Richard Martin

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Hell Bound

Hell Bound

Oct 01, 1957
After WW2, a Los Angeles crime ring uses a complex scheme, involving a freight ship, a junkie, and a corrupt health officer, to smuggle drugs into the USA.
The Iron Major

The Iron Major

Oct 31, 1943
William 'Frank' Cavanaugh is a top football coach who gave up his career to enter WWI where he became a hero. After the war he went back to coaching where he ended up having one of the best winning percentages in football history.
The Falcon in Danger

The Falcon in Danger

Jul 17, 1943
Two industrialists disappear from an airplane while the plane is in the air. Also missing is $100,000. The Falcon investigates and discovers a plot against the government.
Doux amer

Doux amer

Oct 17, 1987
Femme mariée, Anne Lambert a un enfant avec son amant. Mais celui-ci prend peur, et refuse de reconnaître le bébé. Très investie dans sa carrière, Anne, architecte, décide d'élever seule son enfant.
Tender Comrade

Tender Comrade

May 30, 1944
Jo Jones, a young defense plant worker whose husband is in the military during World War II, shares a house with three other women in the same situation.
The Bamboo Blonde

The Bamboo Blonde

Jul 15, 1946
Un pilote d'un B 29 rencontre Louise Anderson, chanteuse dans une boîte de nuit de New York. Il tombe amoureux d'elle, mais il a dû partir le lendemain pour l'action dans le Pacifique. Il laisse peindre sa photo sur son bombardier, le « Bamboo Blonde » et devient un héros avec son équipage un navire de guerre japonais naufrage et abattu une aile de combat japonais. De retour à New York, il quitte sa fiancée et l'engage à Louise.
Thunder Mountain

Thunder Mountain

Jun 01, 1947
Marvin Hayden returns to find his ranch is about to be sold at auction and the Hayden Jorth feud still going strong. Carson wants the Hayden ranch and tries to kill Hayden. When he fails he kills Chick Jorth with a rock. As Hayden does not carry a gun and the two had argued earlier, Hayden is arrested for the murder. With Hayden in jail, his friends Chito, Ginger, and his Lawyer Gardner now go to work to find the murderer.
A l'ouest du Pecos

A l'ouest du Pecos

Aug 10, 1945
Alors qu'il se rendait vers l'Ouest avec sa fille Rill, le colonel Lambeth se perd dans le désert mais est sauvé in extremis par deux cavaliers: Pecos et Chito. Il décide de les engager comme protecteur mais se retrouve vite mêlé aux problèmes de Pecos qui est recherché par Sewtelle, un homme dont le frère a été tué par le cavalier.
Having Wonderful Crime
Newlyweds (George Murphy, Carole Landis) drag their lawyer friend (Pat O'Brien) to a mountain resort on a search for a missing magician.
Wild Horse Mesa

Wild Horse Mesa

Nov 13, 1947
Dave and Chito are working for Melburn who is looking for wild horses. Olmstead has his men looking for then also. When Dave finds them first, Olmstead buys them from Melburn and then kills him. A clue leads Dave to Olmstead's where he breaks in and finds the murder weapon. When he takes his evidence to the Marshal he learns Olmstead has been murdered and he is the one under arrest.


Apr 20, 1952
A female marshal and a newspaper editor help heroic Tim Holt fight an evil land agent. Western.
Storm Over Wyoming

Storm Over Wyoming

Apr 22, 1950
Dave Saunders and his sidekick Chito, cowhands looking for work, arrive in Sundown Valley, Wyoming just in time to stop sheep ranch foreman Jess Rawlins from lynching cattleman Tug Caldwell. Rawlins seems set on starting a range war; but why? Before Dave and Chito can find out, they must convince Chris Marvin, Rawlins's attractive boss, that he's no good...and get out from under a framed murder charge. - Rod Crawford
Marine Raiders

Marine Raiders

Jul 11, 1944
A Marine major (Pat O'Brien) looks out for his captain (Robert Ryan) on Guadalcanal and in Australia.
La diligence tragique

La diligence tragique

Jun 02, 1949
En quête d'or volé, les propriétaires d'une compagnie de diligence découvrent, au fil de leurs recherches, un fermier et sa fille en pleine détresse.
Riders of the Range

Riders of the Range

Feb 11, 1950
Out-of-work cowboys Kansas Jones and Chito Rafferty are offered jobs at pretty Dusty Willis' ranch after saving her from a beating by saloon owner Clint Burrows. Dusty's good-hearted but weak-willed brother Harry, adding to his $3000 gambling debt to Willis, reluctantly agrees to pay it off by allowing the Ringo Kid, Burrows' vicious hired gun, to rustle cattle from his sister's ranch. Kansas intervenes, deters the rustlers and persuades Harry to confess his involvement to Dusty. Kansas, sent into town by Dusty to pay off Harry's debts, suddenly finds himself on the wrong side of the law, wrongly accused of murder and must rely on Dusty's belief in his innocence for his salvation.
Indian Agent

Indian Agent

Dec 11, 1948
agent du gouvernement honnête Tim Holt se propose de trouver les hommes responsables pour avoir volé des fournitures alimentaires d'une réserve indienne.
Dynamite Pass

Dynamite Pass

Mar 23, 1950
A cowhand becomes involved in a war between a road construction crew and the greedy toll-owner hoping to thwart the new project.


Dec 25, 1944
Tout comme le Nevada gagne 7000 $ en billets Yellowback, Ben Ide prend son 7000 $ et la tête pour acheter l'équipement minier. Burridge a son homme Powell tuer Ide et récupérer l'argent et le Nevada trouve Ide tout comme le Posse arrive. Trouvé avec l'argent du Nevada est arrêté et Burridge reçoit maintenant Powell pour inciter les citoyens à lyncher le Nevada.


May 14, 1943
En 1941, la guerre fait rage et les Etats-Unis sont en train de mettre en place une escadrille de bombardiers dont l'efficacité devrait décider du sort du conflit mondial. Pour instruire les nouvelles recrues, deux hommes aux conceptions très différentes ont été convoqués. Le major Chick Davis, convaincu de l'efficacité de ce nouvel armement, est chargé de recruter les futurs pilotes. Pour se charger de leur instruction, l'armée a fait appel au capitaine Buck Oliver, pilote émérite, par ailleurs peu convaincu par cet équipement ultra-perfectionné. Les deux hommes ne tardent pas à entrer en conflit...
The Adventures of a Rookie
Two bumbling GIs manage to get themselves invited to a dinner party at a boarding house "for women only". When the cook comes down with scarlet fever, the authorities quarantine the house and the pair find themselves locked up in a house full of attractive women.
Desert Passage

Desert Passage

May 29, 1952
Parolee John Carver seeks the stolen money he has hidden, but so does his girlfriend, lawyer and cellmate. Tom and Chito are hired to get him across the border into Mexico and find themselves caught in the middle.
L'Heure de la vengeance
Pendant la ruée vers l'or, un mineur californien, dont la femme a été tuée par des pilleurs, devient hors-la-loi et décide de se venger.
Western Heritage

Western Heritage

Feb 07, 1948
A forger has made a copy of a Spanish land grant and Arnold is after it. Arnold and his men attack, shoot the forger, and take the deed while Russ tries unsuccessfully to stop them. Arnold presents it at the recorders office. It appears authentic and he starts evicting ranchers from their land. But Russ knows something is wrong as one of Arnold's men was a man he fought with during the attack.


Mar 03, 1949
En Arizona, des éleveurs tentent de connaitre l'identité des membres du gang de Salt River pour mettre un terme aux vols de bétail. Deux vagabonds, Dick McBride et Chito Rafferty sont accusés de faire partie du gang quand on trouve sur eux une importante somme d'argent qu'ils ont gagné au casino, dont le propriétaire, Brad Carew, est un membre de la bande de Salt River
Road Agent

Road Agent

Mar 29, 1952
Milo Brand contrôle le seule route vers le marché aux bestiaux et fait payer des droits de passage exorbitants. En voulant récupérer leur argent, Tim et Chito prennent par erreur toute la recette de Brand qu'ils donnent aux éleveurs pour payer Brand avec son argent. mais tout se complique lorsque l'argent est volé et le contremaitre de Brand assassiné.
Le Berger des abeilles
Vingt ans après la fin la guerre, un homme revient à Perpignan où il vécut en 1943, dans l'attente de rejoindre la France Libre. Il se souvient d'Angelita, belle fille qui frayait avec l'occupant tout en aidant la Résistance, Puig, le chef du maquis du Canigou, Capatas, le passeur que l'on appelait le "berger des abeilles"... Que sont-ils devenus ?
Diablo Kid

Diablo Kid

Aug 14, 1949
Au Texas, dans la région de Wilcox, une bande de hors-la-loi, menée avec un chef surnommé Diablo Kid, effectue des raids meurtriers sur les fermes des environs. Le gouvernement envoie alors deux Texas Rangers, Tim holt et Chito Rafferty, afin d'enquêter sur cette affaire. A leur arrivée, ils se présentent comme des cowboy à la recherche d'un emploi et se rendent dans le ranch de Trewitt où ils font la connaissance de Gale Trewitt, de son jeune frère Artie et de leur oncle Henry. Durant un hold-up par la bande, Tim est blessé alors qu'il était sur le point de capturer un des bandits.
Wanderer of the Wasteland
Adam Larey recherche l'homme qui tua son père alors qu'il n'était qu'un enfant. Son seul indice est une marque qu'il retrouve au ranch Collinshaws. Mais Collinshaws est maintenant un vieil homme malade, incapable de se défendre et prêt à se laisser tuer, et Larey renonce à se venger. Mais Guerd Eliott abat Collinshaws et fait accuser Larey.
The Arizona Ranger

The Arizona Ranger

May 14, 1948
Bob Morgan refuse de rester aider son père à gérer le ranch familial et s'engage dans les rangers d'Arizona. Devenu officier, il se heurte une nouvelle fois à son père en l'empêchant de lyncher un meurtrier. Mais le bandit est libéré par ses complices et Bob, relevé de ses fonctions, décide de partir seul à la recherche du gang de hors-la-loi.
The Mysterious Mr. M

