Jeff Kurr

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Air Jaws: Back from the Dead
After great whites, known as "Air Jaws", vanished from their hunting grounds in South Africa, photographer Chris Fallows and filmmaker Jeff Kurr seek a new location in New Zealand.
Ultimate air jaws

Ultimate air jaws

Aug 01, 2010
Au large des côtes sud-africaines, des requins blancs géants d'une tonne jaillissent de l'eau à 40 km/h, presque sans prévenir, pour attaquer furtivement les phoques qui s'y rassemblent. Il y a dix ans, Discovery Channel a diffusé AIR JAWS, une émission consacrée à ce phénomène. Ce fut un succès immédiat qui reste encore aujourd'hui la cinquième émission spéciale de la SHARK WEEK la plus regardée de tous les temps. Mais c'était avant la HD. Aujourd'hui, le producteur Jeff Kurr retourne sur les lieux pour enquêter sur les attaques aériennes, armé d'un équipement de pointe, dans l'émission spéciale d'une heure ULTIMATE AIR JAWS, qui marque le début de l'événement de la SHARK WEEK.
Jaws of the Pacific

Jaws of the Pacific

Aug 14, 2005
The great white shark was once thought to prefer only coastal waters; today, data collected by satellite transmitters attached to the sharks indicate this ultimate predator actually makes transoceanic crossings. In this television special, the mysterious great white's long migration across the Pacific is studied, where it reaches depths of 2,000 feet and travels up to 43 miles a day.
Jaws of the Pacific

Jaws of the Pacific

Aug 14, 2005
The great white shark was once thought to prefer only coastal waters; today, data collected by satellite transmitters attached to the sharks indicate this ultimate predator actually makes transoceanic crossings. In this television special, the mysterious great white's long migration across the Pacific is studied, where it reaches depths of 2,000 feet and travels up to 43 miles a day.
Jaws of the Pacific

Jaws of the Pacific

Aug 14, 2005
The great white shark was once thought to prefer only coastal waters; today, data collected by satellite transmitters attached to the sharks indicate this ultimate predator actually makes transoceanic crossings. In this television special, the mysterious great white's long migration across the Pacific is studied, where it reaches depths of 2,000 feet and travels up to 43 miles a day.
Jaws of the Pacific

Jaws of the Pacific

Aug 14, 2005
The great white shark was once thought to prefer only coastal waters; today, data collected by satellite transmitters attached to the sharks indicate this ultimate predator actually makes transoceanic crossings. In this television special, the mysterious great white's long migration across the Pacific is studied, where it reaches depths of 2,000 feet and travels up to 43 miles a day.
Jaws of the Pacific

Jaws of the Pacific

Aug 14, 2005
The great white shark was once thought to prefer only coastal waters; today, data collected by satellite transmitters attached to the sharks indicate this ultimate predator actually makes transoceanic crossings. In this television special, the mysterious great white's long migration across the Pacific is studied, where it reaches depths of 2,000 feet and travels up to 43 miles a day.
Great White Open Ocean
Not your normal shark documentary and I have watched many. Never have I felt so emotional and touched by watching one. From the initial incident to the devastating after affects, this shows one persons passion and genuine love for these beautiful animals. Honestly a beautiful documentary with twists and turns unseen before in this genre. Respect and love to you Jimmy I know you will be in Guadalupe in 2023.
Great White Open Ocean
Not your normal shark documentary and I have watched many. Never have I felt so emotional and touched by watching one. From the initial incident to the devastating after affects, this shows one persons passion and genuine love for these beautiful animals. Honestly a beautiful documentary with twists and turns unseen before in this genre. Respect and love to you Jimmy I know you will be in Guadalupe in 2023.
Diary of a Shark Man

Diary of a Shark Man

Aug 12, 2003
Manny Puig is profiled in his television special, as the Floridian hand-feeds bull sharks, swims with makos, and introduces us to his good friend, a lemon shark. The remarkable thing about Puig and his relation to the sharks is the fact that he refuses to use cages, or wear armor or repellent, when swimming with sharks.
Great White Shark: Uncaged
In the world's most shark-infested waters, an extreme team of divers attempt to photograph massive great white sharks without the protection of a cage. The team, led by Andre Hartman, is marooned for 9 days off a remote island in Mexico.
Air Jaws: Back from the Dead
After great whites, known as "Air Jaws", vanished from their hunting grounds in South Africa, photographer Chris Fallows and filmmaker Jeff Kurr seek a new location in New Zealand.
Air Jaws: Back from the Dead
After great whites, known as "Air Jaws", vanished from their hunting grounds in South Africa, photographer Chris Fallows and filmmaker Jeff Kurr seek a new location in New Zealand.
Air Jaws: Back from the Dead
After great whites, known as "Air Jaws", vanished from their hunting grounds in South Africa, photographer Chris Fallows and filmmaker Jeff Kurr seek a new location in New Zealand.
Air Jaws: Top Guns

Air Jaws: Top Guns

Jul 24, 2022
Shark cinematographers Andy Casagrande and Dickie Chivell travel to South Africa on a mission to capture the largest breaching great white shark ever recorded.
Air Jaws: Top Guns

Air Jaws: Top Guns

Jul 24, 2022
Shark cinematographers Andy Casagrande and Dickie Chivell travel to South Africa on a mission to capture the largest breaching great white shark ever recorded.
Air Jaws: Top Guns

Air Jaws: Top Guns

Jul 24, 2022
Shark cinematographers Andy Casagrande and Dickie Chivell travel to South Africa on a mission to capture the largest breaching great white shark ever recorded.
Air Jaws : Going for Gold
Shark cinematographers Andy Casagrande and Dickie Chivell travel to South Africa on a mission to capture the largest breaching great white shark ever recorded.
Ultimate air jaws

Ultimate air jaws

Aug 01, 2010
Shark cinematographers Andy Casagrande and Dickie Chivell travel to South Africa on a mission to capture the largest breaching great white shark ever recorded.
Shark Week

Shark Week

Jul 13, 2024
L’événement le plus attendu de l’été est de retour. La Shark Week, c’est plus de 20 heures de programmes sur toute la semaine. Cette année encore, la programmation vous propose des histoires de requins à couper le souffle. Venez percer les secrets de ces magnifiques créatures des mers. La Shark Week, c’est aussi des histoires d’hommes incroyables : près d’une trentaine de biologistes marins et d’experts des requins se mobilisent pour vous. Pour observer ces poissons d’exception, ils utilisent les dernières technologies en adoptant une approche innovante et respectueuse de l’environnement.
Shark Week

Shark Week

Jul 13, 2024
L’événement le plus attendu de l’été est de retour. La Shark Week, c’est plus de 20 heures de programmes sur toute la semaine. Cette année encore, la programmation vous propose des histoires de requins à couper le souffle. Venez percer les secrets de ces magnifiques créatures des mers. La Shark Week, c’est aussi des histoires d’hommes incroyables : près d’une trentaine de biologistes marins et d’experts des requins se mobilisent pour vous. Pour observer ces poissons d’exception, ils utilisent les dernières technologies en adoptant une approche innovante et respectueuse de l’environnement.