Heather Henson

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La Petite Boutique des horreurs
Dans le quartier le plus miteux de New York, Skid Row, se trouve une modeste boutique de fleurs. Les affaires vont mal et Mr. Mushnik, la mort dans l'âme, décide de fermer son magasin. C'est alors que Seymour, son employé, met en vitrine une fleur exotique achetée à un fleuriste chinois.
Jim Henson : l'homme aux mille idées
Jim Henson : l’homme aux mille idées nous fait pénétrer dans l'esprit de ce visionnaire créatif singulier, depuis ses premières années de marionnettiste à la télévision locale jusqu'au succès mondial de "Sesame Street" ou encore "Le Muppet Show". Grâce à des documents inédits tirés de ses archives personnelles, le réalisateur Ron Howard nous offre un regard divertissant et perspicace sur un homme complexe dont l'imagination débordante a changé le monde.
In Their Own Words: Jim Henson
The film follows Henson’s career from his first work with his Muppets in the early 1950’s during television’s Golden Age up to his sudden and shocking death in 1990, as he transcended puppetry to become one of the most creative, prolific and influential artists of his time. Key events include his early television work with the Muppets while still a student at the University of Maryland, his commercial work and network appearances in the late 1950s and early 1960’s, his breakthrough with Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, and his groundbreaking fantasy films, Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Among those interviewed for the Jim Henson episode are his children, Lisa, Cheryl, Brian and Heather Henson, actors Neil Patrick Harris and Candice Bergen, Willard Scott, director John Landis, former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, and Sesame Street cast members Bob McGrath and Carroll Spinney.
Drôles d'Espions

Drôles d'Espions

Dec 06, 1985
Des satellites espions américains ont repéré un lance-missiles soviétique à longue portée d'un modèle inédit. Le Général Sline dépêche sur place deux agents de contre-espionnage avec mission de s'emparer de l' engin. Une troisième guerre mondiale risque d'être déclenchée...
Les Muppets à Manhattan
Les Muppets sont de retour ! Ils viennent d'obtenir leur diplôme à la fac et veulent fêter ça en allant vendre leur nouveau show, "Manhattan Melodies", chez les producteurs de Manhattan. Sauf que personne n'en veut, et les Muppets se séparent : Kermit se fait une nouvelle amie, Jenny, et rend jalouse la pauvre Peggy. Rowlf devient secrétaire chez un vétérinaire, Fozzie s'installe dans une cave, et Peggy ne peut s'empêcher de surveiller de près son Kermit tout en continuant à travailler sur le spectacle. Enfin, un jeune producteur se décide à financer leur show; le gang des Muppets est en route pour Manhattan lorsque Kermit se fait renverser par une voiture. Devenu amnésique, ses amis tentent de lui faire recouvrer la mémoire...
Les Muppets : Ça c'est du cinéma !
Kermit la grenouille vit paisiblement dans son petit marais. Lorsqu'il entend parler d'une grande audition à Hollywood, il se laisse tenter par le voyage et part à bicyclette avec le doux espoir de réaliser ses rêves de star. En chemin, il rencontre une belle actrice, Miss Piggy, un comédien raté, Fozzie l'ours, et toute une série d'individus aussi particuliers que talentueux. Kermit et sa joyeuse troupe décident bien vite de faire la route ensemble avec la ferme intention de conquérir Hollywood. La chose ne se fait cependant pas sans encombre lorsque le promoteur véreux Doc Hopper se lance à leur poursuite afin de pouvoir engager Kermit pour une nouvelle publicité sur sa chaîne de restaurants spécialisés dans les cuisses de grenouilles...
Junk Palace

Junk Palace

Apr 16, 2011
Homer and Langley Collyer were two of the world's most infamous hoarders. Packed floor to ceiling, their New York brownstone became a labyrinth of tunnels and traps. They were utter recluses who might have passed away into obscurity were it not for the bizarre circumstances of their deaths. Using elaborate paper puppets, Junk Palace takes you into the Collyers' strange world and imagines what life was like for these unique individuals.
Marianne’s Onion

Marianne’s Onion

Dec 20, 2020
“Marianne’s Onion” is a true story from the pandemic based on an interview with Marianne Ross. 86-year-old Marianne hikes through the valley behind her house one day when she is in need of an onion and finds one miraculously in the woods. The film follows her journey from first discovery, to the reactions of her community, to her hilarious and poignant musings on the meaning of unexpectedly receiving a seemingly mundane gift.
If Birds Fly

If Birds Fly

Aug 26, 2021
If Birds Fly is a puppet fantasia about an aging daredevil who struggles to find value in his bright and brutal career as he prepares to attempt his most daring jump.
Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

Apr 01, 2014
A boy receives a gift from his grandfather for his birthday; a box in which to store the lessons he will learn throughout life. He inadvertently learns his first lesson when he opens the large chest of his grandfather's own lessons learned.
Our Mine

Our Mine

Jun 07, 2021
In a handcrafted world, where nature exists in harmony, a handful of greedy businessmen exploit a mountain’s riches. The female body becomes both landscape and characters in an exploration of what happens when Man considers himself separate from Nature. Through animation and puppetry, this ecofeminist tragicomedy blurs the line between fable and reality.


Nov 18, 2022
A quiet bus ride home from the city library turns into an aural nightmare for a book-reading commuter. With every stop the bus fills with people and sounds, becoming a chaotic cacophony joyful to everyone but her. Only when the bus finally reaches her seaside stop does she find escape, slipping back into her natural habitat where we discover she is not the average commuter.


Oct 05, 2024


HAM tells the amazing true story of the first chimp in space! Ham was hand picked from a handful of primates to participate in a rigorous astro chimp training program. His charm and wit set him above his class. But as a series of malfunctions befalls his space capsule, can he put his training to the test and navigate safely home?
Jim Henson : l'homme aux mille idées
HAM tells the amazing true story of the first chimp in space! Ham was hand picked from a handful of primates to participate in a rigorous astro chimp training program. His charm and wit set him above his class. But as a series of malfunctions befalls his space capsule, can he put his training to the test and navigate safely home?
The Haunted Swordsman

The Haunted Swordsman

Dec 13, 2019
HAM tells the amazing true story of the first chimp in space! Ham was hand picked from a handful of primates to participate in a rigorous astro chimp training program. His charm and wit set him above his class. But as a series of malfunctions befalls his space capsule, can he put his training to the test and navigate safely home?
Yo Soy Taíno

Yo Soy Taíno

May 23, 2019
In this live-action puppet film, a grandmother talks with her granddaughter about their Taíno heritage in post-Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico.