二代目 中村鴈治郎

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Le Lac des larmes

Le Lac des larmes

Nov 13, 1966
En 1926 à Nishiyama, petit village jouxtant le lac Biwa au Japon, Saku, une jeune fille qui fabrique des cordes de shamisen, instrument de musique japonais, est amoureuse d'un de ses collègues. Mais lorsqu'elle se rend au lac Yogo dans la préfecture de Shiga pour devenir l'élève d'un célèbre maitre de musique, ce dernier l'oblige à se donner à lui.
Les Bas-fonds

Les Bas-fonds

Oct 01, 1957
Dans un quartier insalubre du Tokyo féodal, il y a une auberge tenue par Rokubei et sa femme. Les ratés y trouvent refuge : un voleur, un ancien acteur, un ferrailleur, un ex-samouraï... Tous ces gens qui vivent dans la misère, ont des rêves et des espoirs. Un jour, un mystérieux pèlerin arrive, et redonne courage aux habitants de l'auberge. À son contact, les habitants de l’auberge se mettent à rêver et à croire en de jours meilleurs…
Le Pavillon d'Or

Le Pavillon d'Or

Sep 22, 1958
Un jeune homme brûle un symbole du Japon traditionnel, le Pavillon d'or du temple Rokuon-ji, à Kyôto.
Herbes flottantes

Herbes flottantes

Nov 17, 1959
Une troupe de kabuki arrive dans un petit port du sud du Japon. L’acteur principal, Komajuro, a connu une aventure des années auparavant avec une femme de l’endroit, avec laquelle il a eu un fils, Kiyoshi. La maîtresse de Komajuro découvre son secret et envoie une actrice de la troupe, Kayo, le séduire.
Nuages d'été

Nuages d'été

Sep 02, 1958
Okawa, correspondant d'un journal de Tokyo, prépare des articles sur sa région, une campagne proche de la capitale, voulant montrer les changements qui touchent la province. Au cours de son enquête, il rencontre Yae, une paysanne, veuve de guerre, qui lui conte l'histoire de sa famille et plus particulièrement celle de son frère, Wasuke, riche propriétaire terrien. Ce patriarche respectable, père de neuf enfants, les voit partir les uns après les autres, attirés par la ville qui leur propose une existence loin de la vie laborieuse de la campagne…
源氏物語 浮舟

源氏物語 浮舟

Apr 29, 1957
Floating Vessel (源氏物語 浮舟 , Ukifune) is a 1957 color Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. Drawn from parts of the famous Genji monogatari by Lady Murasaki.
L'Étrange Obsession

L'Étrange Obsession

Jun 23, 1959
Un respectable professeur ne parvient plus à satisfaire les exigences sexuelles de sa jeune femme. Il s'aperçoit que la jalousie peut être un excellent stimulant. Il tente alors de rapprocher son épouse, Ikuko, de son jeune médecin Kimura, qui est aussi son gendre. Il profite du sommeil d'Ikuko pour la photographier nue et livrer les négatifs à Kimura. Mais cette manœuvre ne lui sert à rien : il est bientôt terrassé par une crise cardiaque.
Le Pornographe

Le Pornographe

Mar 12, 1966
Monsieur Ogata, pornographe, mène une vie compliquée. Il est désespérément amoureux de sa femme, Haru, qui n'arrive pas à oublier son précédent époux décédé. Il se partage aussi entre sa maîtresse et les enfants de son épouse...
Dernier caprice

Dernier caprice

Oct 29, 1961
Monsieur Kohayagawa est un veuf qui dirige une brasserie. Il a deux filles, Fumiko et Noriko, et une belle-fille, Akiko, veuve de son fils. Fumiko, est mariée à un des employés de la brasserie, et Noriko refuse tous les prétendants. Les affaires vont mal, monsieur Kohayagawa aimerait avoir moins de bouches à nourrir pour éviter de devoir vendre sa brasserie. Son beau-frère, le mari de sa petite sœur, propose à Akiko de se remarier avec un industriel qu'il connaît, mais celle-ci, qui a déjà deux enfants et était heureuse avec son mari défunt, hésite. En même temps, monsieur Kohayagawa mène une double vie...
La Vengeance d'un acteur
En 1836, lors d'une representation theatrale a Tokyo, l'acteur vedette d'une troupe de Kabuki reconnait parmi les spectateurs les trois meurtriers de ses parents. Il va utiliser l'amour que lui voue une des filles des criminels pour assouvir sa vengeance.


Jan 06, 1965
Une collection de quatre contes populaires japonais aux thèmes surnaturels : Les Cheveux noirs, La Femme des neiges, Hoïchi sans oreilles, Dans un bol de thé.


Dec 27, 1959
Once upon a time, Okuro (Ayako Wakao), a young female racoon, lived poorly with her drunken father. One day after they disguised themselves as parasols, they were wrongly brought to the Racoon Palace, where the young racoon princess (also Ayako Wakao) made a mess of her arranged marriage with the beautiful racoon prince (Raizô Ichikawa). Pretty princess ran away. In order not to spoil the promising marriage, people tried to make use of resemblances between Okuro and the princess. Before long, Okuro and the Prince fell in love with each other...


Oct 31, 1961
An Indian prince leaves his world of comfort and riches behind to wander and meditate for six years in search of spiritual enlightenment. Siddartha (Cojoin Hong) turns his back on the old religion when people are starving needlessly and holy rituals include human sacrifices. During his meditations, he is tempted by erotic dancing women, demons, and the evil machinations of his criminal cousin. Devastate to attain the spiritual perfection and become the Buddha. He travels to convert followers by his kindness and wisdom, gaining a multitude of believers when he stops an elephant from crushing a local priest. Buddha of course goes on to become one of the great religious leaders of the world.
忍びの者 霧隠才蔵
[Period covered: 1614-1615] Tokugawa Ieyasu is now the ruler of all Japan. But one last loose thread must be tied up before his domination is complete -- the destruction of the Toyotomi clan, now beseiged in Osaka castle. Ieyasu's ninja are the only ones who can penetrate the fortress, but unfortunately for Ieyasu, Kirigakure Saizo and the other Toyotomi ninja can just as easily get out. As armies of samurai maneuver for battle, the fate of the nation will be decided by a desperate struggle in the dark!
Mademoiselle Ogin

Mademoiselle Ogin

Jun 03, 1962
L'histoire d'amour contrariée entre Gin, la fille de Sen no Rikyū et Ukon Takayama, un seigneur en butte à la persécution des chrétiens décrétée par Hideyoshi Toyotomi.


Sep 30, 1962
The Fencing Master tells the story of a man trying to survive as the only world he knows is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Danpei Ichikawa lives for swordfighting – he was once a renowned kabuki swordfight choreographer, and as the Chairman of the New National Theatre Company, he wants nothing more than to choreograph the swordfights for the modern plays put on by the company.
La Grande Muraille

La Grande Muraille

Nov 01, 1962
En 221 avant JC, Qin Shihuang a conquis le reste de la Chine. Les grandes réalisations de Qin ainsi que ses graves erreurs sont mises en lumière dans ce film. Qin a adopté la dictature autocratique et a mené une vie luxueuse, centralisé le pouvoir sous la forme d'une bureaucratie désormais héréditaire fidèle à lui-même ; brûlé des livres et enterré des savants ; a construit un somptueux palais pour ses concubines, ainsi que la Grande Muraille.


Apr 06, 1962
Un jeune homme a du mal à comprendre sa véritable identité dans un village reculé de castes au Japon, au début du XXe siècle.


Dec 21, 1958
Lord Mito Mitsukuni, the vice-shogun of the whole country, left the family estate and went on a trip to various provinces with his students Sukesaburo Sasaki and Kakunoshin Atsumi. At an inn in Sunagawa, Mitsukuni exposed and punished an evil judge who had fallen in love with a townsman's wife. However, on the night he stayed at Nihonmatsu Castle, Mitsukuni found out that this incident was a performance organized especially for him…


Sep 15, 1966
Taka, the daughter of Naniwa-ya, a longtime Osaka store owner, married Kichisaburo Kawashima-ya, the son of a kimono wholesaler. Her husband just tried to play with her like a sweet candy, but Taka fell in love with him. One day, the father-in-law suddenly dies, and the Kawashima-ya family fortune is rapidly changing. However, the depravity of Kichisaburo does not subside...


