Cecilia Callejo

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Le monde est merveilleux
Willie Heyward, millionnaire, est du genre à ne pas se faire de souci et à cueillir les roses de la vie. Il épouse même Vivian, une jeune femme attirée par son argent, sans se poser la moindre question. Mais le jour où il est accusé à tort du meurtre d'une danseuse, tout bascule. Condamné à mort, il ne peut plus compter que sur Guy Johnson, son détective privé, lui aussi accusé de complicité, et qui fera tout pour rétablir la justice, aidé par une poétesse.
Dramatic School

Dramatic School

Dec 09, 1938
Aspiring actress Louise Muban attends the prestigious Paris School of Drama during the day and works at a dreary factory assembling gas meters at night. She daydreams and "acts" her way through life, and her fellow students at school begin to suspect her stories are just that - fabrications. After Louise begins to weave an actual meeting with a debonair playboy into a fantasy of club dates and romance, her classmate Nana discovers the lie when she too meets the playboy. Nana sets a trap for Louise, and the result is an end to one fantasy and the realization of another.
Police montée

Police montée

Sep 16, 1938
Le capitaine Jack Steele est chargé de remettre Judith Alvarez à la justice pour le meurtre d'un percepteur. Mais Judith est une belle rebelle, une jeune femme impétueuse, capable de monter à cheval et de tirer avec un six coups mieux que bien des hommes
Arènes sanglantes

Arènes sanglantes

May 30, 1941
La vie breve d'un jeune torero dont le sort est lie par le jeu du destin a celui d'un celebre bandit.
Seuls les anges ont des ailes
Au cours d'une escale à Barranca, un petit port bananier d'Amérique du Sud, Bonnie Lee, une danseuse de music-hall, rencontre Joe Souther et Les Peters, deux pilotes d'une compagnie assurant le transport du courrier. Joe doit accomplir une mission. Mais durant son vol, le temps s'aggrave et ce dernier refuse de revenir à la base.
The Cisco Kid Returns

The Cisco Kid Returns

Feb 16, 1945
After several years' dormancy, the "Cisco Kid" western-film series returned to the screen with Monogram's The Cisco Kid Returns. Duncan Renaldo, actually Rumanian, starred as the Mexican "Robin Hood of the Old West", with Martin Garralaga as his corpulent sidekick Pancho. In the tradition of 20th Century-Fox's earlier "Cisco" efforts, our hero comes to the aid of an orphaned child, clears himself of a kidnapping charge, and proves that a "solid citizen" is in fact a criminal mastermind.
Verbena trágica

Verbena trágica

Mar 12, 1939
Cantabria’s second independent production was very successful in the cinemas of L.A.’s Mexican neighborhoods, although the narrative actually takes place in Spanish Harlem in New York City. On the eve of Columbus Day celebrations, the boxer Mateo returns home from a stint in prison and realizes that his wife is pregnant, and he can’t be the father. His wife Blanca has in fact been having a secret affair with her sister Lola’s fiancé, Claudio. Mateo confronts his wife, but she refuses to name the father, leading to tragic results.
Outlaw Express

Outlaw Express

Jun 17, 1938
Bradley and sidekick Sharpe are sent west to investigate the murders of pony express riders who are being killed to prevent the Spanish Land Grant papers going to Washington for registration.
Boots and Saddles

Boots and Saddles

Oct 04, 1937
Young Englishman inherits ranch which he wants to sell, but Gene's gonna turn him into a real westerner instead. When new owner Spud arrives from England, Autry convinces him not to sell the ranch but to raise horses for the Army. When both Autry's and Neale's bids are the same, the Colonel calls for a race to decide the winner. But that night Neale has Autry's stable burned.
Le mariage... une affaire privée
Après les cinq divorces de sa mère, Théo ne veut pas se marier. Elle épouse quand même le lieutenant Tom West et bientôt un enfant naît. Petit à petit, elle regrette sa vie de jeune fille, retrouve un ami et devient sa maîtresse. Elle finit par retourner auprès de son mari pour que son bébé n'ait pas une enfance perturbée comme la sienne...
Blondie Goes Latin

Blondie Goes Latin

Feb 27, 1941
Mr. Dithers invites the Bumsteads on a South American cruise. Somehow Dagwood winds up as the female drummer in the ship's band, while Penny Singleton gets to show off her Broadway background in some lively musical numbers.
Passport to Alcatraz

Passport to Alcatraz

Jun 06, 1940
George Hollister, crack investigator for the NYC police, is assigned to run down the enemy aliens who dynamited a Detroit munitions plant. The trail takes him to a customs inspector who is known to have honored fake passports provided by Leon Fenten, chief henchman of Drexel Stuyvesant who heads the sabotage ring. Aided by his partner Ray Nolan. Hollister arrests an agent named Reed and takes his place using the fake passport. As Reed, he is met by Karol Roy, an innocent assistant, who takes him to Fenten. Working undercover, Hollister is still unable to learn the name of the head man, not even from dumb gang-member Hank Kircher. Stuyvesant warns Fenten of his suspicions about "Reed" and the latter gives Hollister an assignment as a test.