Horst Birr

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Napoleon ist an allem schuld
English Lord Arthur Cavershoot is a passionate Napoleon scholar who badly neglects his wife Josephine for his obsession with the French emperor. When the cranky historian travels to a Napoleon conference in Paris, his smart spouse secretly follows him. Unnoticed by her, the city of love threatens to spark a romance between Arthur and a chorus girl.
Sieben Ohrfeigen

Sieben Ohrfeigen

Aug 02, 1937
William MacPhab loses seven-pounds in the stock market and decides to slap the man who was responsible for the stock manipulation that caused him to lose his money. Astor Terbanks, the stock-market manipulator is surprised the next day when he gets soundly slapped by MacPhab, and the latter promises to deliver one more a day for the next six days. Terbank's daughter, Daisy, is amused by the procedure and is attracted to MacPhab.
Savoy-Hotel 217

Savoy-Hotel 217

Apr 06, 1936
Moscou en 1911. Andrei est chef de rang de l'hôtel Savoy. Il est aussi un bourreau des coeurs auquel ne résistent ni la femme de chambre Daria, ni l'intendante Anna… et, Natacha Dachenko, cliente de l'hôtel mariée à un riche négociant, succombe elle aussi à ses charmes. Le mari se sent trahi par sa femme et lors d'une altercation, il lui tire dessus. Andrei est alors accusé d'assassinat et est arrêté. Il parvient à s'évader et enquête lui même sur le crime pour prouver son innocence.
Le chien des Baskervilles
Les Baskerville sont maudits. Selon la légende, chaque héritier de cette vieille famille est promis à une mort terrible, dévoré par un chien monstrueux et fantomatique. Sir Charles Baskerville a vécu dans la peur. Il est mort dans la peur. Les traces de pattes gigantesques retrouvées près de son cadavre alarment son ami, le docteur Mortimer, et le poussent à s'adresser au célébrissime détective du 221b Baker Street, à Londres.
Eine Siebzehnjährige

Eine Siebzehnjährige

Aug 29, 1934
Walter is in love with the 17-year-old Erika, but she raves for older, experienced men. When Walter and Erika visit his parents' estate after passing their exams, Erika shows increasing interest in Walter's father, Werner von Schlettow.
D III 88

D III 88

Oct 25, 1939
Across German screens at the outbreak of WWII streaks "DIII88: The New German Air Force Attacks", an aeronautic and maritime spectacle glorifying Hermann Goring's Luftwaffe and the spirit of the newly arisen Germany. Once war became imminent, Joseph Goebbels instructed the German film industry to initiate production of numerous militaristic projects, but DIII88 was initiated by the Propaganda Minister's rival, Goring, who commissioned several aviation pictures. DIII88 is not a war picture per se, because it takes place in peacetime, but the young, fresh-faced air aces enthusiastically look forward to the coming war. The propaganda is blatant: The only thing that matters is dedication to duty and unconditional commitment to the Fatherland.
Leichte Kavallerie

Leichte Kavallerie

Oct 13, 1935
Rosika, a girl from Genoa, fled her innkeeper stepfather after he tried to abuse her. She finds refuge - and a job as well - in a traveling circus. Cherubini, the owner of the big top, falls in love with the lovely young woman and makes her the star of the show 'Light Cavalry'. But unfortunately for him Rosika's heart beats for Geza, the stable boy.
On a arrêté Sherlock Holmes
Deux escrocs parviennent à arrêter un train de nuit pour des fins néfastes et à usurper l'identité de Sherlock Holmes et du Docteur Watson. Mais avec l'aide de deux jeunes filles britanniques, ils se rachètent une conduite en décidant d'enquêter sur la disparition de timbres d'une valeur inestimable.