May 15, 1982
Yahagi Michiko is accosted and raped walking home one evening. From there she maneuvers the logistics of the police, hospital, and criminal justice system while balancing her home life including romantic relationships.


Sep 09, 1960
Set in the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), this tragic love story takes its cue from a celebrated historical case tried by magistrate Tadasuke Ooka, whose shrewd legal decisions became the stuff of legend. Okuma Shirokoya, the daughter of a lumber merchant in Edo (today’s Tokyo), embarked on an affair and was executed after conspiring with her maid to murder her husband. (Source: https://festival.ilcinemaritrovato.it/en/proiezione/shirokoya-komako/)


Apr 14, 1960
Kikuji is the scion of an Osaka merchant family whose traditional power is matrilineal. Instructed by his overbearing mother and grandmother to give them an heiress for the family business, he stands by helplessly as his wife is thrown out of the house for producing a son. Driven to a life of dissipation - his mistresses also fail to produce daughters - in the end he is just too tired to care.


Jul 13, 1957
Seppuku Day 17 Ako ronins, including Kuranosuke Oishi, who were entrusted to the Hosokawa family, and the events of the two days before are depicted as a tragic romance between one of the ronins, Jurozaemon Isogai, and Omino. An adaptation of Seika Mayama play "Genroku Chusingura, the Last Day of Oishi", which tells about the torments of life and death of samurai living in feudal times.


Feb 12, 1958
During the reign of Hidetada, the second shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty, the advisor Okubo Hikozaemon (Ganjiro Nakamura) entrusts the young Takechiyo (Hiroshi Kawaguchi) to the fishmonger Isshin Tasuke (Kazuo Hasegawa) to help him understand the world. Tasuke, who does not know that Takechiyo is the shogun's heir, trains him harshly. Tasuke's wife Naka (Michiko Ai) is concerned about his harsh teaching style, but Takechiyo gains strength day by day and adapts to his new life. Soon, Takechiyo begins secretly talking about love with a city girl named Otoyo (Hitomi Nozoe), but...
La Vengeance des loyaux serviteurs
Ce film raconte l'histoire vraie d'un groupe de samouraïs qui sont devenus rōnin (samouraïs sans chef) après que leur daimyō (seigneur féodal) Asano Naganori ait été contraint de commettre un seppuku (suicide rituel) pour avoir agressé un fonctionnaire de la cour, Kira Yoshinaka, qui l'avait insulté. Après avoir soigneusement préparé leur plan pendant plus d'un an, ils exécutent un assaut audacieux sur le domaine de leur ennemi juré et exigent leur vengeance, sachant qu'ils seraient eux-mêmes forcés de partager le sort de leur Seigneur pour expier leur crime.


Jun 26, 1960
Follows the murder of a money-lending masseur by an impoverished samurai. The slain masseur's daughter will also fall victim to his curse, so that she can become empowered as an agent of her father's vengeance.


Jun 24, 1962
One day, a funeral was held at one of the tenements in Asakusa. It was the only son of a wealthy merchant named Matasaburo, who had run away from home with a woman he was in love with and had been living here. But this funeral was actually a kyogen (a farce) orchestrated by a gardener named Yunosuke, who had planted it without telling his wife, Okinu, in order to bilk his parents out of their money. Matasaburo believed Yunosuke, who said he would dig him up right away, and was buried in the ground. ......
悪名 縄張荒らし
About small-time gangster Asakichi's chaotic life in the 1930s. His gambling addiction means that he must not continue working in the family business. Instead he supports himself by arranging cockfights. He becomes ex-geisha Okinu's patron and lover, and falls directly into disfavor with the yakuza.


Nov 29, 1958
The film won 1959 Blue Ribbon Awards for best actor Raizo Ichikawa and for best cinematography Kazuo Miyagawa. The film also won 1959 Kinema Junpo Award for best actor Raizo Ichikawa.


