Piero Carnabuci

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Tutta la città canta

Tutta la città canta

Aug 15, 1945
A shy and oppressed professor inherits a musical theater show, so he has the opportunity to change is life and find the real love.
Le souffle de la liberté
Pendant une chasse à courre, André Chénier, secrétaire à l'ambassade de Londres et Madeleine de Coigny font connaissance. Après quelques remarques cinglantes de la jeune noble au poète roturier, c'est le grand amour. Le palefrenier Gérard, dont la famille sert les Coigny de père en fils est jaloux. Le père de la jeune fille, le comte de Coigny, très fier de sa noblesse s'oppose à leur amour. Dès les premiers mouvements révolutionnaires, Chénier revient à Paris. Gérard, acquis aux idées nouvelles, arrive trop tard pour empêcher le départ de ses anciens maîtres. Il se lance à leur poursuite...
Voglio vivere cosi

Voglio vivere cosi

Jan 26, 1942
A young farmer, with a magnificent voice, receives an invitation to present himself in a large theater to be hired. In reality, the invitation is a joke made by his cousin.
Kif Tebbi

Kif Tebbi

Jan 02, 1928
A young Italian-educated Libyan nobleman is summoned to fight for the Ottoman Empire in 1911.
La cena delle beffe

La cena delle beffe

Feb 10, 1942
In Florence, at the time of Lorenzo de Medici, known also as Lorenzo the Magnificent, the aristocrat brothers Chiaramantesi rule with an iron fist the streets of the city. Ruthless and fierce, the two brothers have chosen as their special victim the innocent and harmless Giannetto. Even though determined to not react to the cruel pranks of the brothers, Giannetto is forced to take a stand when Ginevra, a beautiful girl that works in the Chiaramantesi household, is dragged into the game. To defend his honor and protect the girl, Giannetto works out a fiendish plot that will end in blood and madness.
Scipion l'Africain

Scipion l'Africain

Aug 04, 1937
Au cours du IIIème siècle avec Jésus Christ, Rome et Carthage se livrent combat, sur les deux continents. Le proconsul romain Publius Cornelius Scipion parvient à repousser les attaques ennemies en Espagne. D'une ambition sans commune mesure, "Scipion l'Africain" demande de l'aide à Rome afin de combattre les carthaginois sur leurs propres terres dans le but de mettre fin à leur expansion. Mais pour atteindre les rives de l'autre continent, il devra affronter Syphax, un roi allié d'Hannibal.


Feb 09, 1956
In the military academy of the Nisida Air Force a new course begins which sees among the new recruits called "chicks": Giorgio, forced by his father after he squandered millions at the gaming table; De Montel son of a general, Mario who wants to follow in the footsteps of his father who died in combat; Antonio who declares himself Neapolitan while coming from the province and Ugo who comes from the north.
Gente dell’aria

Gente dell’aria

Mar 04, 1943
Two half brothers, one a pilot, the other a repairman at the plane factory of their father, are in a disagreement due to the envy of the younger brother, son of the first wife of their father. Then both brothers fall in love with the same woman; this causes more conflict between the two, making worse an already tense situation.
La Chance d'être femme
Antonietta, une jeune vendeuse, ne manque pas d'ambition. Elle a la ferme intention de réussir dans la vie. Son objectif : devenir vedette de cinéma. Un jour, elle remonte ses bas dans la rue quand Corrado la prend discrètement en photo. À la grande surprise d'Antonietta, le cliché fait la une d'un magazine et lui apporte une relative célébrité qui a tendance à l'embarrasser. Elle doit rapidement gérer les avances de Corrado, tombé sous son charme, ainsi que les propositions du comte Gregorio qui lui assure pouvoir faire d'elle une star de cinéma.
La Gorgona

La Gorgona

Oct 12, 1942
1017 AD. The Republic of Pisa is organizing a fleet to drive out the Saracens who are infesting the Mediterranean. While the forces are away "The Gorgon," the young daughter of a Pisan nobleman who has been heroically killed, comes to be solemnly invested as the figurehead virgin who will maintain a lantern to celebrate the men's victorious return. In charge of the home guard is an ambitious young Florentine who feels deprived of the forthcoming honour and glory, and who seeks revenge by violating the sacred person of the virgin. He gains access to her well guarded quarters, but when the Gorgon falls helplessly in love with him, his desire for vengeance falls away. His plot exposed, he commits suicide rather than invoke the wrath of the Pisans. The Gorgon too takes her life by throwing herself from a high tower. Meanwhile, the victorious Pisan vessels return.