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Jan 01, 1997
Alors que, perdue en pleine forêt, Laure explore ce qui lui semble être une cabane abandonnée, la porte claque. Impossible de fuir. Apparaît un lutin grimaçant : "Si tu veux sortir, il te faut attraper la bonne clé !". Lancée à sa poursuite, elle débouche dans un salon oriental où un prince sodomise une voluptueuse courtisane qu'il abandonne aux excès lubriques de serviteurs dès qu'il aperçoit Laure. Cette dernière s'échappe, lui abandonnant sa petite culotte, pour se retrouver, aux trois-quarts nue, en butte aux assauts d'un prêcheur fulminant. Autre lieu, autre perversion. Après avoir joui sans retenue des pénétrations acrobatiques de deux athlètes, Laure échappe de peu à sa propre vente aux enchères avant de régaler de vieux messieurs libidineux d'une superbe masturbation-exhibition. Mais, dans ce labyrinthe sans fin, Laure n'est-elle pas en train de découvrir toute la démesure de ses propres fantasmes ?


Jan 01, 1998
A group of women in a techno-metallic world are using pleasure machines... and condoms.
Science Fiction
Fatal Orchid

Fatal Orchid

May 01, 1998
Once again, we offer you another production of the purest "Woodman" style, through which you will discover the best secrets of hard core sex. In this edition, a beautiful woman (Katja Kean) disembarks in Bangkok on a mysterious mission she is to carry out and in which sex, envy and power intermingle. You will also see the efforts of Antonio to get her to fall into his open arms; without a doubt, anther trophy for his extensive sexual curriculum. And all this along with the charm of the most beautiful women leading this luxurious cast. Don't miss this passionate story that contains all the ingredients of a magnificent thriller in the purest Private Style.
When the Night Falls

When the Night Falls

Dec 01, 1997
Eve, a sensual and dangerous brunette, is the prime suspect in the robbery of information from her boss office. To catch her the boss hires a private dick to find out more details about the double life she leads. The detective discovers that, even though she's a sweet and efficient secretary by day, when night falls she transforms herself into a recruiter of prostitutes to serve the needs of a secret society known as The Golden Phallus. The sect draws the gumshoe to its bordello and it's nefarious matriarch, Maeva.
Fatal Orchid 2

Fatal Orchid 2

Jul 01, 1998
If you liked the first part of the Fatal Orchid, you can't miss out on the second edition in which you'll see how Jill (Katja Kean) uses all her wit and her whole body to carry out her most dangerous mission - do away with the most important "capo" of the Bangkok Mafia: Antonio Tschiki. He, on the other hand, wants to get even with Mekkil who, in a display of boldness, robs part of his largest shipment of drugs, which he will end up paying for with his life. You shouldn't miss the unexpected outcome of this film.