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La Dernière Relique

La Dernière Relique

Mar 23, 1970
La Dernière Relique (Viimne reliikvia) est un film estonien de l'ère soviétique réalisé par Grigori Kromanov et sorti en 1969. Le film est adapté du roman Vürst Gabriel ehk Pirita kloostri viimsed päevad d'Eduard Bornhöhe (1893). Il est produit par les studios Tallinnfilm.
Tuuline rand

Tuuline rand

Jan 03, 1971
The coastal people of Kaugatoma set out to build their own ship to earn a living independent of the baron's will. The baron does everything to prevent the venture, but still "Kaugatoma" raises its white sails. Unfortunately, the power of money turns out to be decisive both in the organization of joint activities and in the relations of the strong-natured captain Tõnis Tihu with the community and his loved ones. He abandons Liisu, with whom he has a son, and marries a wealthy widow. As a captain, he has the power to look after the welfare of the sailors, but he thinks more about his own safety. However, the winds of 1905 are already blowing over the sea.
Põrgupõhja uus Vanapagan
The way Saint Peter explains it to the Devil who's knocking on Heaven's door to collect his share of souls: there will be no more souls, as God has come to doubt if humans are really meant to achieve salvation. If they aren't then how can they be punished posthumous and sent to Hell? There's only one way to make sure if sinning is the human nature, or is it that they simply don't want to better themselves - Devil himself must go down to Earth, in human form, and if he can achieve salvation then so can a human being... Based on A. H. Tammsaare's classic novel of the same name.
La Jeune Fille à l’écho
C’est le dernier jour des vacances pour Vika. Vêtue de sa robe ample, les cheveux au vent, elle arpente le littoral déjà maintes fois foulé par ses pieds nus au cours de l’été. Libre de ses mouvements et de la présence des adultes, cette petite fille hardie, cor de chasse autour du cou, laisse son innocence et sa curiosité la guider, sans crainte.


Feb 17, 1969
Before the end of the Second World War, a special commando marches into a mental hospital located in a beautiful manor house to eliminate the patients. But the Gestapo has received an anonymous letter saying that an enemy agent is hiding among the madmen. Officer Windisch is tasked with finding a simulant among several hundred mental patients in a matter of days.
Kire lained

Kire lained

Oct 10, 1930
About the booming of smuggling alcohol across the Baltic Sea between Estonia and the neighboring and alcohol prohibited Finland. Fiery love relationships are another theme of the film.
Valgus Koordis

Valgus Koordis

Aug 27, 1951
When Paul Runge, a soldier of the Red Army, returns home to Koordi after the war, he sees that, despite the new regime, life in Koordi hasn't changed. It's still a abandoned, uncultured Estonian village, where rich landlords still oppress the population. Runge starts talking about founding a kolkhoze.


Jan 13, 1964
Heino Raagen and his war comrades begin a new battle while arriving at their home village - establishing a collective farm. The sufferings and fears of the war have exhausted people; nevertheless, they still stick together and protect their close ones. Heino's girlfriend Valve hides the plans of her brother Robert hiding in the forest from him; as a result, their relationship will fall apart. Life goes on, but disappointment and anger will take their toll even when years have gone by.


Feb 25, 1963
Two proud fisherman families live on a very small island in Estonia. The two fishermen have always bore a grudge against each other. Their stubbornness and disobedience to German occupiers leads to dramatic events where staying alive is worse than death. Since it is impossible to escape public contempt, they have to decide how to redeem themselves.
Andruse õnn

Andruse õnn

Jul 18, 1955
Andrus Laane comes from a fisherman's village. He dreams of becoming a captain to sail the seas but fails the entrance exams to the marine academy. By accident he starts working at a big gas plant. Sharp-witted young man with innovative ideas will be recognized. He will also find his first true love. It seems that Andrus has found his happiness, even if not at sea.
Juunikuu päevad

Juunikuu päevad

Mar 04, 1958
Peeter Saarmann has grown up in the Raidma family with the knowledge that his father was a casualty of war and mother died during evacuation. He is a university student who prepares to get married. During renovation Peeter finds a pre-war newspaper article about an enterprise that seems to upset his stepfather. The night before his wedding day, Peeter runs into a drunk man who calls Peeter an illegitimate offspring. When Peeter hears the truth about his real parents from his stepfather, he has the feeling that this could become crucial for his future plans.
Elu tsitadellis

Elu tsitadellis

Nov 06, 1947
Professor August Miilas has succeeded in hiding in his private house from the war. He thinks this is mainly caused by his complete devotion to science. As August is not interested in anything that is going on outside his citadel, his family members avoid disturbing him. However, the political situation disrupt August's quietude. Right in the middle of his domestic citadel, the professor finds out about dangerous secrets so that he must give up this apolitical attitude and open up for the new reality.


Apr 24, 1957
The story of the distressed residents living in poor slums during the economic crisis of the first Estonian Republic in early 1930s. It is the life in the backyard both literally and symbolically. Based on the story "In the Backyard" by Oskar Luts and the drama play directed by Andres Särev.
Kutsumata külalised

Kutsumata külalised

May 17, 1959
Four Estonians who have escaped to Sweden during the war return to Soviet Estonia in the 1950s. The four saboteurs work for the Western Secret Service. Difficulties arise when they cross the border with an injured companion - the three have to decide what to do next.
Kolme katku vahel

Kolme katku vahel

Nov 14, 1970
The story of Balthasar Russow, an Estonian pastor from the 16th century, his life and life's work - writing The Chronicle of Livonia.