Stacey Carino

Recently added

Jack the Reaper

Jack the Reaper

Aug 06, 2013
A group of unsuspecting teens face a railroad reaper in his desert carnival.
Les Âmes vagabondes

Les Âmes vagabondes

Mar 22, 2013
La Terre est envahie. L’humanité est en danger. Nos corps restent les mêmes, mais nos esprits sont contrôlés. Melanie Stryder vient d’être capturée. Elle refuse cependant de laisser place à l’être qui tente de la posséder. Quelque part, caché dans le désert, se trouve un homme qu’elle ne peut pas oublier. L’amour pourra-t-il la sauver ?
Bare Knuckles

Bare Knuckles

Jan 01, 2010
Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night. When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between two drunk women, down and out fight promoter Sonny Cool sees an opportunity to get back into the game. He tells Sam all about the "show," a high class, underground illegal all female bare knuckle fight tournament, where brutality and elegance mix with high stakes and deception. Is the price too much for her...? Bare Knuckles..... a knockout punch of strength and determination, inspired by a true story.
Twilight, chapitre 5 : Révélation, 2ème partie
Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night. When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between two drunk women, down and out fight promoter Sonny Cool sees an opportunity to get back into the game. He tells Sam all about the "show," a high class, underground illegal all female bare knuckle fight tournament, where brutality and elegance mix with high stakes and deception. Is the price too much for her...? Bare Knuckles..... a knockout punch of strength and determination, inspired by a true story.
Miss Nobody

Miss Nobody

Jun 10, 2010
Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night. When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between two drunk women, down and out fight promoter Sonny Cool sees an opportunity to get back into the game. He tells Sam all about the "show," a high class, underground illegal all female bare knuckle fight tournament, where brutality and elegance mix with high stakes and deception. Is the price too much for her...? Bare Knuckles..... a knockout punch of strength and determination, inspired by a true story.
Machete Kills

Machete Kills

Sep 12, 2013
Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night. When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between two drunk women, down and out fight promoter Sonny Cool sees an opportunity to get back into the game. He tells Sam all about the "show," a high class, underground illegal all female bare knuckle fight tournament, where brutality and elegance mix with high stakes and deception. Is the price too much for her...? Bare Knuckles..... a knockout punch of strength and determination, inspired by a true story.
Gangster Squad

Gangster Squad

Jan 09, 2013
Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night. When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between two drunk women, down and out fight promoter Sonny Cool sees an opportunity to get back into the game. He tells Sam all about the "show," a high class, underground illegal all female bare knuckle fight tournament, where brutality and elegance mix with high stakes and deception. Is the price too much for her...? Bare Knuckles..... a knockout punch of strength and determination, inspired by a true story.
The Weather Man

The Weather Man

Oct 20, 2005
Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night. When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between two drunk women, down and out fight promoter Sonny Cool sees an opportunity to get back into the game. He tells Sam all about the "show," a high class, underground illegal all female bare knuckle fight tournament, where brutality and elegance mix with high stakes and deception. Is the price too much for her...? Bare Knuckles..... a knockout punch of strength and determination, inspired by a true story.
Civil War

Civil War

Apr 10, 2024
Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night. When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between two drunk women, down and out fight promoter Sonny Cool sees an opportunity to get back into the game. He tells Sam all about the "show," a high class, underground illegal all female bare knuckle fight tournament, where brutality and elegance mix with high stakes and deception. Is the price too much for her...? Bare Knuckles..... a knockout punch of strength and determination, inspired by a true story.
Dark Moon Rising

Dark Moon Rising

Oct 10, 2009
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Bird Box

Bird Box

Dec 13, 2018
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
The Island

The Island

Jul 21, 2005
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Transformers 2 : La Revanche
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Science Fiction


Jul 01, 2008
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Scream 4

Scream 4

Apr 13, 2011
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Vendredi 13

Vendredi 13

Feb 11, 2009
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Miss FBI : Divinement armée
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Hunger Games : L'Embrasement
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
21 & Over

21 & Over

Mar 01, 2013
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
No One Lives

No One Lives

Mar 09, 2013
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Jack the Reaper

Jack the Reaper

Aug 06, 2013
A group of unsuspecting teens face a railroad reaper in his desert carnival.
The Roommate

The Roommate

Feb 04, 2011
A group of unsuspecting teens face a railroad reaper in his desert carnival.
Jonah Hex

Jonah Hex

Jun 18, 2010
A group of unsuspecting teens face a railroad reaper in his desert carnival.
American trip

American trip

Jun 03, 2010
A group of unsuspecting teens face a railroad reaper in his desert carnival.


Jan 01, 2009
A group of unsuspecting teens face a railroad reaper in his desert carnival.
Weather Girl

Weather Girl

Jul 10, 2009
A group of unsuspecting teens face a railroad reaper in his desert carnival.
Haunted Echoes

Haunted Echoes

Nov 20, 2008
Laura (Sean Young) and Guy (David Starzyk) are devastated by grief when their 8-year-old daughter, Kimberly, is murdered. Hoping to repair their tattered marriage, they move to a quiet town to remodel an old mansion, but weird things start to happen in this eerie ghost story. Laura is convinced that they are being visited Kimberly's spirit, and Guy ultimately believes her, but is it really their daughter who is urging them to seek vengeance?
L'œil du mal

L'œil du mal

Sep 25, 2008
Laura (Sean Young) and Guy (David Starzyk) are devastated by grief when their 8-year-old daughter, Kimberly, is murdered. Hoping to repair their tattered marriage, they move to a quiet town to remodel an old mansion, but weird things start to happen in this eerie ghost story. Laura is convinced that they are being visited Kimberly's spirit, and Guy ultimately believes her, but is it really their daughter who is urging them to seek vengeance?
From a Place of Darkness
Miles Kody, is a documentary filmmaker. As Miles tapes his interviews with Vic he becomes aware of the appearance of "ghosts" captured on his video monitor. He realizes that the faint energy fields of these ghosts, past victims of the snuff films, are picked up more readily on video...


