Karel Jičínský

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Du samedi au dimanche

Du samedi au dimanche

May 01, 1931
Mána est une jeune secrétaire. Un soir, elle et sa colocataire accompagnent deux riches hommes plus âgés à dîner. Après que l'un d'eux lui ait proposé de l'argent, elle réalise ses intentions et s'enfuit du restaurant sous le choc. Elle rencontre plus tard un homme nommé Karel dans un café voisin.
La Peste Blanche

La Peste Blanche

Dec 21, 1937
Adaptation d'une piece de Karel Capek mettant en scene un medecin qui refuse de devoiler le secret de son remede contre un mal invaincu tant que la paix ne sera pas assuree dans le pays.
Škola základ života
Seventh form pupils at a grammar school in Přívlaky are preparing for a secondary school sports competition. Class creep Krhounek gives the class teacher Lejsal a copy of the seventh form’s magazine Roar. Most of the teachers insist on severe punishing the culprit. The author does not own up and consequently the whole class is punished by being banned from taking part in the schools competition. The most gifted pupil, Benetka, rather sharply criticises the school in a homework essay on a subject of his choice. The strict Czech language teacher is convinced Benetka is the author of the school magazine. Benetka denies the charge but his expulsion from school is proposed anyway on account the views he expounded in his essay. Eventually, Boukal, the author of the school magazine comes forward and admits to writing it. The pupils are allowed to take part in the contest and thanks to Benetka they win. In the meantime however the teachers vote to expell him.
Děvčata, nedejte se!
Emanuel Pokorný, a bachelor, is to join a rural church school as a professor. Before leaving, however, he finds an infant abandoned in his room. Since he has no time to search for the child's parents, he secretly takes the child to the boarding house. And from that moment on, there is no end to his travails...
Žena, která se směje
Helena Leeová is at a spa with her daughter Marcelka. One day a lifeguard saves her from drowning. The rescued woman comes to in the lifeguard's arms. This incident is used by the newspapers to promote a society scandal. They print a report that the lifeguard was seen with Helena in her bedroom. Helena's husband, the banker Filip Lee, is a candidate for bank president. The scandal threatens his career and thus Lee at once demands a divorce. His legal representative, Jan Farrland, not only wins the divorce suit but also manages to have Helena's daughter taken from her custody. One day Farrland meets Helena at a society party and he comes to understand that he has wronged her, and he falls in love with her.
To neznáte Hadimršku
Finnicky efficiency expert is sent to straighten out business management problems at a jazz club, and finds self being drawn into the swingin' scene.