Gillian Lewis

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Ring of Spies

Ring of Spies

Mar 23, 1964
The film is based on the actual events of the Portland Spy Ring trial in the U.K. A disgruntled Navy Clerk is transferred to a secret research establishment and is subsequently black-mailed/paid by Czech intelligence to procure secrets for them. He seduces the secretary who controls the most secret documents, and they enjoy the fruits of their treachery until the British authorities begin to close in on them.
Emergency Ward 9

Emergency Ward 9

Apr 11, 1966
Drama set in a men's hospital ward, written by Dennis Potter. Characters include a cunning bronchitic Londoner, a strapped-up Pole and a dying man who just wants a cup of tea.
Belgrove Hotel, Goodbye
Malin has previously been an au-pair girl in London, England and is now returning to the family she worked for. During her visit, she is undergoing a crisis that makes her forget the child she brought with her.
Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451

Sep 07, 1966
Dans un pays indéfini, à une époque indéterminée, la lecture est rigoureusement interdite : elle empêcherait les gens d'être heureux. La brigade des pompiers a pour seule mission de traquer les gens qui possèdent des livres et de réduire ces objets en cendres. Guy Montag, pompier zélé et citoyen respectueux des institutions, fait la connaissance de Clarisse, une jeune institutrice qui le fait douter de sa fonction. Peu à peu, il est à son tour gagné par l'amour des livres.
The Mallens

The Mallens

Jun 10, 1979
Adaptation of the Mallen series of novels by Catherine Cookson.
Thirty-Minute Theatre

Thirty-Minute Theatre

May 17, 1973
Thirty-Minute Theatre is an anthology drama series of short plays shown on BBC Television between 1965 and 1973, which was used in part at least as a training ground for new writers, on account of its short running length, and which therefore attracted many writers who later became well known. Thirty-Minute Theatre followed on from a similarly named ITV series, beginning on BBC2 in 1965 with an adaptation of the black comedy Parsons Pleasure. In 1967 BBC2 launched the UK's first colour service, with the consequence that Thirty-Minute Theatre became the first drama series in the country to be shown in colour.
Gideon's Way

Gideon's Way

Jul 09, 1967
Les enquêtes du commandant George Gideon de Scotland Yard d'après les romans de John Creasey.