Jun 17, 1960
Tradition and modernity clash when a young woman inherits a sweet-making firm in Kyoto.
The Demon of Mount Oe

The Demon of Mount Oe

Apr 27, 1960
À la fin de l’ère Heian. Un démon vient hanter Nagisa,la favorite du régent Fujiwara no Michinaga. Ce dernier demande à son général Minamoto no Yorimitsu de retrouver le démon dans son repère du mont Ôe et de s’en débarrasser. Un grand film historique dont le casting réunit les acteurs les plus célèbres des studios Daiei.
Le Temple des Oies Sauvages
Ici, nous voyons deux jeunes gens, chacun abusé par une société liée à la tradition d'une manière différente, chacun bouillonnant à l'intérieur.Satoko est une maîtresse de métier ou de destin: à la mort de sa maîtresse, la sérigraphe du temple Kohoan de Kyoto, elle est donnée au grand prêtre lascif du temple, Kikuchi. Elle est attirée par un jeune acolyte mélancolique, Jinen, qui a observé la lourdeur de son cruel maître et la totale dépendance de Satoko envers l'homme. Jinen est à la fois fasciné et dérangé par l'intérêt de Satoko pour lui. Il est pareillement pris entre le dégoût de Kikuchi et les sombres circonstances de sa naissance et sa propre faiblesse morale. L'histoire se déroule de manière onirique, un flashback inspiré par une image désormais infâme sur une sérigraphie dans la boutique de souvenirs du prétendu Temple des oies sauvages.


Jul 27, 1963
A young man who followed his father's wishes and became a travel actor causes a big commotion with his fellow members of the Gurentai group during their travel destination! Innocent to cute girls and reckless to bad guys! Exciting entertainment!


Nov 01, 1959
The legend of the birth of Shintoism. In Fourth Century Japan, the Emperor's son Ouso expects to succeed his father on the throne, but Otomo, the Emperor's vassal, prefers Ouso's stepbrother, and conspires to have Ouso die on a dangerous mission he has contrived. But Ouso prevails in the mission and returns to his father's castle under a new name, Prince Yamato Takeru. Otomo plots to have the Prince sent into even greater danger, but Otomo is unaware that the gods have favored the Prince and the outcome is far from what any of them expected.
La Vie d'un homme amoureux
Fascinated with women from an early age, Yonosuke had his first sexual encounter at the age of seven. From that day on, he recklessly and forwardly pursues women, feeding his fascination and experience. As Yonosuke's salacious behavior brings much cause for shame to the family, his father eventually breaks relations with him. Expelled from the family, 19-year-old Yonosuke embarks on a pilgrimage of lust, traveling far and wide to acquaint himself with women of all walks.


Jun 15, 1958
Based on the novel by Toyoko Yamazaki.


May 24, 1961
Ayako Wakao portrays a downtown rice ball shop girl whose heart is set on her business. Involved in her life are three young men—stage actor Goro, businessman Kokichi and Sanpei Pachinko.


Jan 14, 1960
The first story concerns an attractive young woman who works in a Tokyo nightclub. Her plan for a solid financial future has a double whammy. In the second story, a beautiful young woman is employed by an unscrupulous real estate agent to convince male clients to invest in worthless property. The last story is about a widowed geisha who has no real financial worries and who falls in love with a forger.


Mar 31, 1963
A story about a wealthy family and the greed and selfishness of three daughters and relatives, after the passing of their old father


Feb 20, 1965
At sixteen, due to illness, Tsuruko goes blind, and has no choice but to become a massage therapist. One day, stumbling on a staircase, he meets a businessman named Tsuruko and falls in love with him.


Mar 24, 1992
Nakamura Mondo was relegated to a post in Hachioji from the Minamimachi Bugyōsho and he has retired from professional assassin. But one day he was ordered to return to the Minamimachi Bugyōsho. Shikazō worked behind the scenes to get Mondo back to the Minamimachi Bugyōsho. Shikazō asks Nakamura Mondo to kill a man, once Mondo refuses but he is blinded by big money and eventually take the offer. Mondo restarts killing villains again with Kazarishokunin no Hide and Nawate Samon.