František Dibarbora

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Čert nespí

Čert nespí

May 17, 1957
Episodic film consisting of three satirical shorts ('Smutný káder', 'Typický prípad' and 'Vel'korysá kampaň') comically exposing the shortcomings of society. In the interval between each short, a committee recognising themselves in the characters on screen, voice their approval or disapproval of each film.
The Insanely Sad Princess
Une princesse amoureuse fait semblant d'être follement triste pour épouser l'homme qui la fera rire à nouveau. Seulement, elle ne sait pas que son élu est le prince avec qui elle a été condamnée à se marier de toute façon.
Pštrosí večierok

Pštrosí večierok

Jan 01, 1969
Television adaptation of Ivan Bukovčan's tragicomedy. The story of people who meet at a post-graduation party and discuss their lives. The meeting of graduates after 25 years is a space for mental cleansing of opinions and attitudes of the past years. Higher moral values convict the participants of distorting their characters and their own opinions.
Skalní v ofsajde

Skalní v ofsajde

Mar 03, 1961
Three soccer fans are determined to do literally anything to get to the soccer match between Czechoslovakia and the famous representation team of Brazil. Reaching their goal to see the dream match live cannot he precluded neither by a sudden work task nor family obligations. However, there is one more obstacle in their way: for some time, their enthusiastic behavior during soccer matches has been monitored by the police. This time, it will not be easy for them to get to the stadium.
Pán a hvezdár

Pán a hvezdár

Apr 29, 1960
On this naive and awkwardly narrated fairy tale it is remarkable that it also established the tradition of fairy tale stories in Slovakia. A certain refinement is the framing of the whole story with a puppet show that moves into the played scenes. The film carries out a folk tale of a stupid castle lord who lives in a ruined castle, a fraudulent painter and a lazy shepherd.
Koniec a začiatok

Koniec a začiatok

Jan 01, 1968
Television adaptation of Roman Kaliský's play. Reconstruction of a trial with a journalist from the 1950s.
V tieni šedivých lúk
En février 1708, monsieur de la Merveille, corsaire de Louis XIV, quittait Saint-Malo avec deux frégates afin de rejoindre Moka, au Yémen, pour y acheter du café.
Bačova žena

Bačova žena

Dec 25, 1972
Television film based on the classic Slovak drama by Ivan Stodola. The theme of the play is the return of a supposedly dead man. The Ondrej-Eva-Mišo relationship triangle will only be solved by the death of one of them.


Jan 01, 1982
Zmluva s diablom

Zmluva s diablom

Dec 28, 1967
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to defend themselves, but when they find out that nobody believes them - neither the school principal nor even their own parents - they decide to accomplish what they have been falsely accused of. And although their clumsy attempts are mostly comic, at one point they almost cause a big tragedy.


Feb 14, 1985
Story of an extraordinary musician, violinist, who was famous, but his alcoholism led him to poverty. Now he is playing time from time to rich people. Then Albert meets count Delesov, who tries to change Albert's life. Two different characters, two ways of life confront... Will Albert change? Should he?


Mar 28, 1977


Apr 24, 1947
A drama about Slovaks who emigrated before WW I. It is focused on the life of Ondrej Muranica. He emigrates to America because of the hard life that is partly caused by Hungarian landowners. His dreams and hopes for a happier life are destroyed by a disaster in the mines where he works. Ondrej is declared missing.Years later he returns to his home country and finds out his wife married his best friend.
Majster kat

Majster kat

Aug 05, 1966
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to be targets of Ottoman raids. But their attraction to the same woman and Emil’s betrayal change their indissoluble friendship to an equally strong hatred. And as it usually goes - after twenty years by a trick of fate Richardus’ daughter Agajka becomes the wife ofthe sun of his sworn enemy.


Jan 06, 1956
A comedy film taking an ironic view of the bourgeois period prior to the First World War.
Posledná bosorka

Posledná bosorka

Nov 01, 1957
This dramatic story is situated in the town of Trnava of the 18th century. Painter Peter paints an altar-piece of the Martyrdom of St. Juliet and his model is a young girl. This is much disliked by the clergy who unjustly accuse the girl of witchcraft. She is saved from being burnt at a stake by the students of the Trnava University. (IMDb)


Apr 22, 1950
Strong-willed peasant girl Katka disobeys her father and heads to the city to work in a factory, where no one knows quite what to make of her.


Aug 23, 1963
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro Jánošík [1688-1713] and the social situation in Slovakia of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The first part talks about Jánošík's childhood, studies and return to his native village. In the second part Jánošík leaves for the hills, where he organizes his band of brigands and starts an anti-feudal resistance. The film concludes with Jánošík's execution.
Pehavý Max a strašidlá
A parody of Frankensteinian stories. It is a story of a little boy, an orphan who arrives at the Castle of Count Frankenstein - a world inhabited by mysterious and sometimes a bit ridiculous scary creatures. Although each one of them is different, they all share one thing: they feel lonely and they are desperate for a little love and affection.
Dovolená s Andělem

Dovolená s Andělem

Apr 03, 1953
Strict and always dissatisfied grumbler Mr. Angel gets a voucher for summer recreation. He rejects it at first but he eventually decides to use it and spend 14 days in unionist hut Jezerka together with other merited co-workers.


Apr 13, 1962
In a remote Slovak village in the closing days of World War II, a schoolteacher and his young wife find a wounded Russian parachutist in their front yard just as the Germans are coming in to occupy their village. As his wife readily becomes involved with anti-Nazi partisans, the schoolteacher collaborates with the Germans in fear.
Bílá tma

Bílá tma

Aug 27, 1948
A young doctor and a group of injured are hiding in an underground shelter and are liberated by Soviet soldiers.
Vlčie diery

Vlčie diery

Dec 25, 1948
This drama from the times of Slovak National Uprising is situated in a small Slovak village. It is the tragical story of a widow and her four sons who fight alongside the partisans against the German occupants.
Tatranský pohár 1950
A documentary film about a large international competition organized in February 1950 in the Tatras, in which athletes from nine nations participated in all disciplines.
Der Ochsenkrieg

Der Ochsenkrieg

Nov 12, 1987
Miniseries based on a 1914 historical novel by the German writer Ludwig Ganghofer - The War of the Oxen - set against the backdrop of the War of the Oxen in the 1420s.
La tante de Frankenstein
Alors que le docteur Henry Frankenstein, assisté de son aide Igor, s'apprête à donner vie à sa créature, il apprend la venue de sa tante. Cette dernière arrive dans le village où vit son neveu, et rencontre ses étranges habitants : un loup garou, une dame blanche, ou encore le comte Dracula. Elle fait aussi la connaissance de Max, un petit garçon qui a fui ses beaux-parents et qui se cache dans le château de Frankenstein.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy