Vlad Rădescu

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Du sang sur la forêt

Du sang sur la forêt

Aug 27, 2022
Alors qu’il avait pu quitter la Roumanie soviétique pour l’Allemagne de l’Ouest dans les années 1980, un détective privé est chargé de retourner enquêter dans son pays natal pour une histoire de disparition. Un thriller écolo et un voyage bouleversant.
Barbarossa : L'Empereur de la mort
Issu de la dynastie des Hohenstaufen, Frédéric "Barberousse" (1122-1190), empereur du Saint Empire romain germanique, s'opposa à la papauté et aux villes riches et puissantes d'Italie du Nord, auxquelles il voulait imposer son autorité. Milan constitua alors la Ligue des villes lombardes, qui infligea à Barberousse la défaite de Legnano en 1176, le contraignant à reconnaître leur indépendance. Ce film raconte son histoire...
Otages en péril

Otages en péril

Dec 17, 1999
Steve Parker et Erica Long sont envoyés à Bucarest pour une mission délicate : découvrir un engin nucléaire caché dans l'ambassade américaine. Mais, des Serbes attaquent l'ambasse et prennent en otages toutes les personnes présentes. Les preneurs d'otages reclament la libération de leur chef détenu pour crimes contre l'humanité. L'armée américaine redoute que les terroristes ne s'emparent de la bombe.
Nunta lui Oli

Nunta lui Oli

Dec 01, 2009
Alone in his kitchen in Bucharest, Dorel prepares for what seems to be a party. Actually, it’s his son’s wedding which takes place in the United States. Dorel is going to watch the wedding through a webcam, together with two of his son’s friends. On a small screen, they are about to meet the bride and her father, and witness the ceremony.
La Crypte

La Crypte

Aug 26, 2005
Au coeur d'une forêt roumaine, dans les ruines d'une abbaye du XIIIe siècle, des scientifiques découvrent l'entrée d'un labyrinthe de grottes souterraines. Ils engagent des spécialistes pour les aider à explorer cet univers mystérieux. Jack et son frère Tyler dirigent la meilleure équipe de spéléologues plongeurs du monde. Ils en ont déjà vu beaucoup, mais ce qui les attend au fond, loin sous la terre, dépasse leurs pires cauchemars...
Somnul insulei

Somnul insulei

Jan 01, 1994
The topic of the film points out the condition of an intellectual in time of totalitarian dictatorship, which subjugated an island from where you can not run. The only alternative is collaborating with power and internment in a rehabilitation institute. A famous writer returns to his homeland to try to confront the terror of an oppressive regime, but he ends up being himself corrupted-thanks to the aberrant system.
Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd

Jan 03, 2006
A Londres au 19e siècle, Benjamin Barker, injustement emprisonné, prépare une terrible vengeance contre ceux qui l'ont injustement condamné. Il revient s'installer en ville, comme barbier sous le pseudonyme de Sweeney Todd. Bientôt, des corps découpés sont retrouvés dans Fleet River. Aidé par Mrs Lowell, Benjamin Baker compte mener à terme sa vengeance, malgré les soupçons qui pèsent de plus en plus sur lui.
Pe aici nu se trece

Pe aici nu se trece

Jan 01, 1975
The film follows the stories of a handful of characters: Andrei (Radescu), who finds himself in conflict with his peers; Colonel Maxineanu (Stanculescu), the school commander; and Adrian (Mavrodineanu), a young villager who is inspired by the bravery of the cadets. The Hungarians arrive and launch a series of attacks against the Romanians. The Axis are pushed back again and again, despite superior numbers and weaponry. At the end of the film, they launch one last attack, which seems to momentarily begin breaking through. Just at that moment, reinforcements from the Soviet and Romanian armies arrive, pushing the Hungarians back.
Sing, Cowboy, Sing

