John Tillinger

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A Little Sex

A Little Sex

Apr 02, 1982
Michael and Katherine have enjoyed a long relationship together even before they tie the knot. But Michael does not hide the fact he's a womanizer and sex addict, cheating on Katherine during their pre-married relationship. Because Katherine is genuinely in love with him, she is willing to overlook this and believes that perhaps marriage will change things.


Feb 18, 1983
Sigmund Freud's ghost advises a married New York psychiatrist in love with a patient.
The Appointments of Dennis Jennings
Dennis Jennings est un rêveur introverti, somnambule à travers la vie. Il est serveur professionnel et a une petite amie tout aussi ennuyeuse, Emma. Dans une tentative de libérer ses sentiments refoulés d'isolement, il commence à voir un psychiatre, pour découvrir que le médecin est un peu moins intéressé par ce qu'il a à dire. Le film a remporté l'Oscar du meilleur court métrage d'action en direct.


Sep 26, 1980
Une femme fait brièvement l'expérience de l'au-delà après l'accident de voiture dans lequel son mari disparaît.
Every Act of Life

Every Act of Life

Apr 23, 2018
The life of Tony-winning playwright Terrence McNally (Master Class, Ragtime): 60 years of groundbreaking plays and musicals, the struggle for gay rights, addiction and recovery, finding true love, and the relentless pursuit of inspiration.
Doctor Who: The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve
The TARDIS materialises in Paris in the year 1572 and the Doctor decides to visit the famous apothecary Charles Preslin. Steven, meanwhile, is befriended by a group of Huguenots from the household of the Protestant Admiral de Coligny. Having rescued a young serving girl, Anne Chaplet, from some pursuing guards, the Huguenots gain their first inkling of a heinous plan being hatched at the command of the Catholic Queen Mother, Catherine de Medici.
La joyeuse revenante

La joyeuse revenante

Nov 06, 1987
Lucy Chadman vit heureuse dans son rôle d'épouse, de mère et de femme au foyer. Affectueuse, intelligente et drôle, elle adore son mari, Jason, un chirurgien esthétique promis à un brillant avenir. Mais est-elle vraiment l'épouse qui convient à ses ambitions ? Elle est d'une incurable maladresse, et sa sœur, Zelda, passionnée d'occultisme et excentrique à souhait, fait fuir toute la bonne société new-yorkaise susceptible d'aider Jason dans sa carrière. Un jour, Lucy s'étouffe en avalant une boulette de viande, et trépasse. Les mois s'écoulent. La vie reprend son cours, et Jason s'est remarié avec Kim, une ancienne amie de Lucy. Seule Zelda reste inconsolable et décide de ramener Lucy d'entre les morts à la grande surprise de Jason et de son entourage...
Another World

Another World

Jun 25, 1999
Another World is an American television soap opera that ran on NBC for 35 years from May 4, 1964 to June 25, 1999. Set in the fictional town of Bay City, the show in its early years opens with announcer Bill Wolff intoning its epigram, “We do not live in this world alone, but in a thousand other worlds,” which Phillips said represented the difference between “the world of events we live in, and the world of feelings and dreams that we strive for.” Another World focused less on the conventional drama of domestic life as seen in other soap operas, and more on exotic melodrama between families of different classes and philosophies.
The Adams Chronicles

The Adams Chronicles

Apr 26, 1991
Monsters is a syndicated horror anthology series which originally ran from 1988 to 1991 and reran on the Sci-Fi Channel during the 1990s. As of 2011, Monsters airs on NBC Universal's horror/suspense-themed cable channel Chiller in sporadic weekday marathons. In a similar vein to Tales from the Darkside, Monsters shared the same producer, and in some ways succeeded the show. It differed in some respects nonetheless. While Tales sometimes dabbled in stories of science fiction and fantasy, this series was more strictly horror. As the name implies, each episode of Monsters featured a different monster which the story concerned, from the animatronic puppet of a fictional children's television program to mutated, weapon-wielding lab rats. Similar to Tales, however, the stories in Monsters were rarely very straightforward action plots and often contained some ironic twist in which a character's conceit or greed would do him in, often with gruesome results. Adding to this was a sense of comedy often lost on horror productions which might in some instances lighten the audience's mood but in many cases added to the overall eeriness of the production.