Henry Woolf

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Maid to Order

Maid to Order

Jul 10, 1987
Jessie Montgomery gâtée, dont le comportement sauvage et les dépenses excessives font que son père millionnaire bien intentionné mais exaspéré, Charles, souhaite ne jamais l'avoir, reçoit la visite de la fée marraine Stella. Dans le but de sauver Jessie, Stella jette un sort qui fait que Charles n'a plus de fille. Jessie, désormais sans le sou et sans ami, doit accepter un travail de femme de ménage pour gagner sa vie et, espérons-le, apprendre la leçon.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian & The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Young Prince Caspian of Narnia wonders and dreams about the old days of Narnia when animals talked, and there were mythical creatures and four rulers in Cair Paravel. But his uncle and aunt don’t like to hear him thinking of such things, and plan to murder him and take his throne. Caspian’s tutor, Dr. Cornelius manages to save him, and not only teach him about the old ways, but bring him into the real Narnia and introduce him to the real Narnia. But Caspian’s plight is desperate, and he must use the legendary horn to call help from another world: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. Then, Lucy and Edmund are sent back to Narnia, along with their cousin Eustace, to assist Caspian on a voyage. Along their journey the children battle dragons and sea serpents, and sail across a golden lake to reach the edge of the world.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair
Eustace is sent to a horrible school and finds a friend in Jill Pole, who's also running from bullies and looking for a place to hide. The two of them are magically transported from the garden shed into the magical world of Narnia, where they are entrusted with a task by Aslan: to rescue the king's stolen son, Prince Rilian. Together with Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, they must travel north across the mountains, dodge giants, and journey down into the earth itself to rescue Rilian from the mysterious evil that holds him bound there.
Deux Hommes en fuite

Deux Hommes en fuite

Nov 12, 1970
Deux silhouettes progressent dans un paysage inondé de soleil. Mac Connachie, paysan rude d'une quarantaine d'années, et Ansell, citadin intellectuel qui sort de l'adolescence, fuient, les mains attachées derrière le dos, De caractères très différents, les deux hommes se supportent difficilement, mais doivent agir ensemble pour assurer leur survie. Avec une froide détermination, Mac Connachie n'hésite pas à tuer un inconnu qui possède une arme. Les fugitifs se libèrent de leurs liens et se procurent du ravitaillement. Mais ils sont repérés par les occupants d'un hélicoptère. Ayant trouvé un refuge provisoire sous la végétation d'une plantation, ils réussissent à échapper à l'incendie apocalyptique allumé par leurs poursuivants. L'hélicoptère harcèle les deux hommes, mais, au terme d'une lutte sans merci, le pilote est abattu. Savourant leur triomphe éphémère, Mac Connachie et Ansell parviennent à proximité d'un poste frontière sur la pente d'un massif enneigé...
The Bed Sitting Room

The Bed Sitting Room

Jun 01, 1969
In the hazy aftermath of World War III, the fallout from a 'nuclear misunderstanding' is producing strange mutations amongst the survivors, and the noble Lord Fortnum finds himself transforming into a bed sitting room.
Le chien des Baskervilles
Les Baskerville sont maudits. Selon la légende, chaque héritier de cette vieille famille est promis à une mort terrible, dévoré par un chien monstrueux et fantomatique. Sir Charles Baskerville a vécu dans la peur. Il est mort dans la peur. Les traces de pattes gigantesques retrouvées près de son cadavre alarment son ami, le docteur Mortimer, et le poussent à s'adresser au célébrissime détective du 221b Baker Street, à Londres....
Le Messie sauvage

Le Messie sauvage

Jun 27, 1972
Le film fictionne la relation réelle entre le sculpteur français Henri Gaudier et l'écrivaine polonaise Sophie Brzeska, de vingt ans son aînée, venue à Paris, dit-elle, pour son « atmosphère créative ».
Dieu et mon droit

Dieu et mon droit

Sep 13, 1972
Un membre de la chambre des Lords meurt de façon stupide et choquante. Son fils doit hériter mais il est fou - il pense être Jésus. Les membres de sa famille soi-disant respectables complotent afin de lui voler les biens hérités...
Rogue Male

Rogue Male

Sep 22, 1976
Au début de 1939, Sir Robert Thorndyke vise Adolf Hitler avec un fusil de grande puissance, mais le tir rate sa cible. Capturé et torturé par la Gestapo et laissé pour mort, Sir Robert retourne en Angleterre où il découvre que la Gestapo l'a suivi. Sachant que son gouvernement le livrerait aux autorités allemandes, Sir Robert entre dans la clandestinité dans sa bataille avec ses poursuivants.
Great Catherine

Great Catherine

Nov 29, 1968
When British Capt. Charles Edstaston arrives at the court of Catherine the Great in St. Petersburg, Russia, he is stunned by the palace's disorderly condition. The severely intoxicated Prince Potemkin concludes that the handsome Edstaston would be a suitable lover for Catherine, and he coerces the bewildered visitor into her bedchamber. Edstaston manages to escape, but he is repeatedly recaptured and delivered to the mischievous Catherine.
The Love Pill

The Love Pill

Dec 27, 1972
A man discovers a candy can also be used as an aphrodisiac--and a contraceptive.
Le lion en hiver

Le lion en hiver

Oct 30, 1968
Intrigues et meurtres autour de la succession d'Henry II, roi d'Angleterre au XIIè siècle, et qui réunit sa femme Eléonore d'Aquitaine, exilée, ses trois fils, leur prétendante qui est aussi sa maîtresse, et le frère de cette dernière, le roi de France Philippe II.
Harold Pinter:  A Celebration
In June 2009, a group Britain's leading actors gathered for one night only to perform a celebration of the work of Harold Pinter at the National Theatre, directed by Ian Rickson. The team who made the acclaimed Harold Pinter documentaries for BBC's Arena was there to record this unique performance.
TV Movie
Doctor Who: The Sun Makers
Far in the distant future, Earth has become uninhabitable, forcing Mankind to colonise first Mars and then Pluto. No longer the coldest planet in the solar system, Pluto is now warmed by artificial suns. The Doctor, Leela and K9 arrive to discover the exploitation of the Megropolis people by the ruling elite, lead by the Collector. Deep in the Undercity, a small group of revolutionaries plot to overthrow the company and the Doctor is forced to fight the oppression of the people using Fire against Fire...
San Ferry Ann

San Ferry Ann

Jul 01, 1965
A motley crew of British characters ride The San Ferry Ann to the shores of France where they embark on a weekend of calamity. The campervan family led by Dad and Mum (David Lodge and Joan Sims) create chaos from the moment they set their tires on the shore resulting in frequent run-ins with the Gendarme, while Lewd Grandad (Wilfred Brambell) finds his own misadventures with a newly acquainted friend, a mad German ex-soldier (Ron Moody). Also aboard for the ride is a saucy hitchhiker (Barbara Windsor) who causes a few heads to turn including that of a fellow traveller (Ronnie Stevens) who pursues her affection with comic results. By the end of this weekend the French may well be wishing to say 'au revoir' to these trouble-making tourists. San Ferry Ann is a humorous take on the tradition of the British get-away. A classic sound effect comedy that sits with the likes of similarly praised titles such as 'The Plank', 'Futtock's End' and 'Rhubarb Rhubarb'.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Une nuit d'orage, la voiture de Janet et Brad, un couple coincé qui vient de se fiancer, tombe en panne. Obligés de se réfugier dans un mystérieux château, ils vont faire la rencontre de ses occupants pour le moins bizarres, qui se livrent à de bien étranges expériences.


Apr 13, 1973
A man sits alone remembering his love affair with the girl his best friend won.
Gorky Park

Gorky Park

Dec 15, 1983
Un détective de la police de Moscou mène l'enquête sur un triple meurtre particulièrement affreux qui a eu lieu au parc Gorki, et qui semble avoir des ramifications internationales.
Superman III

Superman III

Jun 17, 1983
Ross Webster, patron d’une puissante société, découvre les talent cachés de l’informaticien Gus Gorman, véritable génie dans son domaine. Webster décide d’exploiter les dons de son employé, afin de prendre le contrôle de l’économie mondiale et d’anéantir Superman à l’aide d’une Kryptonite synthétique.
Horatio Bottomley

Horatio Bottomley

Nov 28, 1972
Alan Clarke's standalone film first appeared as an episode of the BBC series "The Edwardians" and concerns notorious bon vivant, swindler, MP, public speaker, founder of the Financial Times and publisher of John Bull magazine, Horatio Bottomley.
Tell Me Lies

Tell Me Lies

Feb 02, 1968
Trois jeunes Anglais, horrifiés par la photo d’un enfant vietnamien blessé, essaient de comprendre la spirale de la violence dans cette guerre et de surmonter leur sentiment d’impuissance. Avec des acteurs de la Royal Shakespeare Company, à travers chansons, témoignages et manifestations publiques, Peter Brook explore le rapport entre la guerre du Vietnam et la jeunesse protestataire de Londres nourrie de contre-culture pop. Entre fiction et documentaire, un regard original et ironique sur l'époque, toujours d'actualité sur les questions d'engagement et sur notre rapport moral aux images de la guerre.
Steptoe & Son Ride Again
Albert Steptoe and his son Harold are rag-and-bone men, complete with horse and cart to tour the neighbourhood. They also live amicably together at the junk yard. Always on the lookout for ways to improve his lot, Harold invests his father's life savings in a greyhound who is almost blind and can't see the hare. When the dog loses a race and Harold has to pay off the debt, he comes up with another bright idea. Collect his father's life insurance. To do this his father must pretend to be dead.


Feb 22, 1967
À l'asile de Charenton, le marquis de Sade met en scène une pièce sur la mort de Jean Paul Marat, en utilisant les patients comme acteurs.


Jan 01, 1972
This chilling and provocative faux home movie presents the story of three dissidents and their plan to commit a revolutionary act on film. Bicât and scriptwriter Howard Brenton explore the consequences and co-option of political violence with hard, grubby directness and a pre-punk, semi-nihilistic attack on bourgeois values.
A Home of Your Own

A Home of Your Own

Jan 01, 1964
A Home of Your Own is a 1964 British comedy film which is a brick-by-brick account of the building a young couple’s dream house. From the day when the site is first selected, to the day – several years and children later – when the couple finally move in, the story is a noisy but wordless comedy of errors as the incompetent labourers struggle to complete the house. It may well have been inspired by the success of Bernard Cribbins' classic song of the same vein from two years earlier, "Right Said Fred". In this satirical look at British builders, many cups of tea are made, windows are broken and the same section of road is dug up over and over again by the water board, the electricity board and the gas board. Ronnie Barker’s put-upon cement mixer, Peter Butterworth’s short-sighted carpenter and Bernard Cribbins’ hapless stonemason all contribute to the ensuing chaos.


May 12, 1987
Basements is the title for the omnibus film that brings together two plays by Harold Pinter – The Dumb Waiter and The Room – each, once again, set in a single location.
The Sweeney

The Sweeney

Dec 28, 1978
Jack Regan, an unethical officer of the Flying Squad, uses unorthodox methods to pursue criminals with the help of his partner, George Carter.
Action & Adventure
Rutland Weekend Television
Comedy sketch series purporting to show the programming of a low key regional television service. Written by Eric Idle of 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' fame. A popular feature was the music of Neil Innes (one time member of the eccentric Bonzo Dog Dooh Dah Band), especially his Beatles parody The Rutles. They later featured in their own film: 'The Rutles (All You Need Is Cash)'.


Nov 16, 1979
Classic sitcom starring Eric Sykes and Hattie Jacques as brother and sister twins who have to tackle the trials and tribulations of suburban life.
Where Are They Now?

Where Are They Now?

Nov 28, 2002
Where Are They Now? was a television series on VH1 that featured past celebrities and updated on their current professional and personal status. Each episode was dedicated to another genre. Though not always in sequence, some episodes were a continuation of the motif of episodes from the past. Those episodes sometimes had Roman numerals in their title to signify their sequel status.
The Edwardians

The Edwardians

Jan 09, 1973
It was a time when England was a nation on the cusp of change, an evolving landscape tht lay between Victorian England and the First World War. 'The Edwardians' explores the lives of and events in the lives of many who helped define the era, the "Belle Epoque".
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.
Poigne de fer et séduction
Cette série met en scène les aventures de trois détectives internationaux (un Anglais, une Italienne et un Français) appartenant à une organisation appelée The Protectors. Leur mission : traquer le crime aux quatre coins du monde...
Action & Adventure