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O que medra por dentro (C)
Cris, an environmental ecologist fighting to replant the forest, finds evidence that a forest fire will be intentionally started imminently. After preventing it, he discovers that whoever was behind the plot will attempt another fire soon, determined not to fail again. Cris will do whatever he can to stop the fire once more.


Apr 12, 2023
Accro aux jeux d'argent, Sergio a promis à sa femme de ne plus se faire avoir mais cède à la tentation en découvrant qu'un match de foot truqué pourrait lui rapporter gros. Il retourne donc chez le bookmaker dans l'idée de récupérer tout ce qu'il a perdu avec ses gains. Mais Alejo fait irruption et braque les lieux. Pablo, un tireur d'élite, est appelé sur place par la commissaire Costa pour participer à l'opération. Il a bien du mal à se concentrer sur sa mission, obnubilé par la situation critique de son fils, hospitalisé et en attente d'une greffe pour lui sauver la vie.
Las Altas Presiones

Las Altas Presiones

Nov 10, 2014
Miguel travels to Pontevedra, his hometown, with the request of serching for some locations for a movie. His trip takes him back to the place where he grew up, meeting up with some old friends, but also leads him to the possibility of a new relationship: Alicia, a young nurse who will get to calm him down. Miguel will try to finish his work even though he mostly prefers to film the natives he meets, the movements and faces of his friends, the trains coming or the sea. A journey around the uprooting (the cinema) and love.
As Neves

As Neves

May 10, 2024
In As Neves, a mountain village, a group of teenagers celebrate a party and eat mushrooms for the first time. The next day they wake up to the news that Paula has disappeared. In addition, a snowstorm leaves the town cut off. It is urgent to find her but no one seems to know anything.
Artificial Justice

Artificial Justice

Sep 12, 2024
Dans un avenir proche, le gouvernement entend remplacer les juges par un logiciel d'intelligence artificielle, promettant ainsi d'automatiser et de dépolitiser efficacement le système judiciaire. Carmen Costa, une éminente juge, a été invitée à évaluer cette nouvelle procédure. Cependant, lorsque le créateur du logiciel est retrouvé mort, elle réalise que sa vie est en danger et qu'elle devra lutter contre les intérêts puissants qui se jouent dans les plus hautes sphères de l'État.
Septiembre (Los amores jóvenes)
L. is a seventeen girl. This is the last afternoon of her summer holidays at the coast, so she grabs her bike to go and see C., a boy she met throughout the summer. The two of them had planned to spend their last afternoon by the beach, but a walk over town and a few casual encounters will make an impact on L.
Palmiers dans la neige
Sa curiosité éveillée par une vieille lettre, une jeune femme se rend dans la plantation tropicale de sa famille pour explorer les secrets accumulés pendant des générations.
A cicatriz branca

A cicatriz branca

Jan 11, 2012
In the first half of the 20th century, thousands of women left alone in Galicia towards America. Many of them were illegal, with papers that falsified their age and even their identity. Common stories like Merce's, no place to go nor to go. In addition to work at the Mil8 factory, home and attend accounting classes, but a good day the norm is falling for something as simple as capturing a situation that is not yet able to name.


Mar 26, 2021
Libertad is a combination of intense drama, villainy , betrayal , romance , heroism and redemption . Dealing with revenge, justice , ambition and redemption that turns out to be the main axis of the plot . This is a Bandoleros movie regarding outlaws in 19th century Andalucía, Spain, who alone or in bands , engulfed the region with merciless assaults and ominous murders , while authorities carried out terrible punishments and bloody executions
El pueblo

El pueblo

Apr 14, 2023
A group of urbanites flee the city for different reasons: existential, economic crisis, need for fresh air, search for peace, inspiration to compose ... The intention of these strangers is to settle in an abandoned town and start their lives from scratch, but when they arrive they discover that there are still some neighbors: rural people with a very different way of seeing life.
Une affaire Privée

Une affaire Privée

Sep 16, 2022
En Galice dans les années 40. Marina Quiroga, une jeune femme de la haute société qui a l'âme d'une détective décide, avec son fidèle majordome Héctor, de piéger le tueur qui terrorise la ville.
L'Affaire Asunta

L'Affaire Asunta

Apr 26, 2024
Après avoir signalé la disparition de leur fille Asunta, âgée de 12 ans, des parents se retrouvent rapidement visés par l'enquête.


Mar 20, 2011
The border between the North of Portugal and Galicia is the biggest drug entry point in Europe. History not only reflects the reality of clans but also engages in social implications.
Land Rober Tunai Show

Land Rober Tunai Show

Jun 15, 2023
Land Rober Tunai Show is two continuous hours of humor, guests, music, comedy, collaborators and has the direct participation of the audience in the studio.


Oct 10, 2024
La série s'ouvre sur le meurtre de la maire d'un petit village. L'enquête devient une obsession pour Maite , la sergent enquêteur, qui va tenter de découvrir qui l'a tuée et pourquoi. Tomás, un enseignant frustré, est le seul témoin de l'événement et sera de la plus haute importance dans l'enquête sur le meurtre.