Dec 30, 2007
When Dr. Jekyll creates his alter-ego avatar and then downloads him directly into his brain, he turns into a psychopathic, hedonistic, ultra-violent party animal. Will he abandon his girlfriend in favor of the sexy stripper? How many bodies will he leave in his wake? Will his best friends be among them? Can Dr. Jekyll regain control and get his life back?
Lettre ouverte à Jane Austen
When Dr. Jekyll creates his alter-ego avatar and then downloads him directly into his brain, he turns into a psychopathic, hedonistic, ultra-violent party animal. Will he abandon his girlfriend in favor of the sexy stripper? How many bodies will he leave in his wake? Will his best friends be among them? Can Dr. Jekyll regain control and get his life back?
King of California

King of California

Jan 24, 2007
When Dr. Jekyll creates his alter-ego avatar and then downloads him directly into his brain, he turns into a psychopathic, hedonistic, ultra-violent party animal. Will he abandon his girlfriend in favor of the sexy stripper? How many bodies will he leave in his wake? Will his best friends be among them? Can Dr. Jekyll regain control and get his life back?


Apr 14, 2005
When Dr. Jekyll creates his alter-ego avatar and then downloads him directly into his brain, he turns into a psychopathic, hedonistic, ultra-violent party animal. Will he abandon his girlfriend in favor of the sexy stripper? How many bodies will he leave in his wake? Will his best friends be among them? Can Dr. Jekyll regain control and get his life back?
Preuve à l'appui

Preuve à l'appui

May 16, 2007
Après avoir passé quelques années à Los Angeles, le Dr Jordan Cavanaugh revient à Boston, sa ville natale pour reprendre son ancien job au département de médecine légale de la police. Obstinée et forte tête, Jordan suit son intuition et mène sa propre enquête pour démontrer sa théorie...
Preuve à l'appui

Preuve à l'appui

Aug 14, 2022
À Westworld, un parc d'attractions dernier cri, les visiteurs paient des fortunes pour revivre le frisson de la conquête de l'Ouest. Dolores, Teddy et bien d'autres sont des androïdes à apparence humaine créés pour donner l'illusion et offrir du dépaysement aux clients. Pour ces derniers, Westworld est l'occasion de laisser libre-cours à ses fantasmes. Cet univers bien huilé est mis en péril lorsqu'à la suite d'une mise à jour, quelques robots commencent à adopter des comportements imprévisibles, voire erratiques. En coulisses, l'équipe, qui tire les ficelles de ce monde alternatif, s'inquiète de ces incidents de plus en plus nombreux. Les enjeux du programme Westworld étant énormes, la Direction ne peut se permettre une mauvaise publicité qui ferait fuir ses clients. Que se passe-t-il réellement avec les androïdes ré-encodés ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Preuve à l'appui

Preuve à l'appui

Jan 21, 2011
Allison Dubois est une jeune femme et mère de trois enfants qui veut devenir avocate. Depuis son enfance, elle possède le pouvoir d'entendre les morts, lire les pensées des autres et voir l'avenir dans ses rêves. Son mari, ingénieur aéronautique, est convaincu que sa femme dit la vérité. Mais le plus dur reste à faire: convaincre les autorités que rien de tout cela n'est un canular et qu'elle peut réellement aider la justice.
Preuve à l'appui

Preuve à l'appui

May 16, 2007
Après avoir passé quelques années à Los Angeles, le Dr Jordan Cavanaugh revient à Boston, sa ville natale pour reprendre son ancien job au département de médecine légale de la police. Obstinée et forte tête, Jordan suit son intuition et mène sa propre enquête pour démontrer sa théorie...
Preuve à l'appui

Preuve à l'appui

May 14, 2006
Petit génie malgré lui, Malcolm vit dans une famille hors du commun. Le jeune surdoué n'hésite pas à se servir de son intelligence pour faire les 400 coups avec ses frères : Francis, l'aîné, envoyé dans une école militaire après une bêtise de trop, Reese, une brute pas très maligne, et Dewey, le petit dernier, souffre-douleur général. Les parents tentent tant bien que mal de canaliser l'énergie de ces petits démons. Si Lois est despotique et veut tout contrôler, Hal, en revanche, est irresponsable et ne pense qu'à s'amuser.
Preuve à l'appui

Preuve à l'appui

Mar 05, 2021
Trois semaines après la fin des évènements liés à Thanos, Wanda Maximoff est dévastée par la mort de son compagnon, le synthézoïde Vision. Elle se rend alors dans la petite ville de Westview dans le New Jersey, où Vision et elle avaient l'intention de s'installer, et y crée un univers fictif dans lequel elle contrôle l'esprit de tous les habitants. Elle y développe un univers de sitcom dont chaque épisode avance d'une décennie à partir des années 1950, et y fait revivre Vision, avec qui elle a des jumeaux, Tommy et Billy.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Preuve à l'appui

Preuve à l'appui

Mar 05, 2021
Trois semaines après la fin des évènements liés à Thanos, Wanda Maximoff est dévastée par la mort de son compagnon, le synthézoïde Vision. Elle se rend alors dans la petite ville de Westview dans le New Jersey, où Vision et elle avaient l'intention de s'installer, et y crée un univers fictif dans lequel elle contrôle l'esprit de tous les habitants. Elle y développe un univers de sitcom dont chaque épisode avance d'une décennie à partir des années 1950, et y fait revivre Vision, avec qui elle a des jumeaux, Tommy et Billy.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy