Christopher Suss

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Jan 01, 2000
Vous avez surement déjà vu des défilés de mode! Cabanel est au commande de celui-ci. Il est partie nous trouver, au près de Karen Lancaume, des modèles de toute beauté. AU beau milieu du défilé les esprits s’échauffent et on assiste à un festival de scènes de sexe.
La Venus bleue

La Venus bleue

Jan 01, 1993
One evening, professor Boyer moved by a strange impulse, through the door of the impossible return. The fate of this man will switch to a sexy picture captured on one of his students during a class that represents Gilda, a beautiful exotic dancer, star of the show which takes place in the cabaret in the city: THE VENUS BLUE. Serious teacher will get to know Gilda in fall madly in love and marry. Boyer and enters the world of the show of the night, one that attracts the multitude of anonymous moths from being dazzled by the sight of these women whose body magic sweet and catchy voice never ceases to or submit the wild. In the boxes, the pursuit of pleasure is limitless, couplings succeed on an insane pace, the "artists" have the temperament, the party continues! Cheated by the victim and not his love for the beautiful Gilda, Professor Boyer will sink body and soul in a tragicomic situation he will not recover. The Don Quixote of the night will burn games that he knew the rules...
Erotic Rondo

Erotic Rondo

Jan 21, 1994
A magnificent Italian villa. Three brothers. A new maiden arrives to completely change their lives. She will be the one who directs an exciting erotic game in which no one wants to lose.
La Dernière Vamp

La Dernière Vamp

Jan 01, 1996
Déborah Wells en compagnie des Stars les plus chaudes du hard italien, se donne dans des orgies sans nom au cours desquelles tout est permis. Cette réalisation franco-italienne s¹inscrit d¹office dans le Top des meilleures réalisations Européennes.
Bizarre Lustspiele

Bizarre Lustspiele

Jan 01, 1993
A clever scientist has invented a serum that turns sex into an extraordinary experience. It is actually only intended for him, but that will soon change...
Délit de séduction

Délit de séduction

Jul 10, 1993
Bandor, dangereux maniaque sexuel, sévit depuis quelques temps. Il s'attaque en priorité aux femmes de notables. Corinne, une femme superbe, élément d'élite d'un service spécialisé dans la protection de VIP, est chargée de retrouver le pervers et de le neutraliser par tous les moyens. Vous serez ainsi les témoins d'une enquête menée sur un rythme à vous couper le souffle.
Cugine viziose

Cugine viziose

Jan 01, 1994
Showtime presents "Cugine Viziose", starring Angie Larousse, Deborah Wells, Katy McKay and Simona Valli. This classic Italian film features a woman, Simona Valli, who's desperate to let loose her inner desires. She befriends Deborah who is more than willing to show her the ropes. After a few days spent with Deborah, Simona becomes the beautiful nymph she's always wanted to be.
Beauties in Paradise

Beauties in Paradise

Nov 01, 1993
Vally Verdy the beautiful French girl and Karina the Russian girl with the doll-face and a lot of other beauties have made sodomy their reason to live.
Rêves de cuir 2

Rêves de cuir 2

Jan 01, 1993
Une motarde affronte les démons de l'hypocrisie pour réveiller les désirs les plus refoulés...