Nikki Si'ulepa

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Sep 04, 2014
Une cambrioleuse à la petite semaine est assignée au domicile parental pour purger sa peine. Mais cette demeure en apparence tranquille se révèle habitée par un (des ?) curieux invité(s)...
The Whole of the Moon

The Whole of the Moon

Dec 02, 1996
When Kirk, a top roller-blader, discovers that he has bone cancer in his leg, his pleasant affluent life is shattered. Even though amputation provides the best chance for survival; to him, losing skating means the end of life. His friends cannot cope with his condition, but his hospital isolation is relieved by Marty - a street kid survivor who was found dying of leukemia. Marty bullies, taunts, and challenges Kirk, until he begins to climb out of his depression. Marty seems afraid of nothing and, knowing she will die, wants to experience everything.


Jul 04, 2024
La vie de Mildred est bouleversée lorsque sa mère est hospitalisée et que son père vient s'occuper d'elle. Il emmène Mildred camper dans la nature sauvage de la Nouvelle-Zélande et la paire se lance dans l'épreuve ultime des liens familiaux.
Salat es Rotuma - Passage to Rotuma
Former pop singer Ngaire Fuata grew up in Whakatāne thinking she was Māori. Her father Fu, from the tiny Pacific island of Rotuma — population 2000 — had long given up explaining where it was (even to his Dutch wife Marion). In this Tagata Pasifika documentary, Ngaire’s beloved father takes ill, so she visits his birthplace with her eight-year-old daughter Ruby. One flight to Nadi, a drive to Suva and a three-day boat ride later, they reach the island during the magical Fara season.
Find Where I Belong

Find Where I Belong

May 26, 2023
Life on the streets of New Zealand for two homeless men: John, the older man, seems to like this life and to be at home here. Elvis, the Marquesan, dreams of returning to his island. Good relations and understanding v. confrontation, separation and mutual aid…
Snow in Paradise

Snow in Paradise

Feb 01, 2011
A girl and her family living on a remote, picturesque island in the South Pacific find themselves confronting the fallout from the French nuclear testing programme.
Snow in Paradise

Snow in Paradise

Feb 01, 2011
A girl and her family living on a remote, picturesque island in the South Pacific find themselves confronting the fallout from the French nuclear testing programme.


Jul 14, 2023
Creamerie se déroule dans un avenir post-apocalyptique où un fléau viral a anéanti 99% des hommes, et la Terre est devenue une planète dirigée par et pour les femmes. Il y aura de quoi rire quand trois femmes kiwi-asiatiques qui dirigent une ferme laitière se rencontrent - choc, horreur - un homme!
My Life Is Murder

My Life Is Murder

Jun 09, 2024
Une ballerine a été tuée d'une flèche dans une prestigieuse académie de ballet; la liste des suspects est étonnamment longue; tandis que Madison enquête au club de tir, Alexa se fait passer pour la mère d'une danseuse afin de découvrir la vérité.
Orange Roughies

Orange Roughies

Feb 22, 2008
The show centres around four main characters who are members of an elite New Zealand taskforce based in Auckland NZ, intended to be a combination of police and customs officers. Despite being an elite force, they are, as their commander Ron Maddock reminds them, under-funded, under-resourced and under the hammer. Because of this, the Roughies (as they are called) have to make sure that they perform exceptionally well to avoid being canned, as they are, after all, an experiment. Their members are: Detective Sergeant Danny Wilder, Senior Customs Officer Jane Durant, Detective Constable Zach Wiki and Noel Bullerton.
Dark City: The Cleaner
By day, Joe is a cleaner at the police station. But by night, he has another line of work - he's a serial killer who's been dubbed The Christchurch Carver. When another woman is murdered, the police suspect The Carver, but Joe knows it wasn't him.