Elmo Nüganen

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Sep 21, 2012
Politician Aadu Kägu goes to the mushroom forest with his wife Viivi to rest his nerves from the reputation campaign. They are joined by a voter, penniless rock star Zäk. In order to avoid common mushroom forests, they drive to some countryside at random. Soon the trio discovers that they are lost, at the same time a media scandal breaks out - the investigative press suspects that Kägu has misused state money. The fight for honor, life and death begins, both in the forest and in the city.
Nimed marmortahvlil

Nimed marmortahvlil

Nov 01, 2002
Despite peaceful speeches, the army of the Soviet Russian is attacking Estonia, and the country's government is declaring a mobilization for all. Henn Ahas, the son of a poor family, hesitates to go to war.
Armastus kolme apelsini vastu
"Love for Three Oranges" is the first play by Carlo Gozzi (December 13, 1720 - April 4, 1806). He wrote it in 1761. The play is based on a parody of the fairy tale "Love Against Three Oranges". It was originally written as canovaccio (the explanation of the content on which commedia dell'arte actors improvise the text), but later Gozzi also added some dialogue instructions and critical explanations.


Oct 16, 2013
1990 guerre d'Abkhazie. Tous les voisins se sont enfuis du village dévasté par la guerre. Seul, Ivo s'est entêté à rester pour récolter ses mandarines. Un homme blessé est abandonné à sa porte. Il est obligé de le recueillir...


Sep 07, 2012
Zara, jeune mineure, part vers l'ouest de l’Estonie, en croyant qu'une place d'employée d'hôtel l'attend. Elle tombe en fait dans les filets d'un réseau de prostitution russe. Battue et violée, elle arpente bientôt les trottoirs des zones industrielles. Une nuit, Aliide, une vieille femme vivant recluse à la campagne, la découvre, gisant sans connaissance devant chez elle, et lui ouvre sa porte. D'abord méfiantes, les deux femmes apprennent qu'elles ont en commun la violence infligée par les hommes. Pendant l'occupation soviétique, Aliide, elle aussi, a consenti à nombre de sacrifices pour survivre. Mais le temps est compté : la mafia russe a pris Zara en chasse.
August välja

August välja

Jan 08, 2014
A short film about an old actress Leida Rammo who tries to complete an unfinished theatre house project.


Nov 09, 2012
When Joko, Ants and Reeda, all in their own good reasons, first enter a casino, they can't possibly be aware of the very existence of the demons inside them. Soon enough, they will know. But then it is already too late and their lives are suddenly caught in a fatal vortex.


Nov 14, 2022
The Old Woman lives in a deep Estonian forest, alone and isolated. Her parents came here to settle to raise and educate their children in the right way. They all died long ago. The Old Woman leads her farm, until one day her world almost collapses due to the intrusion of a lost stranger.
Marraskuun harmaa valo
Kari Syysmäki, a Finnish Businessman is on a vacation with his wife in Tallinn. When his wife is away a young man enters their hotel room with a gun. He tells to the businessman that he has just tried to rob a bank, but accidentally shot one of the clerks. Now he's hiding from the cops. But when the bank robber forgets his gun on the table, Syysmäki grabs it and shoots him in the back. After that Syysmäki refuses to travel back to Finland with his wife. He stays in Tallinn and soon he's about to face both the cops and the mob of Estonia.


Apr 12, 2018
Cette histoire aventureuse et émouvante avec des rythmes comiques est un premier long métrage de l'acteur et metteur en scène acclamé Lauri Lagle. Karina et Martin sont dans une relation agréable où la vie quotidienne se déroule sans effort et où aucune petite mauvaise conduite ne peut ébranler sa précipitation.


Oct 06, 2020


23 août 1939. L'Europe craint une guerre imminente. Hitler et Staline signe le pacte germano-soviétique (de non-agression). Parallèlement, un agent estonien est assassiné. Des sources russes prétendent qu'il y a un traîte dans les rangs. Feliks Kangur, un espion estonien, est chargé de découvrir l'identité de l'agent double.
Ainus pühapäev

Ainus pühapäev

May 20, 1990
50s quiet Estonian town. After a long separation, two brothers met in their parents' house. The younger one, Ilmar, a formerly capable artist, has just been released under an amnesty from a camp where he ended up for some youthful prank. Older brother Alex, by nature a more reserved person who prefers to find compromise solutions, is the complete opposite of Ilmar. The meeting of the brothers develops into a conflict, complicated by the fact that Ilmar got in touch with repeat offenders in the camp, and now they are threatening him with violence.