Sing, Cowboy, Sing

Jun 12, 1981
Joe and Benny are two cowboys on tour in the Wild West as a singing duo, usually without a penny in their pockets to spare. Joe is a talented rodeo-rider, which fascinates the little girl Susanne and gives her the wish to have him as a father. Her mother Maria, however, is to marry the evil, rich farmer Dave. Susanne wants to stop the wedding, so she sneaks aboard Joe and Benny's wagon to persuade them to intervene. Dave brands them as kidnappers, forcing them to flee as outlaws to one of the families tyrannized by Dave. Together, they strike back at Dave, at which point Maria sees that he's the wrong man for her.
Free Dance

Free Dance

Apr 08, 2016
À New York vivent Ruby, une jeune danseuse classique américaine et Johnnie, un violoniste britannique qui gagne quelques dollars en jouant dans le métro. Tout les sépare mais un jour ils vont se rencontrer à l'occasion d'une battle de hip-hop dans laquelle différents mondes musicaux vont s'entrechoquer.
Mușchetarul român

Mușchetarul român

Oct 13, 1975
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.


Sep 21, 1980
The life of Dacian war-leader Burebista who ruled between 80-44 B.C.and founded a strong Dacian Kingdom despite considerable pressure from the neighboring Celtic warlords and the Greek cities of the Black Sea coast.
Dracula: The Dark Prince
In his search for the Lightbringer, Dracula crosses paths with a beautiful crusader named Alina who bears a remarkable resemblance to his murdered bride. One look at her and Dracula is immediately smitten. Could Alina be the reincarnation of his long-dead love? Dracula has Alina kidnapped and brought to his castle where the Beast must now try to win his Beauty's heart.
La răscrucea marilor furtuni
In 1848 during the tumultuous era of European revolutions shaking the continent out of its feudal-based empire-based system the Wallachian politician Nicolae Balcescu is trying to reach the same revolutionary goals at home.
Munții în flăcări

Munții în flăcări

Dec 15, 1980
1848, Transylvania. Avram Iancu raises a peasant army to defend the rights of the Romanian ethnics, while Nicolae Bălcescu tries a diplomatic approach.
Mănuși roșii

Mănuși roșii

Jun 01, 2010
The personal story of the young student Felix Goldschmidt, who finds himself arrested for a crime he does not understand, like his fellow prisoners, he believes at first that he the victim of a mistake. But Red Gloves is also a political story, describing how a totalitarian state imposes itself by fear, rooting out individuals almost randomly and demanding their submission. By cutting back to scenes from the old life of Felix, the author manages to achieve balance and contrast with the suffocating atmosphere of the prison. We are shown our hero as an idealistic young man, searching for love and fulfillment.
Der geköpfte Hahn

Der geköpfte Hahn

Jun 04, 2007
A moving coming of age story in a time of extreme change: on August 23, 1944 in a small city in Romanian Transylvania, the 16 year old Felix Goldschmidt awaits his classmates for their traditional Exitus Party (school graduation). However, this very day the kingdom of Romania takes leave of its ally of many years - Nazi Germany - thus ending the 800 year old, highly successful story of ethnic German immigration at the feet of the Carpathian Mountains. It is a great story of young people's blindness to the rise of Fascism, the destruction of bourgeois values, a first love and shattered friendships.
Walking with the Enemy
L'intrigue se base à Budapest et dans des villages avoisinants à la fin de l'occupation de la Hongrie par la Wehrmacht lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L'histoire tout autour d'un jeune Juif hongrois, Elek Cohen, qui se fait passer pour un officier de la Schutzstaffel (SS) pour savoir ce qui est devenu de ces amis pendant la Shoah.
Dragonheart : La Vengeance
Lukas, un jeune fermier dont la famille est tuée par des pilleurs sauvages dans la campagne, se lance dans une quête épique de vengeance, formant un trio improbable avec un dragon majestueux et un mercenaire combattant à l'épée, Darius. Helena Bonham Carter chante Siveth, le dragon qui respire la glace et qui fut autrefois banni du royaume pour avoir échoué à sauver la vie du roi. Poussée par la cause du jeune homme, elle sort de sa cachette et utilise ses pouvoirs fantastiques dans le voyage aventureux du trio qui apporte des révélations et des récompenses au-delà de la vengeance...