The Mysterious Mr. M

Jul 23, 1946
An evil scientist known as "Mr. M." uses a drug he has developed called "hypnotreme" to help steal submarine equipment. Federal agent Grant Farrell is dispatched to find the mysterious villain and stop his nefarious plans.
The Adventures of Don Coyote
Near Border Flats, Don Coyote and his friend Sancho are interrupted on their way to the fiesta by a fight. A quick intervention on their part prompts ranch owner Maggie Riley to hire them. Coyote and Sancho meet her surly, younger brother Ted who is wanting Maggie to sell their cattle herd to pay off a bank loan before they lose the ranch. But when they try to drive a herd to market, a gang led by Big Foot Ferguson drives off their cowhands.
Gun Smugglers

Gun Smugglers

Dec 28, 1948
A young boy threatens to follow in his outlaw brother's footsteps.
Law of the Badlands

Law of the Badlands

Feb 24, 1951
The Texas Rangers send Dave and Chito into the badlands to see if they can locate a counterfeiting operation. They arrive posing as wanted outlaws and this gets them into the gang. But as soon as they uncover the operation and locate the printing press, one of Chito's girl friends arrives to expose their identity and they find themselves trapped by the entire gang.
Pistol Harvest

Pistol Harvest

Aug 30, 1951
Two men are accused of killing their boss. They are saved from the hangman's noose when two other guys are arrested, but Holt feels as though justice is still not being served. On their own, they set about to track down the genuine killer.


Jul 23, 1951
Landry has Sam Martin killed. When Tim and Chito find Martin and his son, Chip says Matt Potter was responsible. But when Tim and Chito start their search, no ones knows a Matt Potter.
Hot Lead

Hot Lead

Sep 30, 1951
Recently released from prison, nice guy Dave Collins finds himself unwillingly mixed up with his old outlaw acquaintances Turk Thorne and his gang as they try to use his telegraphy talents to zero in on the arrival of a gold shipment on the local train. Taking a liking to Collins, cowboys Tim Holt and Chito Rafferty get him to agree to help set a trap for the train robbers
Rio Grande Patrol

Rio Grande Patrol

Oct 20, 1950
Fowler fait de la contrebande d'armes à travers la frontière du Mexique. Son acheteur, le hors-la-loi et propriétaire de saloon Bragg Orcutt, fait transiter les armes dans les bagages des filles qui viennent travailler dans son établissement. Les gardes-frontières Kansas et Chito, épaulés par le capitaine des rurales mexicain Alberto Trevino, attendent de le coincer en flagrant délit.
Overland Telegraph

Overland Telegraph

Dec 15, 1951
Not to be confused with the 1929 film The Overland Telegraph, this Western from director Lesley Selander stars Tim Holt as a cowboy appropriately named Tim Holt. In order to hinder the construction of a new telegraph line for his own financial gain, scheming shopkeeper Paul Manning (George Nader) enlists the assistance of a gang of outlaws led by Brad Roberts (Hugh Beaumont in one of his many pre-Leave it to Beaver roles). Unfortunately for the bad guys, Holt and his cohort Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin) sense that there's foul play afoot and embark on an investigation.
Rider from Tucson

Rider from Tucson

Jun 07, 1950
In order to make Tug Cardwell (William Phipps) sign over his rich gold claim to them, John Avery (Robert Shayne), Gypsy Avery (Veda Ann Borg) and Jackson (Marshall Reed) hire Bob Rankin (Douglas Fowley') to kidnap Tug's sweetheart Jane Whipple (Elaine Riley). Rankin hides Jane and then demands half the mine from the other crooks. Dave Saunders (Tim Holt) and Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin), friends of Tug's, find Jane and taker her to safety. The conspirators then shoot Rankin, capture Tug and force him to take them to his claim. Dave and Chito are close behind.
Guns of Hate

Guns of Hate

Jun 18, 1948
Ben Jason has found a lost gold mine. When Morgan learns this, he and his henchman chase down Jason and kill him. Banning and sidekick Rafferty arrive on the scene only to be arrested and jailed for the murder. They escape from jail and now have to find the real killers to clear their name.
Trail Guide

Trail Guide

Feb 15, 1952
A cowboy (Tim Holt) and his Mexican-Irish sidekick (Richard Martin) lead a wagon train to an unfriendly place.
Four Fast Guns

Four Fast Guns

Feb 10, 1960
A loner (James Craig) on the lam wanders into an Old West town run by a disabled villain that no one wants to fight.


May 19, 1943
Alors qu'un léopard se promène dans la nature, d'horribles meurtres sèment la terreur dans une ville du Nevada.
My Favorite Spy

My Favorite Spy

Jun 12, 1942
The Army takes a bandleader (Kay Kyser) away from his bride (Ellen Drew) and sends him on a spy mission with a woman (Jane Wyman).
Mexican Spitfire at Sea
An advertising executive and his temperamental wife sail to Hawaii in search of business. The fifth entry (of eight) in the "Mexican Spitfire" comedy series.