Vera Pashennaya

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May 12, 1958
Le prince Mychkine revient de Suisse pour la Russie, où il a été soigné dans une clinique psychiatrique. Dans le train qui le mène à Saint-Pétersbourg, le prince rencontre Parfyon Rogozhin, qui lui raconte son amour passionné pour Nastasya Filippovna, l'ancienne femme du millionnaire Totsky. À Saint-Pétersbourg, le prince se retrouve dans la maison chez sa parente - Lizaveta Yepanchina (épouse du général), rencontre son mari, leurs filles, ainsi que le secrétaire du général - Ganya Ivolgin. Le portrait de Nastasya Filippovna, aperçu par hasard sur la table du général, fait grande impression sur le prince...


Oct 30, 1922
"Polikushka" was the only film directed by Aleksandr Sanin, one of Moscow Art Academic Theatre's founders, and is based on Lev Tolstoy's homonym short story. In spite the many differences between the literary oeuvre and its film adaptation it is a remarkable work that is outstanding for its depiction of the cruel realities of Russian society -the harsh life condition of its main character and his family in contrast to the wealth of his mistress;
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An optimistic drama about an ordinary Moscow worker who, thanks to her integrity, intelligence and justice, won everyone’s trust and was elected as a people’s judge.