Christine Solomon

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Mar 24, 2023
JACIR dépeint le système politique américain à travers un réfugié syrien à Memphis, TN, confronté à la dure réalité du rêve américain.
Just 20

Just 20

Jun 15, 2016
An experimental look at the harsh reality of date rape in youth or college culture inspired by the statement made by Dan A. Turner, the father of convicted Stanford rapist Brock Turner, urging a judge to sentence his son to probation, which sparked outrage. The key to that statement was ""His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life." Just 20 is an unflinching look at what 20 minutes of "action" looks like, let alone wondering its effects for the victim for a life time to come.


Jan 14, 2010
The shocking story about three ordinary teenagers from one of Canada's most elite schools. Three Canadian teenagers mastermind a major counterfeit operation.


Apr 28, 2010
8 characters skew lifelines that never really intersect in the suburb of Heliopolis in Cairo within a frame of time of 24 hours all in a very stagnant state and never achieving goals.
Bullet Ride

Bullet Ride

Jan 01, 2020
When two Producers are threatened by their boss to make a successful movie, they turn to the only solution they can think of. Kill an actor - movie makes money.
The Score

The Score

Jul 13, 2001
Propriétaire d'un club de jazz à Montréal, Nick Wells prévoit de prendre sa retraite. En vingt ans passés au service du crime, aucun coffre n'a résisté à ce génie de la cambriole qui s'enorgueillit de ne travailler qu'en solo. Ce dernier décide néanmoins de monter un dernier coup, qui sera le couronnement de sa carrière. Max Baron, receleur et ami de longue date de Nick, lui propose de voler un sceptre d'or massif du XVIème siècle, entreposé dans les sous-sols de la Douane de Montréal. A priori, le coup est irréalisable. C'est pourquoi Max a confié au jeune Jackie Teller la lourde tâche d'aider Nick à accomplir ce vol. Mais en s'associant avec ce malfrat erratique qui n'aurait aucun scrupule à le doubler, Nick se retrouve plongé dans un engrenage infernal dont il aura beaucoup de mal à s'extirper.
What Now

What Now

Apr 03, 2015
Three best friends explore the world of online swipe dating in Los Angeles and quickly find out that anyone who judges you based on your salary or number of social media followers is someone who has their own soul-searching to do.