Boris Hybner

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Apr 08, 1999
Deux familles, Sebkovi et Krausovi, célèbrent Noël, mais tout le monde n'est pas de bonne humeur. Les adolescents pensent que leurs pères sont complètement stupides, les pères sont sûrs que leurs enfants ne sont rien de plus que des rebelles, détestant tout ce qu'ils disent.


May 09, 1980


Mar 27, 2003
Artist Bedřich Mára (Bolek Polivka) is unable to find much secure work due to his public antagonism toward the ruling Communist Party. He has a wife and two children. Life begins to change when art historian Alois Fábera (Jiři Pecha) begins working on a piece about Bedřich, leading to a job offer from a Party official. Things are looking up, until the wrong people hear portions of the historian's writing.
Panelstory aneb Jak se rodí sídliště
An old man is wandering round a badly signposted and as yet mostly under construction Prague housing estate looking for the high rise block into which he is supposed to be moving with his daughter's family. The old granddad from the countryside likes chatting, nothing escapes his eyes and he wants to give everyone a helping hand.
Peklo s princeznou

Peklo s princeznou

Jan 29, 2009
To help his daughter avoid marriage to an inept prince, King Leopold claims that Lucifer himself is wooing the princess. Satanic panic ensues.
Čert ví proč

Čert ví proč

Feb 27, 2003
A good king rules this land, but still things are going from bad to worse. The point is that the greedy Minister of State has an interesting pact with the Devil — for bringing the kingdom into a state of dire poverty and the king to hell, he himself would sit on the throne. And he would have been well nigh successful, were it not for Princess Annie, Filip and magic Apolena — because true love cannot be quelled even by the Devil's machinations.
Mňága – Happy End

Mňága – Happy End

Jun 12, 1996
'Mnaga - Happyend' is a crazy pseudo-documentary about Mnaga&Zdorp, a real (and much loved) Czech pop-rock group. It depicts their fictitious history of being created artificially, on demand of the musical market.
U mě dobrý

U mě dobrý

May 05, 2008
This Hrebejk’s comedy is set in Prague, four years after the democratic “Velvet revolution” of 1989. This was an era of sudden freedom, transition and confusion. Most people got carried away, quickly abandoning the old values and uncritically accepting the new. Some people just took a break…
Drôle de grenier !

Drôle de grenier !

Mar 05, 2009
De courageux jouets, tout droit sortis d'une valise oubliée dans un grenier, partent pour un voyage rempli de dangers et de surprises à la poursuite de leur amie. Madeleine. Cette dernière, une adorable poupée, a été capturée par La Tête, chef de l'empire du mal qui veut la maintenir sous son pouvoir.
Les rafteurs

Les rafteurs

Mar 09, 2006
Filip est persuadé d'être le dernier adolescent puceau de tout le pays. Son copain Dany lui organise une soirée afin de mettre un terme à ce triste record. Mais ce qui devait être la nuit la plus torride de sa vie tourne à la catastrophe et Filip, puni, est envoyé à la campagne. Dany, jamais à court de bonnes idées, a repéré un groupe de jeunes filles venues s'initier au rafting sur la rivière toute proche. Officiellement, elles n'ont qu'un objectif : s'initier aux joies du sport, découvrir les règles de la vie en groupe, profiter des trésors de la nature. En réalité, tout ce petit monde a bien d'autres choses en tête...


Oct 01, 2015
Comedy inspired by paperback crime novels tells the story of an adventurous search for a mysterious murderer who just after the end of the First World War has begun a rampage in Wilson City, a jerkwater town somewhere in Eastern Europe. The investigation is being led by an inhomogeneous pair of detectives - a greenhorn and local police cadet named Eisner and an experienced FBI officer Food, who has been sent to Europe by US President Woodrow Wilson himself.


Sep 16, 2015
Le Paris des années 20. Marguerite Dumont est une femme fortunée passionnée de musique et d’opéra. Depuis des années elle chante régulièrement devant son cercle d’habitués. Mais Marguerite chante tragiquement faux et personne ne le lui a jamais dit. Son mari et ses proches l’ont toujours entretenue dans ses illusions. Tout se complique le jour où elle se met en tête de se produire devant un vrai public à l’Opéra.
Le Prince des chats

Le Prince des chats

Sep 28, 1979
En Bohême, une famille doit emménager dans un vieux château, les parents devant y travailler. Les enfants Raduk et Teresa explorent les longs couloirs avec leur petit chat, en évitant le ténébreux Albert, le maître des lieux qui n’aime pas les chats. Ce dernier blessant leur chat, les enfants trouve un passage derrière un tableau, qui les conduira dans un pays merveilleux, duquel ils devront ramener l’élixir de vie, après avoir affronté maints dangers.


Jan 01, 1980
An alarm clock wakes a man who washes his face, has breakfast, drives his car to work, spins records, returns home, and takes his pills. It's a world of circles - often seen from above: an espresso cup, a stairwell, the pills, and the records spinning. At the dance where the music plays, the rhythms evoke images of a butcher slicing head cheese, gears driving other wheels and levers, a combine churning out bales of hay, a butcher cutting chunks of meat for a stew, and boxers punching. The circle of music and life.
Die dumme Augustine

Die dumme Augustine

Feb 25, 1993
Silly Augustine, wife of silly August, who performs in the circus, and mother of Guggo, Gugga and Guggilein, dreams of one day being able to perform as a clown in the circus. Instead, she has to run the exhausting household. Her suggestion to share the job, the housework and the children is met with incomprehension and scorn from her husband. When silly August suffers from a toothache and misses his performance, Augustine seizes her chance, steps in and promptly masters the task with flying colors. From then on, father and mother share the housework and circus duties, as silly August immediately realizes that he has underestimated his wife.