Nasira Mambetova

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Jan 01, 2003
The hardships of modern life for one of the families, unhappy in its own way and at the same time recognizable to others. A husband and wife are fighting and drinking, their eldest son lives on his parents-in-law's money, the middle daughter is a prostitute, and only the youngest daughter, confined to a wheelchair, mute, is watching it.
Белый пароход
Longing to discover his father, a sad young boy dreams of becoming a fish and swimming to the great white ship he sees traversing Lake Issyk. Lost in his dreams, and buoyed by the pagan tales of his Central Asian grandfather, he feels a close communion with nature: so much so that when a hunter kills a stag, he too takes a final, liberating leap.
Le mont Souleiman

Le mont Souleiman

Sep 08, 2017
Non loin de la ville d'Och au Kirghizstan se dresse le mont Suleiman. Il n'est pas très haut, mais c'est un endroit sacré pour les population locales qui viennent y prier pour demander santé, amour, bonheur. Que va demander Uluk, un jeune garçon qui vient de quitter l'orphelinat, au mont Suleiman ? Le bonheur pour sa famille, dont la vie n'est pas simple : son père, Karabas, est tiraillé entre sa première femme Jypara (qui se fait passer pour la mère d'Uluk), et sa seconde, jeune et enceinte de lui. Tout au long de trajets à travers tout le pays dans un camion antédiluvien, les deux femmes se disputent l'amour de l'homme. Leur histoire dramatique se déroule avec, pour toile de fond, un pays où les coutumes anciennes (mais sont-elles aussi barbares qu'on le dit ?) coexistent avec la vie moderne.


Dec 01, 1987
After a serious conflict with the editor of a local newspaper, journalist Temir Ataev began working as a teacher at a boarding school for children of shepherds. The first difficulties did not frighten Temir. Captivated by his new work, Ataev was able to win over the children, who were mostly from disadvantaged families, and restore order in the teaching staff.
Дела земные

Дела земные

Jun 11, 1984
In order to protect huge areas of arable land and pastures from periodic flooding, a young scientist Meder Alymkulov is exploring the possibility of erecting a natural dam in the mountains using a directional explosion method in laboratory conditions. However, only a test explosion in natural conditions can confirm or refute laboratory results. Meder takes responsibility for organizing the explosion and begins to prepare the tests...