Nicole Alonso

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Rampe ou Meurt

Rampe ou Meurt

Aug 13, 2014
La Terre telle qu'on l'a connue a disparu. Un virus a détruit la planète et rendu les femmes stériles. Toutes sauf une. Une équipe d'élite de soldats reçoivent la mission d'emmener cette femme sur une nouvelle Terre, nommée Terre 2. Mais ils sont forcés de se réfugier sous terre et de combattre une créature sanguinaire dans un labyrinthe de tunnels, de plus en plus étroits. Il leur faudra ramper pour survivre.


Jun 15, 2013
A group of horror fans are found scared to death in front of a drive-in movie screen. Whatever they saw, also bled into their screens on their mobile devices. We go back 24 hours to follow two of the characters from this group. Lola and Carrie go on a road trip to attend this Halloween screening event. It's being held at an old disused drive-in movie theater. They also research the past reports about the drive-in. It's haunted! People died in front of the screen in the 70s. This event is the 40th anniversary of the deaths. Despite this fact, nothing will stop Lola and Carrie from attending. They want to see what is on the screen.