Star Dogs is a brand new British comedy that follows the exploits of a rag-tag group of space-pirates as they try and make a living in a strange new future.
Obsédée par la mini-série de la BBC "Orgueil et préjugés", une jeune femme se rend dans le parc d'attraction consacré à Jane Austen afin de trouver l’homme idéal.
Angleterre, 1972.Un couple de journalistes reçoit la visite d'un homme et d'une femme dans leur maison située dans un village idyllique, mais ce qui commence par une interview informelle se transforme en une lutte cauchemardesque pour la survie.
48 hours in the life of public school-fool and Hedge-fund manager, Darryl Maddock, who suddenly discovers his stunning and exotic fiancé is a serial gold-digger with a penchant for violence.
An aging 80 year old drag queen forms an unlikely friendship with a younger queen, both struggling with their own issues of gender identity and mortality. As they discover more about each other, they realize how to truly be themselves.
After her father’s suicide, a young mother investigates what led to his death. But when she is haunted by spirits and unearths an unsolved mystery from 30 years ago, she discovers a dark family history that could prove deadly for her child.