Apr 19, 1993
The last film directed by Kaljo Kiisk has been dedicated to theatre and the people in theatre. You are entering the hectic world of musicians, zanies and jesters - and don't expect to hear a symphony but a single delicate sound of a flute.
Isa, Poeg ja Teatri Vaim
Alar Sudak alias Elaan is the don Quijote of Estonian theatre - predestined to eternal loneliness. Sudak's dream to become an officially acknowledged actor has never come true. He has failed the entrace exams to the Drama School of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and other schools. The documentary tells a story related to the Old Testament - including good-hearted Satan, water wars, unrequited love of theatre, jurisprudence, community's revenge that lasts over several generations and regimes. Elaan's life and destiny includes so much drama that he is unable to let go of it - as his actor's spirit cannot live without it.
Ühemõõtmeline mees

Ühemõõtmeline mees

Jan 01, 1970
Raul's father Viktor, a Soviet-era Estonian militia officer, shaped his son with communist ideology. Raul was raised in a violent and pathological attitude of the despotic father, blindly driven by the ideology. Driven by his jealousy of his wife and her bohemian lifestyle, Viktor, being a high ranking KGB officer, stated her as a predator against the Soviet nation, and one early morning she is taken by KGB agents to an unknown destination.
Nimed marmortahvlil

Nimed marmortahvlil

Nov 01, 2002
Despite peaceful speeches, the army of the Soviet Russian is attacking Estonia, and the country's government is declaring a mobilization for all. Henn Ahas, the son of a poor family, hesitates to go to war.
Nimed marmortahvlil

Nimed marmortahvlil

Nov 01, 2002
Despite peaceful speeches, the army of the Soviet Russian is attacking Estonia, and the country's government is declaring a mobilization for all. Henn Ahas, the son of a poor family, hesitates to go to war.


Oct 06, 2006
A rich businessman moves to countryside to give his life a meaning.


Oct 06, 2006
A rich businessman moves to countryside to give his life a meaning.
Armastus kolme apelsini vastu
"Love for Three Oranges" is the first play by Carlo Gozzi (December 13, 1720 - April 4, 1806). He wrote it in 1761. The play is based on a parody of the fairy tale "Love Against Three Oranges". It was originally written as canovaccio (the explanation of the content on which commedia dell'arte actors improvise the text), but later Gozzi also added some dialogue instructions and critical explanations.
Frères ennemis

Frères ennemis

Feb 20, 2015
"Love for Three Oranges" is the first play by Carlo Gozzi (December 13, 1720 - April 4, 1806). He wrote it in 1761. The play is based on a parody of the fairy tale "Love Against Three Oranges". It was originally written as canovaccio (the explanation of the content on which commedia dell'arte actors improvise the text), but later Gozzi also added some dialogue instructions and critical explanations.
Melchior l'apothicaire : L'énigme de Saint-Olav
"Love for Three Oranges" is the first play by Carlo Gozzi (December 13, 1720 - April 4, 1806). He wrote it in 1761. The play is based on a parody of the fairy tale "Love Against Three Oranges". It was originally written as canovaccio (the explanation of the content on which commedia dell'arte actors improvise the text), but later Gozzi also added some dialogue instructions and critical explanations.


Jun 03, 2002
Born from the fairytale of Alexei Tolstoy, a lively story about a curious tree boy Burattino who gets into an unexpected adventure.
Armastus kolme apelsini vastu
"Love for Three Oranges" is the first play by Carlo Gozzi (December 13, 1720 - April 4, 1806). He wrote it in 1761. The play is based on a parody of the fairy tale "Love Against Three Oranges". It was originally written as canovaccio (the explanation of the content on which commedia dell'arte actors improvise the text), but later Gozzi also added some dialogue instructions and critical explanations.
Melchior l'apothicaire : Le Glaive du bourreau
"Love for Three Oranges" is the first play by Carlo Gozzi (December 13, 1720 - April 4, 1806). He wrote it in 1761. The play is based on a parody of the fairy tale "Love Against Three Oranges". It was originally written as canovaccio (the explanation of the content on which commedia dell'arte actors improvise the text), but later Gozzi also added some dialogue instructions and critical explanations.
Melchior l'apothicaire : L'énigme de Saint-Olav
"Love for Three Oranges" is the first play by Carlo Gozzi (December 13, 1720 - April 4, 1806). He wrote it in 1761. The play is based on a parody of the fairy tale "Love Against Three Oranges". It was originally written as canovaccio (the explanation of the content on which commedia dell'arte actors improvise the text), but later Gozzi also added some dialogue instructions and critical explanations.
Melchior l'apothicaire : Le spectre de la rue du Puits
"Love for Three Oranges" is the first play by Carlo Gozzi (December 13, 1720 - April 4, 1806). He wrote it in 1761. The play is based on a parody of the fairy tale "Love Against Three Oranges". It was originally written as canovaccio (the explanation of the content on which commedia dell'arte actors improvise the text), but later Gozzi also added some dialogue instructions and critical explanations.
Lotte lood

Lotte lood

Nov 21, 2017
Lotte together with her friends Bruno and Albert, ventures and solves exciting detective puzzles.