Pierre Elliott Trudeau

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May 26, 1998

Sophie est une jeune actrice bourrée de talent qui part pour le Japon jouer une pièce de Feydeau dans le cadre de l'exposition internationale d'Osaka. Elle laisse Michel, son chum, à Montréal alors plongé en pleine crise d'octobre 70... Au cours d'un chassé-croisé comico-sentimental, elle tente désespérément de joindre Michel pour lui annoncer qu'elle est enceinte, tout en essayant de repousser les avances pressantes de son compagnon de scène, de jouer dans la pièce et de survivre à un souper embarrassant en compagnie de l'attaché culturel du Canada et de son épouse pincée. Pendant ce temps à Montréal, pour Michel, Michel, impliqué dans un attentat terroriste, la vie est en train de changer du tout au tout...
Dancing Around the Table, Part One
Dancing Around the Table: Part One provides a fascinating look at the crucial role Indigenous people played in shaping the Canadian Constitution. The 1984 Federal Provincial Conference of First Ministers on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters was a tumultuous and antagonistic process that pitted Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the First Ministers—who refused to include Indigenous inherent rights to self-government in the Constitution—against First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders, who would not back down from this historic opportunity to enshrine Indigenous rights. The conference was Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s last constitutional meeting before he resigned and the process was handed over to his successor, Brian Mulroney.
Royal Family

Royal Family

Jun 21, 1969
Intimate portrait of the daily life of the British Royal Family drawn from 18 months of filming within Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and Balmoral.
Tiens-toi bien après les oreilles à papa...
Les tribulations de deux Québécois nationalistes dans l'univers anglophone des compagnies d'assurance. Une satire qui puise son ironie dans une situation sociale bien précise. Un exemple fort représentatif des comédies populaires de l'époque qui prenaient appui sur la télévision et les vedettes à la mode, et qui ont fondé un certain courant commercial du cinéma québécois, plus intéressant que celui du " film de fesses ".
La raison avant la passion
The film consists primarily of degraded footage of landscapes shot from vehicles moving across the country; meanwhile, 537 computer-generated permutations of the film’s title appear like subtitles—the letters are scrambled over and over again, undermining the meaning of Pierre Trudeau's infamous motto.
Les Rose

Les Rose

Aug 14, 2020
En octobre 1970, des membres du Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) enlèvent le ministre Pierre Laporte, déclenchant une crise sans précédent au Québec. Cinquante ans plus tard, Félix Rose tente de comprendre ce qui a pu mener son père et son oncle à commettre de tels actes. Grâce aux confidences de son oncle Jacques, qui accepte pour la première fois de s’exprimer sur le sujet, et aux traces précieuses laissées par son père Paul, il fait revivre la richesse de l’héritage d’une famille ouvrière québécoise et redonne à la crise d’octobre sa dimension sociale. Fruit de dix ans de recherche, Les Rose permet de faire revivre des moments et des personnages que l’on ne connaissait que par quelques clichés, et laisse entrevoir le blocage social vécu par une jeunesse révoltée et les bouleversements qui s’ensuivirent.
15 nov

15 nov

Jun 16, 1977
A look at November 15, 1976, the date the Parti Québécois seized power in the provincial elections, a victory that gave rise to an unprecedented outburst of joy at the Center Paul-Sauvé, a place where PQ sympathizers gathered.
The Road to Patriation
This feature documentary retraces the century of haggling by successive federal and provincial governments to agree on a formula to bring home the Canadian Constitution from England. This film concentrates on the politicking and lobbying that finally led to its patriation in 1982. Five prime ministers had failed before Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau took up the challenge in the early 1970s. Principal players in this documentary are federal Minister of Justice Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister Trudeau, 10 provincial premiers and a host of journalists, politicians, lawyers, and diplomats on both sides of the Atlantic.


Jan 01, 1981
This documentary short is a portrait of Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party and 13th prime minister of Canada, John George Diefenbaker (1895-1979). Diefenbaker's political career spanned 6 decades. When he died in 1979, his state funeral and final train trip west became more a celebration of life than a victory for death.
John & Yoko's Year of Peace
The year: 1969. Headlines blare war and civil unrest while John Lennon and Yoko Ono are in love. The eccentic rock 'n' roll couple has just gotten married, and more than happy to be together, they want to change the world. Lying in a hotel bed surrounded by journalists, they announce their mission for peace and invite the rest of the world to symbolically climb into bed with them and share their dream. People call them silly, naive, even ridiculous, yet one famous couple's bed-in spread new hope that there really could be an end to war, hate and violence. Here is rare footage from that amazing time, including footage from John and Yoko's wedding, the infamous bedside confrontation between John and conservative cartoonist Al Capp, Lennon debating media expert Marshall McLuhan, and meeting Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Now twenty years after Lennon's murder, Yoko and others involved in the peace mission reflect on the events of that magical, mystical year.
The Champions, Part 1: Unlikely Warriors
In Part 1 of this 3-part documentary series, director Donald Brittain chronicles the early years of Pierre Elliott Trudeau and René Lévesque. From their university days in the 1950s to 1967 when Lévesque left the Liberal Party and Trudeau became the federal Minister of Justice, Brittain attempts to get at the heart of what makes these men so fascinating.
Le confort et l'indifférence
Un grand documentaire sur le Québec et un éditorial cinématographique virulent à l’occasion du référendum de mai 1980 sur la souveraineté-association. Couvrant les événements, le cinéaste sort la défaite référendaire du Parti québécois de son contexte local et la confronte au jugement de l'Histoire, en la soumettant au feu d'une critique acerbe sous la forme de citations extraites de l'œuvre de Nicolas Machiavel (magnifiquement interprété par Jean-Pierre Ronfard).
The Champions, Part 3: The Final Battle
The final instalment of this 3-part documentary series about Pierre Elliott Trudeau and René Lévesque spans the decade between 1976 and 1986. The film reveals the turbulent, behind-the-scenes drama during the Quebec referendum and the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution. In doing so, it also traces both Trudeau's and Lévesque's fall from power.
Just Watch Me: Trudeau and the 70's Generation
Canadian director Catherine Annau's debut work is a documentary about the legacy of Pierre Trudeau, the long-running Prime Minister of Canada, who governed during the 1970s. The film focuses particularly on Trudeau's goal of creating a thoroughly bilingual nation. Annau interviews eight people in their mid-30s on both sides of the linguistic divide. One tells of her life growing up in a community of hard-core Quebec separatists, while another, a yuppie from Toronto, recalls believing as a child that people in Montreal got drunk and had sex all day long. Annau has all of the interviewees discuss how Trudeau's policies affected their lives and their perceptions of the other side, in this issue that strikes to the heart of Canada's national identity.
Welcome to My Castle!

Welcome to My Castle!

Dec 04, 2007
Over 5 hours of full-length interviews with Nirvana, Tommy Chong, Sonic Youth, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Ron Jeremy, and many more. Includes videos of Nardwuar's band, The Evaporators, along with all sorts of bonus material!
Deux femmes en or

Deux femmes en or

May 21, 1970
Deux voisines et amies demeurant en banlieue de Montréal, Fernand Turcot et Violette Lamoureux, se sentent négligées par leur mari respectif. Elles imaginent d'attirer chez elles le plus de livreurs et fournisseurs possible pour satisfaire avec eux leur appétit sexuel. Un de ces visiteurs meurt inopinément pendant ses ébats avec Violette. Les deux amies s'efforcent en vain de camoufler ce décès et finissent par subir un procès. Elles sont acquittées et l'événement leur apporte une gloire momentanée.
Gai(e), tu ne seras point
A documentary that offers an intimate yet powerful perspective on the scars endured by survivors of conversion therapies, and on how the victims ultimately managed to accept their true selves.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau: Memoirs
Pierre Elliott Trudeau was one of the most striking, well-spoken and controversial leaders in Canadian history. He brought with him an almost rock-star aura of popularity to office in the 1960s, marking what was known as "Trudeaumania" in Canada during one of the country's most exciting and important times. Yet Trudeau's eccentricities were regularly mistaken for arrogance and he was often considered a traitor, particularly by those who wanted to see Quebec separated from the rest of Canada. With the province rocked by terrorist bombings and the nation disturbed by civil unrest, Trudeau was determined to "put the country in its place." Through hours of archival footage and interviews with Trudeau himself, Memoirs details the story of a man who used intelligence and charisma to bring together a country that was very nearly torn apart.