Nora Young

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Le Tout Nouveau Testament
Dieu existe. Il habite à Bruxelles. Il est odieux avec sa femme et sa fille. On a beaucoup parlé de son fils, mais très peu de sa fille. Sa fille c’est moi. Je m’appelle Ea et j’ai dix ans. Pour me venger j’ai balancé par SMS les dates de décès de tout le monde…
The Story of Cats

The Story of Cats

Nov 09, 2016
Cats are among the most feared and revered creatures on the planet. Their power, strength, and enigmatic nature have fascinated us for centuries. They are one of the most studied mammals in the world yet only now is their real identity being understood - from their incredible hunting abilities, to their unique physiology and remarkable behaviors. With nearly 40 different species, thriving in almost any environment, the cat is one of the most successful predators since the dinosaurs. Using the latest camera technology and working with leading scientists, we are able to tell the story like never before.
SOS pangolins en danger
S'il est une espèce particulièrement menacée, c'est bien le pangolin. Étrange petit plantigrade pourvu d'écailles, affublé d'un museau qui rappelle celui d'un hérisson, lent et silencieux comme le paresseux, il ne ressemble à aucune autre espèce. Depuis des années, Maria Diekman, une Américaine naturaliste, tente de protéger les pangolins de Namibie.
A Murder of Crows

A Murder of Crows

Oct 24, 2010
Crows live everywhere in the world except Antarctica and are a part of myths and legends in many cultures. Their reputation in the stories varies from comical to frightening, godlike or wise, bringers of light and bringers of death, though a “murder” of crows refers to a flock of crows, and not to anything murderous, at all. They may be all these things, but what we are learning is that they are especially smart. New research has shown that they are among the most intelligent animals on the planet. They use tools as only elephants and chimpanzees do, and recognize 250 distinct calls. One particular talent they have been discovered to possess is the ability to recognize individual human faces and pick them out of a crowd up to two years later – a trick that might make even Hitchcock shiver with fright.
Remarkable Rabbits

Remarkable Rabbits

Apr 08, 2020
There are more than 100 types of rabbits and hares, both domestic and wild, from snowshoe hares to Flemish giants. Despite their extraordinary ability to reproduce, many wild rabbits are in danger of being eradicated.


Feb 19, 2025
Des documentaires époustouflants transportent les téléspectateurs vers des endroits éloignés allant des plaines africaines torrides aux splendeurs glaciales de l'Antarctique glacial. L'émission se concentre principalement sur les animaux et les écosystèmes du monde entier.