João Di Sordi

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Meteorango Kid, Herói Intergaláctico
In Bahia, in the late '60s, the alienated college student Lula spends his time protesting in the university, but without political orientation, wandering on the streets, smoking grass, trying to be an actor and having sex. Meanwhile, a common young man stalks women on the streets trying to have intercourse with them.
As Moças Daquela Hora
Film in three segments. In the first, engaged girl falls in love with an acrobat. In the second, married woman is loved by two men. In the last, the daughter of a traditional family is rejected on her wedding night.
La Parole donnée

La Parole donnée

Apr 17, 1962
Zé est un pauvre paysan de la campagne brésilienne. Son bien le plus cher est son âne. Lorsque ce dernier tombe malade, Zé fait une promesse à Sainte Barbara : si son âne se rétablit, il portera une lourde croix - comme Jésus - de son village jusqu'à l'église de Sainte-Barbara dans la capitale. Son voeu ayant été exaucé, Zé tient parole. Accompagné de sa femme, il part donc, la croix sur l'épaule, pour son dur pèlerinage...
Grito da Terra

Grito da Terra

May 26, 1964
In rural Brazil, villagers battle wealthy land barons for the sake of their own survival.