Juan Carlos Aduviri

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Jan 01, 2011
The intersecting lives of two otherwise unrelated people in a rural Bolivian village adjacent to the Uyani salt flats are presented. The first is Carlos, a poor salt miner. Unlike his colleagues, he is unwilling to take the one time compensation package from an American conglomerate who wants to purchase the mining rights. Carlos would rather get paid for doing actual work than risk living off a one time payment without a guarantee of any other work in the area. Carlos being the one holdout irks his fellow miners, who cannot get their compensation until Carlos also agrees to the terms. Carlos views all gringos in a bad light because of this situation. The second is Marc, an American doctor who has worked in various third world countries providing aide where needed. Marc is completing his term here. Carlos and Marc have a turbulent few meetings based on Carlos' feelings toward gringos and his want for a simple stable life.
Même la pluie

Même la pluie

Jan 05, 2011
Sebastian, jeune réalisateur passionné et son producteur arrivent dans le décor somptueux des montagnes boliviennes pour entamer le tournage d'un film. Les budgets de production sont serrés et Costa, le producteur, se félicite de pouvoir employer des comédiens et des figurants locaux à moindre coût. Mais bientôt le tournage est interrompu par la révolte menée par l'un des principaux figurants contre le pouvoir en place qui souhaite privatiser l'accès à l'eau courante. Costa et Sebastian se trouvent malgré eux emportés dans cette lutte pour la survie d'un peuple démuni. Ils devront choisir entre soutenir la cause de la population et la poursuite de leur propre entreprise sur laquelle ils ont tout misé. Ce combat pour la justice va bouleverser leur existence.


Oct 23, 2013
Oro, la cité perdue

Oro, la cité perdue

Nov 10, 2017
1538, au coeur de l’Amazonie sauvage, un groupe de conquistadors espagnols en quête de prospérité éternelle, est à la recherche d’une myhtique cité d’or : Teziutlan. Aveuglés par leur quête et leur soif de richesse, c’est à en perdre la raison qu’ils évoluent dans cette immensité verte. Une quête obsessionnelle qui ne les épargnera pas…


Sep 13, 2018
A former soccer player whose son is in the hospital waiting for an organ transplant and, in his desperation to get money to access a quick surgery, he gets involved in a case of human trafficking.


Jun 11, 2015
Argentinian, 65 years old, single. Marcos makes arranges with the police, with inspectors and works for a textile businessman linked to major brands. His clandestine workshop works perfectly until he hire two illegal immigrants recently arrived from Bolivia.


Jan 07, 2014
Salar is an experimental short and inspiration for "Fundir", following Boston's road salt to its source in the Atacama Desert. Filmed in Iquique, Chile, and in Chelsea, MA. Allison Cekala 2014. Shot on hand processed 16mm and Super8 film.
Electric Swan

Electric Swan

Aug 29, 2019
Concierge dans un immeuble bourgeois de Buenos Aires, Carlos doit faire face à une fuite d’eau...
King Kong en Asunción
An old hired killer is hiding in the interior of Bolivia, in the desert region of the Salar de Uyuni. You just committed your last murder. After months in isolation, he travels to the interior of Paraguay where he receives a good reward and heads to Asunción with the aim of meeting his daughter.


Mar 05, 2025
How far would you go to reach heaven? Santa, a young indigenous girl, embarks on a rollercoaster journey to take her mother out of a life of hardship and into eternal paradise. CIELO is a story of hope, of the search for a better place, for heaven itself.