi works at a town hall in Yakushima Island. She is in charge of a plan to hold a concert for the famous Tokyo Wind Orchestra. 10 members of the orchestra from Tokyo arrive on Yakushima Island, but they are not from the famous Tokyo Wind Orchestra.
45-year-old Rui Nakamura is a highly successful publisher. During the course of work, she encounters a 28-year-old married man named Kou Suzuki who aggressively pursues her. Unexpectedly, Rui Nakamura starts to fall in love with the younger married man Set 5 years after the ending of the NHK drama series “Second Virgin,” Rui Nakamura is transferred to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia while still taking care of Marie Suzuki.
Chiaki Yoshino is a TV producer. She is 45-years-old and single. Chiaki Yoshino worries about her health and her later years rather than dating. She hopes to buy an old house and live there with a friend when she gets older. Chiaki then goes to Kamakura, Japan to look for a house. There, she meets a 50-year-old single man Wahei Nagakura. Wahei's first wife died and he has one child. Their love story begins ...
Namonaki Doku

Namonaki Doku

Sep 16, 2013
Saburo Sugimura travaille pour le service de relations publiques d'une entreprise dirigée par son beau-père Yoshichika Imada. Un jour, Yoshichika charge Saburo de travailler au sujet d'un homme nommé Nobuo Kajita.
Nezumi, Edo wo Hashiru
Jirokichi est en apparence un paysan comme un autre, qui vit avec sa sœur cadette Kosode. Mais la nuit, celui-ci devient Nezumi Kozo, ce qui veut dire L'Homme-Souris, un justicier volant aux riches afin de redistribuer aux pauvres. L'inspecteur Tokugoro le poursuit toutes les nuits sans succès. Mais pour aider son peuple, Nezumi Kozo ne peut pas seulement redistribuer de l'argent aux plus dépourvus : il doit aussi résoudre différents mystères pour combattre les injustices et les complots des plus nobles.


Mar 13, 2022
Ryōsuke Sagara is an ordinary salaryman and he works for a mid-size shipping company. He is a good-natured person. His family consists of his wife Maho, high school student daughter and elementary school student son. Maho works part-time at a supermarket. They are a happy family, but Maho and their two children suddenly disappear. There are no clues about their disappearance. Ryōsuke gets the attention of the media and public. He tries to find the truth behind his family's disappearance with the help of his subordinate Mizuho Ninomiya at work.
Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru
Il y a quinze ans le patron d’une prestigieuse boutique de wagashi, confiseries traditionnelles japonaises, a été assassiné. Le témoignage de son tout jeune fils, Tsubaki, amène à l’arrestation d’une employée de la boutique.Hanaoka Nao, la fille de la suspecte, est désormais devenue une talentueuse artisane. En la revoyant pour la première fois quinze ans après les faits, Takatsuki Tsubaki tombe instantanément amoureux et, malgré l’opposition de sa famille, la demande en mariage le jour même sans savoir qui elle est vraiment. Nao saisit l’occasion pour pouvoir prouver l’innocence de sa mère.